Site DOD:S Machinima

Your thoughts on a DOD:S Machinima?

  • Don't care to help, but I'd watch it.

    Votes: 42 34.4%
  • I like the idea.

    Votes: 42 34.4%
  • I'd help (please specify):

    Votes: 38 31.1%

  • Total voters
Good. You can't even play the voip back when watching a demo.

Do you know how to use the demo smoother to get nice camera angles?
No, but I'm going to be playing around with it a bit in the next few days so I can get a feel for it.
alyx needs to get captured by axis soldiers and be punished for being so naughty. or not.

hm i can do a pretty good yoda impression if you need that
Hah, a random Yoda cameo. What better way to shatter the gritty and intense mood of a World War II film.
I'd help with the voices or ideas... Or something.

Since I don't have the game and I come from a foreign coutnry (Which will result in bad ass lag) I can't really do anything else.

I could even do music composition! Kekeke
I could help with writing, if that helps?

love the idea.
I can write and I can draw storyboards, but then we've already talked on irc haven't we? :D

I think the only problem is it can't be very personal because of the skins. Everyone will look exactly the same so it'll probably just have to be 'a battle'.
We could partly mod it to include more skins? not hard?
That's true actually. Since all that would need to be change is the faces...hell, that would be easy.
And fun, who wants to work on a plot idea?

EDIT: We could use a IRC chan to 'chat' about it sometime, brainstorming?
Sulkdodds said:
Quiet you. I am thinking.

Then why would you bother posting? :naughty:
/me thinks about the Machinima anyway, after posting.
If it will be a huge battle, i know good filming techniques that would make it seem very professional
We should just start it with an awesome battle scene, to test the water, then try out a plot line... My 2cents
Love to try my hand at voice acting; I've got a couple good valve condensers and a joemeek voice channel so the fidelity would be good, at least :)
I know someone who can do ****ING EXTREME nazi voices if we tell him the correct Deutsche.
I know german, i'm not an A+ student more like B, and i think they would be one or two others on the forums if that helps any more?
Meh, ich bin nicht shcrecklich aber nicht super. Deine vater ist ein muttelfinker!
This is the time i wish i could speak german
If you guys get in a irc or vent or chatroom or something about the plot and such, hit me up plz kthx.
I'd be cannon fodder, the WW2 red shirts :p
So basically, actor. PM or e-mail me if you want me in.
I've also RP'ed in HL2DM, it's teh pwn.
Hmmm. It looks like some of you are thinking of this as an episodic thing - and that's a really good idea.

Our first episode could be some big initial engagement, paratroopers assaulting a german position or something like that so that we can basically get a feel for what we're doing and at the same time make the first episode damn cool and get people coming in later.

How do you all feel about the idea of episodes vs. one single film? Perhaps monthly, or bi-monthly, or whenever-the-hell-we-get-the-next-one-done-ly.

Also, I'll be in #halflife2 for the next few hours.
Excellent news. tfg (aka Daniel Frome or TheFamilyGod, and responsible for getting me into machinima when I first watched his machinima "cs_militia" a year or so ago) has replied to my PM and said that he's interested in working on this project.
I can speak german, if that's of any help. ALthough we might wanna get a real german too.
Wie findest du meine Deutsche?

(answer: Shrecklich. )
OK, glaube ich, aber mein Deutch is sehr schlech, so vieleicht kann ich nicht sage als deiner Deutch gut oder schlech ist.
I don't exactly speak German, due to the fact I that I missed an entire year of it in school and couldn't keep up with it when I resumed, but I don't have any trouble reading (not understanding) and pronouncing it.
I can be apart of it, don't think I can help much with the filming/editing, but I can be an actor.
If you want to discuss it with us, head over to Quakenet IRC, channel #dodmach.
Defiantely episodes or whenver-we-get-it-done :p

Really hope this takes off
Dalamari said:
I can be apart of it, don't think I can help much with the filming/editing, but I can be an actor.

He plays Arnold in the films. :cheers:
We're currently dicking about in a DOD:S server
I can't seem to find the channel, but then again, I am a supreme noob at IRC :(

EDIT : Found it :p
have an audigy 2 zs, can do voice recording, have dod will act, am good with Photoshop, general knowledge of webdesign,

Would love to act:) have posh english voice