Should the world form a colliation to attack Iran

How should the world deal with Iran

  • Diplomacy

    Votes: 50 47.2%
  • Collation for invasion

    Votes: 15 14.2%
  • Leave them be

    Votes: 34 32.1%
  • other

    Votes: 7 6.6%

  • Total voters
CptStern said:


The thing is - Geography in general is the most useless subject unless you want to get into foreign politics or be a teacher of this subject or something.

In my humble opinion, not only is Geography pretty much useless when compared to subjects like Math and English, teachers don't know how to make it interesting, and I can't say they have an easy job here.

I guess some people could find it interesting. I am known to think that everyone thinks the same way I do, and am always wrong because everyone is different, but - do any of you find Geography interesting? I don't really think America's Geography test scores are all that important, to be honest. I feel that Math, Science, and English scores are though.

Come to think of it, the only interesting subject was Science in my opinion, aside from all the non-mandatory subjects like Art.

What was the topic? ahhh. Diplomacy, diplomacy, diplomacy. Always the best strategy to start out with.
Redneck said:
As far as I'm concerned politics are as much use as spam is and I'm sure as hell not going to stick around in this section

which begs the question as to what you're doing here in the first place

Redneck said:
your debates(which aren't going to change anything in this world anyway) piss me off.

you could always try to refute my claims ...sitting there in silence does nothing

Redneck said:
I'm not American thank you very much and not a war-mongering, powerhungry idiot.
I would really like it if there was a peaceful solution for every conflict, but in this case any diplomatic action is in vain and no I'm not basing my opinions on brainwashing TV news as you suggest.

then what exactly are you basing your assumption on? ..surely not facts
For those of you who might be interested in a very intelligent analysis of Iran's nuclear ambitions and the options we have to deal with them, please check out this PDF.

It brings up the interesting point that the most important issue to Iran as a country right now is their economy and that all of this nuclear talk won't necessarily help the country become a major player in the elite club of modern nuclear powers because it might very well bring eceonomic sanctions from the global community, thereby backfiring on the President's strategy. Time will tell...but diplomacy is the least problematic option, as they state.
Diplomatic means are definatly not all "exhausted" and there's plenty of room for diplomatic means to solve this solution, even if the little Iranian man has a big mouth.
No, the world should not form a coalition to attack Iran. That is silly talk.

Like Ome_vince just said, there is a huge amount of diplomatic work that needs to be done.
If you threaten them, of course they're going to try to go their own way.

What happened to the carrot on a stick method, rather than the barrel of a gun?
kirovman said:
If you threaten them, of course they're going to try to go their own way.

What happened to the carrot on a stick method, rather than the barrel of a gun?

Yea, thats a good point, America has gotten a reputation as being a ****ing bully, and because of this, mabye needs to work extra-hard to make sure they aren't acting so intimidating / infringing. America is like Mr.-T. LMFAO. :LOL: We just can't confront countries any other way. (in case you don't know who the **** I am. I'm the juggernaut bitch!)

I pity the fool who tries to fly our planes into shit!

This is a good picture: MrT-Animal-Kermit.jpg

Sorry, back on topic:

It's been said before, and it's quite ironic - by its very nature, you can't force Democracy, and by the same token, threatening into Diplomatic talks doesn't work. Like I said in another thread, throw some water on the fire, this shit is burning out of control.

I don't even know what I'm talking about anymore, that Mr.-T thing had me. Mr.-T was awesome as ****.
The only reason America is looked upon as a bully is because of Bush. He keeps making bad decisions. I mean, its not entirely his fault, he's had to go through a lot of crap through his two terms. But, that doesn't mean he shouldn't look at the bigger picture of things here.
You mean they shoot up the joint, causing more damage than they solved just to save a community centre and get free glasses of milk(oil)?
little known fact ..before the invasion the military plan to invade Iraq was called Operation Iraqi Liberation ..but then they noticed this


so they changed it to Operation Iraqi Freedom

disclaimer: may or may not be true
CptStern said:
little known fact ..before the invasion the military plan to invade Iraq was called Operation Iraqi Liberation ..but then they noticed this


so they changed it to Operation Iraqi Freedom

disclaimer: may or may not be true

Whatever happend to disclaimer/spoiler wraps? ;(


hidden message :D

someone broke it
CptStern said:
little known fact ..before the invasion the military plan to invade Iraq was called Operation Iraqi Liberation ..but then they noticed this


so they changed it to Operation Iraqi Freedom

disclaimer: may or may not be true

If its true, they should've kept it that way so the conspiracy theorists could write 8 page essays about it :p.
DeusExMachina said:
The only reason America is looked upon as a bully is because of Bush. He keeps making bad decisions. I mean, its not entirely his fault, he's had to go through a lot of crap through his two terms. But, that doesn't mean he shouldn't look at the bigger picture of things here.
I don't think that's strictly true, because America has been a bully in the past as well (from scalping natives through herding asians into camps through Vietnam, Afghanistan, Latin America and up to the present day). But then it's entirely possible that 90% of the world doesn't know about and/or consider the last hundred years.
Sulkdodds said:
I don't think that's strictly true, because America has been a bully in the past as well (from scalping natives through herding asians into camps through Vietnam, Afghanistan, Latin America and up to the present day). But then it's entirely possible that 90% of the world doesn't know about and/or consider the last hundred years.
Yea that's the thing, anytime there is a problem here in the US, we have made huge changes, and relatively fast over the years. So I expect nothing less with our current set of problems and malpractices - big changes and fast.

I think just about every country has had their share of heinous activity - some more than others, but most can fix their own problems.
Sulkdodds said:
I don't think that's strictly true, because America has been a bully in the past as well (from scalping natives through herding asians into camps through Vietnam, Afghanistan, Latin America and up to the present day). But then it's entirely possible that 90% of the world doesn't know about and/or consider the last hundred years.

America learns as it goes. How long was Britain an Empire? How many territories did it have outside Britain? How long did it take for those territories to gain its independence? You can't just rely on a nation's past to judge them or else everyone would hate Germany, Spain, Japan, and Italy, no?
Well France was forced into the Axis so I don't think they'd count. Everyone hates them anyway because "hey, its cool to hate France!"
DeusExMachina said:
You can't just rely on a nation's past to judge them...
Of course not. But you can't deny that America has a lot of nasty bits in its history, as does Britain. I don't think it's right to say as you did that Bush is the "only reason America is looked upon as a bully." America has been bullying for much of its history and it hasn't had a huge regime change or been taken over by a dictator, as in Germany and Italy. The bullying has continued to this day. One reason America might be percieved as one of the worst nations when it comes to foreign intervention and bullshit is because it's one of the only remaining superpowers (formerly the only one, but I see China coming up from behind) - a very powerful country. And power corrupts.

The other thing is that Bush is not the only 'villain' in his government, or in the country.
I blame World War II, honestly. Suddenly, we were the heroes, we became the world police. And the power went to our heads. And the next 50 years...well >_> know. Supporting fascist dictators, blatant anti-communism, destruction of liberal democracy in third world countries...that's our fault. We had maybe one "good" president in the last 50 years, JFK. The future looks a bit bright. Conservatives just wanna see a Republican in the office so they'll be stupid enough to vote Guiliani or McCain in (two very moderate republicans) and maybe America can finally get things going smoothly.
Before WW2, nobody knew much about America other than what they saw from Hollywood.
DeusExMachina said:
Well France was forced into the Axis so I don't think they'd count. Everyone hates them anyway because "hey, its cool to hate France!"

I was refering to France's share to world rapage (especially Africa and Indo-China if i remember correctly).

O, ps i dont hate France, i like France, have many vacations there too. :)
Ome_Vince said:
I was refering to France's share to world rapage (especially Africa and Indo-China if i remember correctly).

O, ps i dont hate France, i like France, have many vacations there too. :)

Oh, then yes, thought you meant WWII.

French-Algerian War and Vietnam come to mind...and so does Apocalypse Now.

"In Dine Bien Phu, we lose! In Algeria, we lose! In Indochina, we lose. But here, we don't lose! This piece of earth, we keep it! We will never lose it! Never!"
Ome_Vince said:
I was refering to France's share to world rapage (especially Africa and Indo-China if i remember correctly).

O, ps i dont hate France, i like France, have many vacations there too. :)

Thats the thing about French and American counter insergency warfare. They cant keep it covered up. The whole world saw both Indo-China conflicts and the war in Algiria. But who heard about the British involvement in Oman in the 60's against comunist forces? No one. the thing is, if you keep it quiet and use special forces, no one cares. you can do whatever you like, and no one will ever question it. Deploy massive forces and then the whole world is looking for you to slip up. If the US had conducted operations like that then I doubt that today they would be regaurded as such a bully today.
In reply to topic:

Maybe 3 years ago, but it's too late now.
Ome_Vince said:
Like the French foreigners legion, those guys... :O omg

Yeah, it really didnt help the French cause when it was discoved that many of thier Forgien Legionerees were ex-Waffen SS at the time of the Indo China war. Eventually they had to disband the Units with ex-SS soldiers, despite the fact that it was those who had had the greatest sucess in defeating the Veit Mihn forces.
Dam! didnt know that, although Waffen-SS was extremely well trained so..

btw, /offtopic
I just found this French Foreign Legion website, stating what you "need" to join etc.
All fun and stuff, but this quote just made me laugh:

Appraise your physical condition. Activities in the Legion tax your physical endurance and abilities to the maximum. The most important physical requirement is running.

hehe, joking ofcourse.. ;)
DeusExMachina said:
I blame World War II
I blame this guy and his aggressive foreign policy.

DeusExMachina said:
We had maybe one "good" president in the last 50 years, JFK.
Still far from perfect--the Bay of Pigs debacle was #8 on a recent list of the top US presidential blunders. Source.
DeusExMachina said:
The future looks a bit bright. Conservatives just wanna see a Republican in the office so they'll be stupid enough to vote Guiliani or McCain in (two very moderate republicans) and maybe America can finally get things going smoothly.
God I hope so!
50 years of cia coups, propping up despots, aiding war criminals, participating in atrocities, training death squads, torturing suspects and manipulating giovernments proves that regardless of which party is in office these things will continue unabated. The US has been on the road to imperialism for decades ..a mostly cosmetic changing of the guard isnt going to do a heck of a lot
Former US President Bill Clinton - Came in at number 10 for his affair with intern Monica Lewinsky
This is incredible... who cares who Bill ****ed? Does that have anything to do with how good/bad a president he was?
(sure the blunder was on his own presidency, but I just dont understand why people care -> why it would/should effect his presidency)... :S
Ome_Vince said:
This is incredible... who cares who Bill ****ed? Does that have anything to do with how good/bad a president he was?
(sure the blunder was on his own presidency, but I just dont understand why people care -> why it would/should effect his presidency)... :S
Because whether or not the President does anything illegal, he has a responsibility to be an example for the rest of the country. Aldutery might not be illegal, but that doesn't make it right.
yes but the irony is that clinton gets a little action and is impeached ..bush sets the world afire with a war based on false pretenses and he gets nothing ...even when proven he lied to americans and congress (which is exactly what clinton was accused of) he STILL gets nothing
CptStern said:
50 years of cia coups, propping up despots, aiding war criminals, participating n atrocities, training death squads, torturing suspects and manipulating giovernments proves that regardless of which party is in office these things will continue unabated. The US has been on the road to imperialism for decades ..a mostly cosmetic changing of the guard isnt going to do a heck of lot
True, the mouthpiece matters little except in terms of public perception. That is why I am looking forward to anyone else in office because the face of GWB just makes so many people around the world inspires such strong feelings--mostly of anger.

Imperialism, though, isn't a wholly US ideal--just ask Britannia up until WWI. Isolationism won't work in today's global environment--and the US has never been isolationist in the West--but neither will such a needlessly aggressive foreign policy. Pax Americana is an unfortunate result of WWII. The so-called imperialism that seems to be manifesting itself (and that Bush is doing precious little to stem) has been, to an extent, forced on the US because of their unbelievable advantageous position afforded them after 1945. As the world's only superpower and nuclear power and the largest economy at the time, the US was given an immense amount of power and responsibility. And as you stated before, power corrupts and they turned responsibility into their right. To go from having a responsibility to watch out for the safety and security of the nations of the Western world to imposing their right to do so on the rest of the world was a huge step that took years but also is virtually irreversible until another superpower rises to take our place. China will be an interesting one to keep an eye on...

But make no mistake, things will not change with a different superpower in charge. Nobody likes monopolies. But empires fall, monopolies crumble, and someone inevitably moves into their place and the cycle continues...:(

CptStern said:
yes but the irony is that clinton gets a little action and is impeached ..bush sets the world afire with a war based on false pretenses and he gets nothing ...even when proven he lied to americans and congress (which is exactly what clinton was accused of) he STILL gets nothing
He didn't lie--it was just bad intelligence. :|
CptStern said:
yes but the irony is that clinton gets a little action and is impeached ..bush sets the world afire with a war based on false pretenses and he gets nothing ...even when proven he lied to americans and congress (which is exactly what clinton was accused of) he STILL gets nothing
Oh, no. I understand that perfectly.

I'm just explaining why people should care who Bill Clinton ****ed.
CptStern said:
yes but the irony is that clinton gets a little action and is impeached ..bush sets the world afire with a war based on false pretenses and he gets nothing ...even when proven he lied to americans and congress (which is exactly what clinton was accused of) he STILL gets nothing

I'm sure he goes to bed every night with a tear in his eye, pained and upset that people like you hate his guts.
heh after all this time you still think I have a personal grudge against bush havent been paying attention raziaar

Steve said:
Oh, no. I understand that perfectly.

I'm just explaining why people should care who Bill Clinton ****ed.

ya I know, I'm justing adding my 2 cents to your post