Seven-year-old... armed robber?

"Suspect has a hostage, it appears to stuff teddy bear...I repeat the suspect has a hostage.......all swat team members stand by with tear gas, over."
We can't risk this getting out of control. Bring in the negotiator!

"how its going the negotiator?"
"I am not sure he put the phone inside his mouth"
LOL stigmata, nice picture. Talk about rush delievery!

I can see it now.....*UPS man walks to the door, Stigmata answers the door*

UPS man: Sign here please............."oh by the way sorry about scratching the paint job on the garage."
UPS man: *Walks back to truck and tries to start it*
UPS man: "The truck wont start do you by chance have any jumper cables?"
Stigmata: "Let me pull my car out of the....oh"

"Outbreak outbreak outbre___________flatline____________"
Just out of curiosity, if say the employee did decided to disarm by perhaps kicking her in the face, would the employee get in more trouble? :o

I'd say stopping a little girl is near impossible, because your more likely to be charged if you stop her than she will.
Just out of curiosity, if say the employee did decided to disarm by perhaps kicking her in the face, would the employee get in more trouble? :o

I'd say stopping a little girl is near impossible, because your more likely to be charged if you stop her than she will.

yeah and problaly the family will sue the employee and sure they will won

employee:"but she tried to rob us whit a knife"
judge:"omfg you attacked a litle girl!,this is america not a arabian country,to the chair"
media:"and here comes the monster that kicked this litle girl,what the family hav to say?"
16 years old kid parent:"well yeah how he dares to do that she just wanted to buy toys for poor kids and that donation shit,hav some few bucks to spare?"
I agree with RJMC. And disarming a little girl in this society of ours will make you be branded as a pedophille. :x
In Britain if he were classed a peado he could get away with anything due to his, "mental problems".......yeah sure......f*cktards
*Envisions action-packed chase scene between an obese, hairy man on a tricycle and a little girl on a bike*

*Grabs a camera*
Having lived in Florida for just 7 months.... I can say that I am wholly unsurprised.

Her parents (who are probably in their 20s) likely taught her. She probably hangs out with other thug kids her age. Its so ****ing sad that people raise their children like this... and I see it like every day.