Sins of a Solar Empire!

Woot, just finished an epic seven hour game on Gateway.

There is officially nothing more beautiful than eight Novalith missiles (Aka intergalactic super-nukes) launching from one solar system to another. I took down two of the remaining three factions without using a single ship :D. And for kicks, and to prove to myself I wasn't a whore, I destroyed all of their fleets with my own massive one.
I guess I'll sit tight and wait for the demo. I'm not even sure if it's in stores here. :/
I guess I'll sit tight and wait for the demo. I'm not even sure if it's in stores here. :/
I don't think we're getting it till April and it'll probably be way more expensive than buying it online.

It costs under $80 to get it shipped to Australia, and that's the Collector's Edition. Shipping will take 1-3 weeks apparently but you can also download it immediately after purchasing (It's less than 1GB) while you wait for it to ship. And you don't need to get the CE shipped over which would save like $22.
Well, me pesh and Raziaar just played a 3v3 versus some bots. It was actually quite fun, I did pretty good. Me and my 3 novalith cannons. :p
It was really, really fun.

I named one of my ships the TDS Cyberpitz, and the other the TDS Munro. Sulkdodds, you were the Admiral of the Novalith Cannons!
A funny comment as when the Cyberpitz was guarding a planet and I said 'With Cyberpitz here, I should be able to hold this planet.'
It was funny.
Man... just finished a 4 hour 10 minute epic game with Pesh and Acepilotf14. We were 3 against 3 AI normal difficulty. 1 star, 26 planets or so... 3v3.

That was an awesome game. So much fun. It was back and forth for a while there, with me being sure we were ****ed, but we held off surprisingly well!

And in the end... Peshmerga had an awesomely powerful attack fleet. I had a supremely destructive carrier fleet(two of them), with like 60 bomber squadrons that wrecked absolute devastation on capital ships... destroying them in two to three passes.

And Ace, he had a powerful fleet too, but his interests quickly turned towards novalith cannons, which he built a lot of them and was raining death and fearsome destruction upon enemy planets from afar towards the end. It was awesome!

This is the type of game where you have to invest some serious time to play, but it's well worth it.
Hehe next time count me in for a game :D

I just had a really epic battle against 3 normal AIs on a huge map. think it was 5 stars 70 planets or so. I was only building Capital ship, so before they attacked me i had all 16 of them. They stood no change :D

took me 7 hours to complete, and in the end i had 16 lvl 10 capital ships, owned all the planets, 2million credits, 200000metal and 400000crystal :D

Awesome game :D
Um, I can't find this in any shops, on their sites or on the street.
Which is odd because I'm sure I saw the pre-order box in Game a few weeks ago. Plz halp.

Oh, seems like there's no european publisher. I'd have to go with a downloaded version?
Um, I can't find this in any shops, on their sites or on the street.
Which is odd because I'm sure I saw the pre-order box in Game a few weeks ago. Plz halp.

Oh, seems like there's no european publisher. I'd have to go with a downloaded version?

Not yet, you will have to, you can order a hard copy off them but you got to pay for shipping.
Well we just finished.

Those of you guys who are into Sins, really need to have steam. That's the first place I go to look to see who wants to play.

Only me and Hazar wanted to play I guess, so we did a 2v2.

The AI kind of sucked in it though, we mopped the floor with them. Hazar is pretty damn good(despite what he says).
you were doing just as good as I was... except for the money thing

a bigger game would be quite fun.
you were doing just as good as I was... except for the money thing

a bigger game would be quite fun.

The More AI and the larger the solar system gets, the more epic the game becomes it seems. Huge battles, struggles for territory.

The thing that still bugs me is how skittish the AI is when they are faced with equally sized or larger fleets. They hop back and forth, back and forth. They can't make up their mind.

And the guerrilla tactics of the AI also annoys me, but I guess that's what the players would do as well.
Is this like Eve Online but you dont have to pay a monthly subscription?
cool im still gonna give this a shot though, looks really interesting. Been waiting for a game that involves epic battles, is there much resource gathering involved?

Also been looking around on the net and cant find anyone whos selling it in the UK!!
Yeah sorry I didn't have time this morningish. I will later today or this week.

I did play an online game, 3 humans vs 3 hard AI. I got boxed into four planets between an ally and the most resilient of the AI opponents. Still fun to defend one of our fronts alone.

EDIT: People outside of the US have to buy it online, as far as I know.

What do ya'll think about the different factions? I haven't played Advent yet, but I've played TEC and Vasari fairly extensively (as much as could be with less than a week)... For now I prefer TEC. Their voices are the least annoying and I like their capital ship distinctions. Besides, their super-weapon rapes the Vasari and Advent ones, and its nice to be able to win without having to match the fleets of your opponents.
I've only played Vasari Thus far. I like them, and I love the way their portraits look, but I am going to try TEC soon.
I absolutely despise the Advent because their tech tree makes baby jesus cry.
all the factions seem pretty similar

advent aren't that hard to play
I really don't even want to try Advent. I mean, religious super-fanatics that use mind control and shit to dominate the Traders... Just no.

But now that I've looked at their tech trees I'm curious to try and win with culture.

The balance between the three is actually pretty interesting to me. It's not too extreme like ye standard RTSes, much more subtle.

Economic vs Cultural vs Military, it seems... I suppose I'll force myself to play Advent. It would be fun to win by simply forcing all their planets to rebel through their explanatory-pamphlet missiles and wasting those that refuse to surrender :).

Anyone who's played Vasari all the way through, what does the "Returning Armada" thing actually do? Give you a handful of random ships or what? If so, that kinda destroys TEC's Insurgency... Lategame, a couple of measly pirates that weren't even friendly to me were rather pathetic. Though I suppose it could really mess up one's day if they started hitting undefended asteroids and such.

And my last sentence long rant: There are NOT enough desert planets. Seriously, most maps don't even have one. I love their massive logistics cap :(
I'm definitely going to have to try the TEC.

I'm really interested in space games with the prospect of creating a super prosperous economy that can field a powerful war machine.
Just look at their 'final' economy upgrade and laugh with glee, then :D

The main thing I dislike about the TEC is their weapon upgrades are pretty divided. You've got lasers, autocannons, and missiles, and then seperate upgrades for your turrets. Whereas Vasari can throw all their money at missiles and be set for the game... Upgrades most capital ships, long range frigates, turrets, fighters and bombers all in one. Not to mention phasing missiles rape Advent. Which is always a good thing.

EDIT: Reading the forums is very handy. Lots of people there who have played all through the betas and the release game, and know their shit. I've been struggling versus Advent abilities, not realizing I could use sabotage reactor on light frigates to kill their antimatter, and hoshiko's to ignore their shields...

Apparently fighters eat LRMs and Siege boats alive because of armor types. So I may switch the majority of my hanger squadrons to fighters rather than bombers. If I can take out their siege, capital ships are so slow at planetary assaults that reinforcements should arrive...
Fighters good against planetary bombers? That's VERY interesting. I would have thought the opposite.
So after a 5 hour battle, just as I finally started pushing back and sieged two planets, the game crashed.

I think the game performs an auto-save every half hour or so. You might be okay.
Yeah, under saves make sure you change the saved type, which cycles between manual saves, auto saves etc.
Yep, fighters definitely seem to eat the weaker frigates alive. I think one squad of five or so did 200 damage to shields when I tried to check. Sadly it seems the AI adapted and switched to swarming me with light frigates to destroy hangars. Fighters are rather useless against those.

it's all to do with armor types (not just armor level), which as far as I can tell is not visible in any fashion ingame (though it says them in the manual).

Also, the recent patch seems to have added "Good vs. blah blah" to every ship. It's pretty specific too, which is nice.

Current game (Hour and a half in) is a Large random map as TEC. I rather like it so far, roomy enough so I could claim five or six planets before encroaching on enemy territory. Doing well, though annoyingly the pirates keep hitting a different planet from the one I want... Decking out two useless asteroids with tacticals is not cheap.

On a side note: Have any of you looked at the random map creator? Looks like it'd be fun to mess with for our organized games, and get exactly what we want (You can set number of stars, planets per star, a whole bunch of stuff just fiddling with sliders.)
Yea the game was auto-saving, but it's still meh :-\

Perhaps it was gods way of saying get off my ass and finish programming my own game for my alpha milestone tomorrow... :p
Maybe it's just me but I think this game isn't very good.

  • The game is extremely slow; I don't mean it in the sense of it takes forever to complete a skirmish, but rather it takes forever to send backup to your planets when under attack.
  • The warp between planets then extremely slow movement is annoying and exploitable as well.
  • Planet defenses are way too weak. The turrets & fighter-bays can barely kill the weakest of ships & a pack of 10 bombers or socan just cycle through planets unstopped, hardly taking a loss. By the time you send backup to a planet or asteroid, it's already dead.
I have other critiques, but I'll list them later.

P.S. Is there a way to force yourself to not attack a certain faction, even if you're not in a cease-fire? Seems every time I start to get on friendly terms, one of their scouts gets itself shot at and I have to start over.
Ugh, just had a painful reminder of why I hate 2v2 with a passion...

Got stuck with a poor partner versus one good player and the other I couldn't really tell. The good opponent kept me pinned to six planets and then I couldn't both beat off his horde of light frigates (replaced by heavy frigs later on), pirates which I couldn't afford to buy off until it didn't matter, AND the other enemy on my flank.

Meanwhile, my partner cries for help against the second opponent, so I save one of his outlying planets (with a single Cap Carrier, mind you)... When the battle for my homeworld begins, I ask him what he's up to, he says he'll attack red's homeworld. By the time I decide to surrender (after losing my two best cap ships to 20+ kodiaks + more light frigs + 2-3 caps) his 'fleet' couldn't have been more than 20 ships, not enough to even beat the fleet attacking me AFTER I had been whittling it away for ages...

Still, was a fun game. Especially funding the purchase of two capital ships off Embargo'd gold :D. I'm definitely starting with a carrier when I'm TEC. Embargo is just too handy. when at that point in the game you get virtually all your credits from your home planet unless you're TEC and can spam trade ports.
Can't wait to play with you guys again. A big thing about this game is that it's better in Multiplayer than singleplayer. :p.
I'm a TEC guy here. Economies RULE!
I think I like the advent the best so far, but haven't really played enough to make up my mind
Guys, this is possibly the only 2007-08 game that has such lenient computer specs. I've been playing it on my crappy computer that doesn't have internet (Since my Collector's Edition Sins came! Yay!) And it works. It has this little Radeon 7250 or something, plus only like 360 RAM about, WELL below minimum specs, and on all low it works. Perfectly. Except, all gravity wells besides suns and asteroids show up as glowy thingies.. kind of like holograms. :p
Been having fun. I'll be able to play on Saturday if anyone wants to have a go.
Ok, I'm kinda getting the hang of it. Will play an online game in a couple of days.

Took me ages to figure out how to get more capital ship crews -.-