Serenity (Firefly) Trailer

Dalamari said:
Since when can River do kung-fu....?

It looks cool, but I enjoyed the tight shots and blurry lens look from the show.

You have to watch the rest of them. Besides, who says they are ditching the camera work that was a part of the series?

Go out and buy Firefly box set if you haven't yet, it is more than worth the money.
Glirk Dient said:
Go out and buy Firefly box set if you haven't yet, it is more than worth the money.

QFT, I have the 3 unaired episodes left to watch.
Greatgat said:
You have no idea how hard I've tried to get people into, say, Buffy. Everyone is always like "Pft, Buffy? That show is lame." and that's always because they've never seen it. Then I show them eps like "The Body", "Doppelgangland", and, yes, "Once More, with Feeling" and that's it. They want more.

You never mentioned the episode "HUSH" :eek:
Well I finished watchin all the shows, amazing to say the least. This is one of the few series I have actually commited to watching, Sopranos being another one.

I watched some of the special feature things and it was quite sad to have the creators and cast talk about it being overwith.

I hope the movie pulls through and brings enough $$$ to warrant the sequels. I need to know what happens gah dammnit!
Just saw the movie tonight at a prescreening. It was very good.

Personally, I like the series better than the movie, probably because I like the more realistic plots like simply trying to do a job or surviving instead of the movie's "OMG LET'S SAVE THE WORLD AT ANY COST" theme.

Also, I was expecting more of a review of the past events (from the series). Although, I guess it's fine because my friends who hadn't seen the show didn't seem confused at all.
chu said:
QFT, I have the 3 unaired episodes left to watch.
What? It was cancelled? It seems really weird that a movie has been made of a show I’ve never heard of, let alone one that didn’t even get all its episodes aired. But I’ll take your advise, I wanted to see the movie but I’ll check out the series first.
It was Fox that cancelled it. Remember, these are the same guys that cancelled Family Guy... twice.
The movie was f***ing awesome! :bounce:

One of the coolest scenes is when they are heading to see Mr. Universe and they emerge through the cloud and then the storm of Reaver's tear follow through the cloud right behind them.
I thought it was great

rank1 on my favorite movies now, before SW and Forest Gump
Absolutely amazing. One of my favorite movies. It was more than I could have imagined it to be.
Gets one of my "favorite movies of all time" stamps. If it doesn't become a phenomenon it deserves to.
Direwolf said:
Gets one of my "favorite movies of all time" stamps. If it doesn't become a phenomenon it deserves to.

QF A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y and Z.
Haha, Just watched most of the series over this weekend, they were showing all of them back-to-back on the scifi channel. I think I mist four in the middle though, as I had to look after my nephew yesterday. It is one of the most original episodic scifi dramas.

I didn't understand the concept for why it was so western in atmosphere, until I saw the beginning of one of the episodes and it describes how some colonies were living from what they could find and make.

There is a question that one of you is bound to know (hopefully), is the movie trying to take the best elements of the 11 episodes to make a movie, and then the sequals will be ones that we cannot relate to from the series
Ive also watched the whole series over the weekend on sci-fi
and i propose that we make a petition to get Fox to release the rights, cos i want more.
D.L said:
Ive also watched the whole series over the weekend on sci-fi
and i propose that we make a petition to get Fox to release the rights, cos i want more.

Joss Whedon has the rights (probably not the name of the series, thats why he's calling it serenity) for the film, thats the reason why they are making a movie ;)
I think I heard he doesn't want to continue on with the series on TV, he wants to make 2 more movies instead.
Yeah, I believe he said that he'd make 2 more movies if this one was successful. Hopefully that will happen!
Snakebyte said:
Yeah, I believe he said that he'd make 2 more movies if this one was successful. Hopefully that will happen!


All I know is that there aren't any fans of the show in my town. There was like 15 people in the theatre. The idiots around here would wrather waste money on that talentless c**t Jessica Alba's movie.
There were like 50 at the showing I went too, and it was the showing right before the busiest.
On TV it said it debuted at #2 in grossings. That's good. :)
man some people dont appreciate good Movies theyd rathter go see that chick flick wither being and ghost andwhat not
Man...! My 'cinema friends' (i.e. the dudes I go to the cinema with on a regular basis) are going to see Revolver this week on Wednesday. I suggested to them that maybe we should see Serenity instead on it's Thursday release, but none of them are into Sci-Fi so they don't wanna go.

Suffice to say I'm not going to watch the POS that is Revolver.
and Universal are well aware that Serenity's profits lie in the DVD sales.
Of course they're aware. Most movies that don't do well at the box office almost always make up the profits worldwide + DVD.
chu said:
The idiots around here would wrather waste money on that talentless c**t Jessica Alba's movie.
Well I wouldn't say she's ALL talentless. ;)
chu said:

All I know is that there aren't any fans of the show in my town. There was like 15 people in the theatre. The idiots around here would wrather waste money on that talentless c**t Jessica Alba's movie.

Firefly only was shown on Sci-Fi channel in this country. Unfortunatly people would rather buy FreeView boxes (SciFi isn't one of the channels) in my town, instead of paying a higher monthly fee for Cable or Satellite TV.

Serenity appeals to two of my mates who haven't seen the series before, but have both seen Buffy and Angel, so they know what they are expecting :)
I just got back from seeing the movie and I thought it kicked ass! But the loss of a few characters was really tragic. :(

As I expected, some things felt unresolved or cut short. That has more to do with being exposed to the series beforehand. For instance, I felt that Shephard's backstory is something that could have been gone into, but all it got was a simple allusion before he was killed off. So... I guess that's a chunk of the Firefly universe flushed away. Walsh's death also seemed sudden and the way the crew dealt with that seemed stiff. Hello, a major member of your crew just died. How about a bit of a reaction?
Also, I was expecting the two suits to appear. You know, the ones from the series that whipped out their gadgets and made everybody bleed to death? Not a single thing about them.

All in all though, I'd sincerely reccomend it. It helps to be familiar with the series first though.
They left a bunch of time between the series and the movie, so its very likely we're going to see some flashbacks in anything else that it made. And they're probably saving Book's background for something like that is my guess.
As for the two suits, they are in the movie. In the very opening where River is freed you see them watch the incident on the monitor, and it is one of them using his gun to smash the glass as they escape up the shaft.
I don't think those were the same guys. I thought that at first, but the ones in the series look more aged and well-kept. Plus, they had the blue gloves all the time.

So unless my memory is failing me already, they weren't in the movie. The guys they did show looked more like security personnel. Not the kind of people that go out and "clean up".
just saw the flick tonight, awesome movie but;
Why o' Why did Wash have to die?
They probably did react purty bad, when they were behind the blast doors, but before that they were fighting for their survival, so they had more on their mind.

I need more, i want a new series/Movie, the lot.

note from ennui - use the spoiler tags, not the sarcasm tags, thanks :)
Saw it tonight. Absolutely amazing. I didn't watch the series but I will now. This damn movie was awesome.
It was...quite good. I liked it but it felt A. rushed and B. not enough was made of anything, if you see what I mean. Lots of things happened and they happened very fast but they didn't really seem momentous, or seem to really go anywhere.