short new video-material on german PC-Games


Oct 6, 2003
Reaction score
It came out on 27th April with interview stuff with Gabe on DVD. Its video material is all known, but at the end there is a sequence with Alyx and Dr. Kleiner in the Labs where she talks about that she found 'him' (Gordon) running around outside and so on. Its about 20 seconds long but for sure never seen before. It looks like taken with a cam.
Its a .vob-file. If realy no one else has already extracted it out and transformed it to an .avi, Iam going to do so.

I recomend you spoiler-tag that last bit.

But that sounds interesting...

I have played that part from the video, it's in the beta, although the video is prolly more updated and stuff.
Cool, that would be awesome if you could do so.

Also, people, cut it out with this 'spoiler' bullshit. If people don't want to read new info, then they don't click on links that say 'new material in so or so magazine'.
Eternity said:
Cool, that would be awesome if you could do so.

Also, people, cut it out with this 'spoiler' bullshit. If people don't want to read new info, then they don't click on links that say 'new material in so or so magazine'.
Are you saying I should not have tagged what I said? :(
Cool, hurry up please! Must see new stuff.
Well, I understand that people don't want the game ruined, but I mean, how is this really a spoiler?

I think it is going a little overboard.


TheWart said:
Well, I understand that people don't want the game ruined, but I mean, how is this really a spoiler?

I think it is going a little overboard.


Well, what he said about what Alyx said is kinda... I dunno...
Now we know that... Alyx finds you and takes you into the lab?
alright, iam going to throw out a divx-file.
Gimme some minutes...
You guys need to stop assuming that every little bit of information you recieve is going to spoil the game

OMG--Gordon will be able to launch cars with grenades!
I need to see video............ my life is wasting away without HL2!
I know im still waiting to lol, come on zebra!
i hope i get to see this footage before the link gets removed
This is a very big spoiler. In an intervju with Gabe Newell over Steam, he said that HL2 won't finish proper and you NEED TO PLAY HL3 to understand HL2. HL3 will be released for free (if you buyed hl2) on steam, and won't go retail in stores.

Also, that in HL3 you will se even more enemies and have lesser allied people. HL3 will be played abit in City 17, but the most of the game takes place at Xen. Since they already is having a team making HL3, we will see HL3 on Steam soon.
haha, all of you people drooling over 20 seconds of footage prolly shaking all over the place from the hand cam?
and the "spoiler" crap, its prolly 20 seconds of the old bink videos run backwards and mirrored, or some Japanese Anime movie or something lol.
Haha ;-) I hope noone belived in what I wrote. Cause that was imagination ;) It wouldn't suprise me :) But hey hoe, all new material from hl2 is TEH ROEXXOERZ
Gordons'Freeman...what the hell are ya talking about ?

I don't get the sound ripped. So I put only the vid on a page. 4.9 MB
Its a damned slow Lycos-account. Still uploading.
I'll post the link in some minutes...
Zebra, you can contact me at irc (my nick is pussy`-`) and I will upload it to my ftp wich is.. total pwn. Fast :)
I can just imagine Gordan kinda wandering around city-17 hands down by his side, jaw dropped/gaping, looking around trying to figure out what happened.

Sorta like Mitch in "A Mighty Wind" who goes wandering off.
Its some kind of bloody. Anyway too small for Aleyxs 'dog'.
oh, yes. If anyone has a prob that Iam linking to that vid-tell me before killing me, pls.
Cutey->just normal MS mediaplayer. Its Divx4 compressed
looking closely at that movie u can get an idea of how nice the animation is, one of the features im looking forward most about this game.
it needs sound so if you say your sound isnt working..

its because it has none
so does mine, it has a short german voice over then a short piece of speech between alyx and leiner
I didn't have sound the 1st time that I played it but the 2nd time through, the sound kicked in.
Ok, I guess I messed up with audio-codec. If you guys can hear sound, its okay for me.
What does Dr. Kleiners movement at the beginning mean to you, guys ?
Is he scared? Shocked, about the open cage ??