Shattered Horizon (PC)

lulz, balls. Yep, I can definitely add you to the old 'Not worth my time' list.
Cry on a river?


About to buy the game btw.
Indeed it does. My K/D ratio barely goes over 1.0 in most games...
Same here! It's just a matter of practice, bro.
Thinking of getting this seeing as it's on sale on steam.

Does anyone still play this? Many players/servers still online? Whats the community like?
I just bought it and got 3 guest passes. I can send you one if you want to try it out for yourself.
Whats your Steam username Ren? Doesnt look like you're on my friends list yet.
or ren182 might work
Thanks, Krynn :)
How do you do single player? Or is this multiplayer only?

EDIT: Looks like MP only.
There is no single player. There might possibly be bots, but pssh, who cares about them?
I actually convinced my brother to get me this now... since it's only 5 bucks.
I'm actually quite enjoying it, getting a few kills and stuff so I don't feel like I'm just getting owned constantly (which hasn't really happened).

The controls take a little getting used to, don't roll around as much as I probably should. But its quite fun :)

My 8800GTX runs it fine on medium, which is enough to see the lights from jetpacks and shadows and such. So I'm not losing out on any gameplay hints and stuff.

Think I'll purchase. Thanks for the trial key, Krynn :D <3
I'm running it great on high with a 4850. Great, great game, and although it is indeed standard FPS fare, the zero-g element makes it so much damn more awesome.
I thought so too. Read my earlier posts in this thread. I was wrong though, the matches I've played have been lots of fun. One of the few multiplayer games I actually enjoyed in many years actually.
Those who are playing it, is it giving you vertigo or some weird brain-**** from the total lack of horizon or gravitational 'anchor'?
Those who are playing it, is it giving you vertigo or some weird brain-**** from the total lack of horizon or gravitational 'anchor'?

No. But then again, I manage very well when it comes to things like this.
I get disoriented sometimes when trying to escape from a fight, but usually im fine with it. Other than that though, no mind****s really happen for me.
It'd be, like, cool if more Australians play this game.
Oh man plenty of servers, they're just mostly empty.

Before the latest patch I used to just play on 200 ping on American servers.

Not these days. :(
Someone made a /v/ server, so that's what I play on now. Decent ping, and people are actually rather good at the game.
I'm just now reading this thread and hawt damn am I intrigued. I haven't played a good 6 DOF game since Descent 3.
I was really interested in it until I found out it had no story mode or singleplayer missions. I don't know why but this completely turns me off the thing. Come on, they could at least have the decency to throw in some set-up bot matches with a crackly voice over telling you to accomplish objectives and to do a synchronised jetpack burn on "three, two, one, mark" (because let's face it, the countdowns are the most exciting thing about SPACE). I mean, if the events depicted at the beginning of this trailer are not actually real I will have to be sad for a bit.

Maybe bots would have been hard to code what with the 3D gameplay and all but look at how I make the sign of a 'W' with my hands, as if to signify the word 'WHATEVER'.
I was really interested in it until I found out it had no story mode or singleplayer missions. I don't know why but this completely turns me off the thing. Come on, they could at least have the decency to throw in some set-up bot matches with a crackly voice over telling you to accomplish objectives and to do a synchronised jetpack burn on "three, two, one, mark" (because let's face it, the countdowns are the most exciting thing about SPACE). I mean, if the events depicted at the beginning of this trailer are not actually real I will have to be sad for a bit.

Maybe bots would have been hard to code what with the 3D gameplay and all but look at how I make the sign of a 'W' with my hands, as if to signify the word 'WHATEVER'.

Get a good group of friends.
Get on Steam, get a voice chat going.
Be awesome.

And you have to say "over" after every statement on the mic.

Of course, I don't have a computer that can remotely run this game, but still!
Also, be sure to say 'STAY FROSTY' and when you move, say 'OSCAR MIKE'.
