Should the world form a colliation to attack Iran

How should the world deal with Iran

  • Diplomacy

    Votes: 50 47.2%
  • Collation for invasion

    Votes: 15 14.2%
  • Leave them be

    Votes: 34 32.1%
  • other

    Votes: 7 6.6%

  • Total voters
CptStern said:
you have no say in the matter, you will fight regardless
No, I do have a choice, as I have neither commissioned nor enlisted I still have the freedom to decide whether I want to or not.
Attacking Iran would be an absolute catastrophe, especially if Nuclear weapons are used. It would destabilize the entire region and pretty much every Islamic country would turn on the U.S.. Terrorist activity would increase about a 1000 fold and if they didn't manage to get all of the weapon sites there's a high probability that Iran might push ahead developing nuclear weapons with the intent of actually using them, not just to scare their neighbours (if we can even be sure they're developing them at all). People shouldn't base decisions that could have serious consequences for the entire planet on the words of some little man, even if he is the president of Iran. Chances are the regime will collapse of its own accord anyway. I'm more worried about the actions of another little man on the otherside of the world.
mortiz said:
Attacking Iran would be an absolute catastrophe, especially if Nuclear weapons are used. It would destabilize the entire region and pretty much every Islamic country would turn on the U.S.. Terrorist activity would increase about a 1000 fold and if they didn't manage to get all of the weapon sites there's a high probability that Iran might push ahead developing nuclear weapons with the intent of actually using them, not just to scare their neighbours (if we can even be sure they're developing them at all). People shouldn't base decisions that could have serious consequences for the entire planet on the words of some little man, even if he is the president of Iran. Chances are the regime will collapse of its own accord anyway. I'm more worried about the actions of another little man on the otherside of the world.

basically WWIII.
The United States need this war. Their crumbling economy solely relies on those sweet government owned manufacturers from which the military purchases it's equipement.
Diplomatically. Iran can be a threat to its neighbors, but the answer to that threat isn't violence.
CptStern said:
it's not going to be tommorrow
I don't understand how that's relevant at all. If a war comes up in the near future and I believe in it I will sign up for the military, if I don't believe in it then I'll jest let it go.
mortiz said:
People shouldn't base decisions that could have serious consequences for the entire planet on the words of some little man, even if he is the president of Iran. Chances are the regime will collapse of its own accord anyway.

Most of the people here thought what a nuclear bomb does are just "boom", killing the enemy and nothing more. They don't really know the consequences. They don't know the nuclear detonation can blow up an entire city or cities, not just like the gas explosion in your neighbours' house, let alone the radioacive fallout and nuclear winter, or summer, anyway.

dream431ca said:
basically WWIII.

I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.

CptStern said:
thankfully these people dont decide

I like the black guy with beard. It is quite wise saying to attack China first, and Russia. As for the other people, I can see that they hate Australian a lot.
It's a joke, and it's not original, and it's not funny.

Even other countries say things like this when talking about America. 'Oohhh America should nuke them!' It's no more realistic than saying I would kill you if you touch my car - or something along those lines. It's the common thing people who don't have a clue what is going on in the world to say when they don't want to talk about it. What do you suppose people would say if you jokingly ask random by-passers what country to attack next? Who is to say they didn't ask 300 people and only the handful shown actually participated? There isn't even an option for attack none, and it's set up as a joke, so why even post that? That has about as much weight as something off of a comedy show - in fact, thats what it was - except that in this case, it's not even funny.

The only thing I found disturbing was that guy that said - quite seriously, most Canadians think that America should be wiped off of the Earth.

I wish everybody would stop with their fear mongering. When was the last time America used nuclear bombs in a war? Once, and only once, as a last resort, in order to force Japan to surrender, instead of an all-out war that would have killed many times what it did. This is not that situation here with Iran!

Please, there are so many great people in America. Don't let the actions of few, or some news article create a false sense of us all. Not even Americans know what we will or will not do - meaning that what we will do is top secret, and this video clip only further proves my point. Americans generally don't have a clue what to do - that's not their job in America to know what to do.

I know there are those that say everything the US does is some kind of trick, and I doubt much of any of this is true, but when you consider a war with another country, you are scared of the outcome, and yes you would rather destruction and death upon them, but that is the simple thing that all intelligent life has going for it - it's us or them.

Finally, as if you didn't know or notice - it is only the people that say the stupidest things that get any media attention - because they say the stupidest things, and that is what makes it so unbelievable, so interesting. Nobody hears any good news, or what is really going on behind closed doors. All of that is top secret in every country.

I can assure you of this; not going to happen. There are much better routes to take.
VirusType2 said:
The only thing I found disturbing was that guy that said - quite seriously, most Canadians think that America should be wiped off of the Earth.

That is not true. Things need to change, but nobody needs to be wiped off the map.

Except France.
Most of Americans cannot find the where the Amerca is located in on a world map. lol
bbson_john said:
Most of Americans cannot find the where the Amerca is located in on a world map. lol

I call bull. Back it up with fact.

Oh wait. You can't! All you've seen is some selectively edited, stupid people, on funny videos.
bbson_john said:
Most of Americans cannot find the where the Amerca is located in on a world map. lol
It's just not true. There are those that might not of course; someone who never went to school, but everyone I know can tell you where all the most prominent countries are on a map. I mean there are 190+ nations, do I really need to learn all of these when I still haven't learned how to get to the thieves guild in the new Oblivion game? :smoking:

:cheese: Come on man, we have a tough job, we have to memorize 50+ states (others that are pretty much part of the US like Puerto Rico, Guam, the Virgin Islands, etc.) and their capitols + Canada and Mexico - our neighbors.

I got a D- or failing grade in geography and world history / social studies pretty much throughout my life and eventually droped out of school myself and I'm not nearly that stupid to not be able to find USA on a map.
VirusType2 said:
It's just not true. There are those that might not of course; someone who never went to school, but everyone I know can tell you where all the most prominent country is on a map. I mean there are 190+ nations, do I really need to learn all of these when I still haven't learned how to get to the thieves guild in the new Oblivion game? :smoking:

Come on man, we have a tough job, we have to memorize 52 states and their capitols + Canada and Mexico, our neighbors. :cheese:

There's only 50 states!!!!
Black Pete said:
There's only 50 states!!!!

Maybe he's also lumping Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands into that mix.
Black Pete said:
There's only 50 states!!!!
50 states and aquired "territories" under our watch. Puerto Rico, American Samoa for example.
bbson_john said:
Most of Americans cannot find the where the Amerca is located in on a world map. lol


u so funneh

I can locate anything on the ****ing globe because I have Google Earth. I could even find out where best to nuke Hong Kong from orbit.
My girlfriend for a few years lived in Puerto Rico and always wanted Puerto Rico to become part of the United States.

Yea sorry, like I said, I dropped out of school. I didn't want to learn world geography! I wanted to learn computer programing, art, girls, and things like home economics - where you learn to build things with wood and metal. I always got A's in Keyboarding, Art, Computer classes, and home economics classes.

And so here I am, 15 years later, a carpenter / computer programmer who types fast as shit and loves art and girls. :)
VirusType2 said:
My girlfriend for a few years lived in Puerto Rico and always wanted Puerto Rico to become part of the United States.

Yea sorry, like I said I dropped out of school. I didn't want to learn world geography! I wanted to learn computer programing, art, girls, and things like home ec. - where you learn to build things with wood and metal.

And so here I am, 15 years later, a carpenter / computer programmer who loves art and girls. :)

In a sense, I envy you.
Raziaar said:
I call bull. Back it up with fact.

Oh wait. You can't! All you've seen is some selectively edited, stupid people, on funny videos.

No, a few researches have been done and they have shown most of the American students don't have the ability to point out where is the USA, their country.
bbson_john said:
No, a few researches have been done and they have shown most of the American students don't have the ability to point out where is the USA, their country.

What, kindergarteners? "lol tem idots, tey cannot locate teh usa, nubs lol!"
bbson_john said:
No, a few researches have been done and they have shown most of the American students don't have the ability to point out where is the USA, their country.

I could say that researchers have shown that most chinese youth cannot differentiate between steamed rice and maggots.

But obviously that is unsubstantiated. Back it up with your researchers facts.

Cause I smell bullshit, and its wafting through the air at an alarming rate.
bbson_john said:
No, a few researches have been done and they have shown most of the American students don't have the ability to point out where is the USA, their country.

Done by who? You?
bbson_john said:
No, a few researches have been done and they have shown most of the American students don't have the ability to point out where is the USA, their country.
That's a myth, and a fallacy, and not even slightly believable and I implore you to back that up with a credible source before stating it as a fact. Prove it, and then lets stay on topic please.
It is a proven fact a great deal of US citizens are deficient in their geography, but I doubt anyone with an IQ above 60 would be lost on finding the US on a map.
I myself scored one of the highest possible scores on survey of this nature, so obviously the deficiency stems from lazy students cocking about, ignoring this simple subject.
SixThree said:
Done by who? You?

Reuters, it is several months ago so I cannot find the link. It doesn't matter if you don't believe, fact is still a fact.
bbson_john said:
Reuters, it is several months ago so I cannot find the link. It doesn't matter if you don't believe, fact is still a fact.

Yes, a fact is still a fact...

However, you cannot prove that it is a fact, can you?

We can have ten different people claim something is a fact, backed by their so called research, which can be shoddy in design. Doesn't make it a fact.
I would prefer a diplomatic means of dissuading them. If not then war, as long as most of Europe and Russia join in. China as well if they are willing :D
I doubt Russia + China would join in :p they'd probably even veto it in the UN.
VirusType2 said:
That's a myth, and a fallacy, and not even slightly believable and I implore you to back that up with a credible source before stating it as a fact. Prove it, and then lets stay on topic please.

while nowhere near a majority 11% of US students between the ages of 18 and 24 couldnt find the US on a map

also troubling:

87% couldnt find Iraq on a map

but this was in 2002 so I'm sure numbers have gone down/up

VirusType2 said:
The only thing I found disturbing was that guy that said - quite seriously, most Canadians think that America should be wiped off of the Earth.

that isnt even remotely true ..I dont know of anyone who thinks that way not even jokingly
CptStern said:
87% couldnt find Iraq on a map
And I guarantee that an even lower number could find Iran...;(

And fewer still would know what country it was before it became Iran in 1935...;(

An even smaller number would know that this outspoken President that they have does not actually control the armed forces in his country (what a relief!), but rather, the Supreme Leader of Iran controls the army and only he can declare war--not the president. This should hopefully make everyone a little calmer about the situation....
VictimOfScience said:
the Supreme Leader of Iran controls the army and only he can declare war--not the president. This should hopefully make everyone a little calmer about the situation....

Well that sure reasures me... NOT. NUKE EM':flame: :flame: muahahaha:devil:
Redneck said:
Well that sure reasures me... NOT. NUKE EM':flame: :flame: muahahaha:devil:

your "insightful" comments pretty much amount to useless spam ...oh you'll do well in the politics forum ...not that I expected anything less from a person who chose the name "redneck"
He's just another bad apple. Another reason for people to stereotype all Americans as war-mongering, power-hungry a-holes. Pity...

The problem is that everyone by and large is misinformed. If you want to know what is really going on in the world, you have to find out for yourself. You can't just turn on CNN and expect to get it. Thank goodness for the internet--without it, those in power might have a much more serious control of their citizens' minds via their manipulation of the media in their respective countries. At least now some truth comes out and the information is becoming more widespread and accessible. Now at least people can believe what they choose instead of what they are told.
ya I prefer to judge people on their merits/lack of merits rather than their geographical location ...although some people make it harder to do so than others
CptStern said:
your "insightful" comments pretty much amount to useless spam ...oh you'll do well in the politics forum ...not that I expected anything less from a person who chose the name "redneck"

As far as I'm concerned politics are as much use as spam is and I'm sure as hell not going to stick around in this section, your debates(which aren't going to change anything in this world anyway) piss me off. Oh yeah and my choice of forum name isn't on debate here is it.

VictimOfScience said:
He's just another bad apple. Another reason for people to stereotype all Americans as war-mongering, power-hungry a-holes. Pity...

I'm not American thank you very much and not a war-mongering, powerhungry idiot.
I would really like it if there was a peaceful solution for every conflict, but in this case any diplomatic action is in vain and no I'm not basing my opinions on brainwashing TV news as you suggest.
OK, so lets just let them be and wait to see what happens that should would clear everything up (literally).
Redneck said:
I'm not American
You must be a Scot then, right? Why else choose Redneck as a handle?

Redneck said:
and not a war-mongering, powerhungry idiot.
Really? Your NUKE 'EM rhetoric could have fooled me!

Redneck said:
in this case any diplomatic action is in vain and no I'm not basing my opinions on brainwashing TV news as you suggest.
On what exactly are you basing your opinion then? Why is diplomatic action impotent here?