Seven-year-old... armed robber?


May 21, 2004
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Police in Florida are looking for a little girl, aged about seven, who tried to steal Lego at knife-point.

The girl pulled a knife on a cashier at a Wal-Mart store in Largo as she tried to walk out with two boxes of Lego.

Police say the girl, aged about seven or eight, hid the toys under her coat and tried to walk out, reports

A store employee approached the child, asking her to turn over the Lego blocks.

Police say the little girl then opened her jacket and pulled out a 10ins carving knife.

The employee talked the girl into putting down the knife and the toys. The girl then rode away on her bicycle.


I guess you can never be too young.
Dear god, that is such a sad story D: How would she have learned that? Her parents teaching her that stuff, or watching police tv shows perhaps?

Bill Hicks predicted this. "Just handcuff the bastard as he comes out the vagina, shine a police torch right up there and pull him out and arrest him, there's crime prevention in action!" We're not there yet, thank god.
lol lego?

btw I dont fire rare a litle kid robber,you think crime hav a age limit?

anyway lol cuz she wanted lego
"The girl then rode away on her bicycle."

Wow, she even had an elaborate getaway plan. No wonder they didn't catch her...
"The girl then rode away on her bicycle"

ok as sad as this story is that made me :laugh:
and hilarious ...especially hilarious ...did the store clerk take down her plate number? what about make and model of tricycle? did he get a good look at the getaway vehicle ..if you had to stand in front of a police lineup could you positively identify ....

ok I'll stop now :E
I can understand, supporting a Lego habit is hard. Besides, shit's real in the hood, yo.
"The girl then rode away on her bicycle"

ok as sad as this story is that made me :laugh:

me too... I can just picture the police radio.

"Suspect last seen roaring down the sidewalk on a pink girl's bicycle. Reports that the bike has tassels and a handlebar basket. Eyewitness accounts put the suspect at four feet tall, weighing approximately 55 pounds. May be armed with cutlery."
me too... I can just picture the police radio.

"Suspect last seen roaring down the sidewalk on a pink girl's bicycle. Reports that the bike has tassels and a handlebar basket. Eyewitness accounts put the suspect at four feet tall, weighing approximately 55 pounds. May be armed with cutlery."

"Tango Foxtrot Uniform, GO GO GO!"
They could send the SWAT after her and GUN THE SHIT OUT OF HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
me too... I can just picture the police radio.

"Suspect last seen roaring down the sidewalk on a pink girl's bicycle. Reports that the bike has tassels and a handlebar basket. Eyewitness accounts put the suspect at four feet tall, weighing approximately 55 pounds. May be armed with cutlery."
"Shoot to kill , i repeat, Shoot to kill"
and hilarious ...especially hilarious ...did the store clerk take down her plate number? what about make and model of tricycle? did he get a good look at the getaway vehicle ..if you had to stand in front of a police lineup could you positively identify ....
Commited to a life of crime, she probably trike-jacked it from an 8 Year-Old Girl on the way to the lego store. She'll drive it to an inner-city garage and get a spray job done so that the police couldn't possibly recognise it.

You know, I hope when the Police catch her, she'll get her own TV series. America's Most Wanted Toddlers or something.
"Shoot to kill , i repeat, Shoot to kill"
"Ten-four, this is Tango Foxtrot, we have visual confirmation of playing cards on spokes, repeat, playing cards attached to wheel spokes, requesting backup for pursuit"
"Corny police scanner joke that no one laughs at."
This sounds like a great idea for a GTA spin-off...

Also, cool that it happened about 30 minutes from where I live, I was just in Largo last night. We got some kickass little kids down here.
That's ridiculous.

I wish I had thought of that when I was seven or eight, but I was unfortunately still in the conventional morality stage of Kohlborg's moral development*, and given my fairly straight-laced parents, this means I was not really tasked to steal.

So instead I just saved up my money and bought the legos, but this is a much cooler way.

*I hate most psychology and feel strongly that it's 95% bullshit but I wanted to sound intelligent so I wrote the Kohlberg thing
When I was 7, I cut up my thumb because I was pissed about being caught peeing through a fence at school :|
Ah, I love being male!

I'm having a hard time figuring out...

Was that you insisting that I was being overly emotional (which in response to, yes I was being an emo wierdo, but I had allot of anger issues back in my yungun days that led to allot of, stuff...)

Or you implying that guys are awesome because they can piss through fences (Which in response to, I saw a porno a while back, and all of a sudden this chick started peeing, and WOW! You'd be surprised at the ammount of influence women have on the direction of their urine D: )
I was leaning more towards the "we're awesome cause we can pee on stuff with relative ease, even if it's a hole in a vertical wall like a chain link fence"
I was leaning more towards the "we're awesome cause we can pee on stuff with relative ease, even if it's a hole in a vertical wall like a chain link fence"

In that case, lol.


How in gods name would she get away on a bike? A seven year old girl on a bike, and you know she's already dropped her knife. WHY NOT RUN AFTER HER?

The world seems to just get better and better.
Because they're afraid of her backup sniper. [1]

[1] Kid with a water gun.

The world seems to just get better and better.


I can't tell with you now numbers, you're starting to actually fit into this little "pet of the state" image quite well, and i'm not sure if you're joking about it.

But yeah. What the hell?! Why would she go to the effort of robbing from WALMART? Someone needs to teach that girl about high profile targets! With skills like that she could easily break into Fort Knox. Those soldiers would be absolutely defenceless and have no idea what hit them! A girl on a bike, who would suspect it!
"suspect had trown a barbie to us, repeat a barbie to us"
"Dispatch, suspect is pinned down in a Barbie playhouse, requesting permission to swarm"
"Tango Foxtrot, you have green light, repeat, green light, apprehend suspect dead or alive"