
I have learnt two things from this episode and the replies to this thread.

1. I will quit smoking, I agree with all the comments on how gross and anti social it is.

2. I will not become a smoker basher. The guy had a point, sort of, but he was still an ass.

This time next week I will be a non smoker and who knows maybe I will threaten to put some guy out for sparking up :smoking:
baxter said:
This time next week I will be a non smoker and who knows maybe I will threaten to put some guy out for sparking up :smoking:
Hey, good for you man. :D Best of luck to you. The first few weeks are the hardest, but don't give up. I kicked the habit 6 weeks ago, at this point I hardly ever think about smoking anymore, it just doesn't appeal to me like it used to. I recommend buying a nicotine patch or nicotime gum. I was on the gum (nicorette) and it does help a lot.
baxter said:
I have learnt two things from this episode and the replies to this thread.

1. I will quit smoking, I agree with all the comments on how gross and anti social it is.

2. I will not become a smoker basher. The guy had a point, sort of, but he was still an ass.

This time next week I will be a non smoker and who knows maybe I will threaten to put some guy out for sparking up :smoking:

Good luck mate. That's a good attitude!
AntiAnto said:
In a way, yes. I won't go talk to my friends if they are smoking.

Well, there's the difference right there. I don't know anybody that's like that, nor do I know any non-smokers that care about it in their presence.
Absinthe said:
Well, there's the difference right there. I don't know anybody that's like that, nor do I know any non-smokers that care about it in their presence.

Seriously? I know a zillions of people here who can't stand smokers... well not the people in general, but when they smoke. Also, it isn't just the smoke and smell, but when they spit everywhere, it's disgusting.
Well, we don't smoke when people are eating, since we personally don't like that either. But yeah, everything else is fine and dandy. Even the spitting is something they don't have a problem with, so long as it's not done inside and your puddle of saliva doesn't become a walking hazard.

Of course, this doesn't stop them from giving the occasional "If you quit smoking now, you'll keep ten more years of your life, have better breath, and win a free car!" speech. :)
Well here, we gave up on the speech a age ago. We just enjoy seeing them slowly killing themselves. (I don't even know if this sentence is grammatically correct)
Well, whatever. This topic just gave me the urge, so I'm gonna go out and smoke a few. 2 AM is the best time.
Ikerous said:
Oddly enough i get really good at integral calculus when im high o.o

And it doesnt eat your brain, unlike alcohol it doesnt kill brain cells

Whoever told you pot doesn't kill brain cells was wrong.

I have "The Book on Marijauna"
Marijauna kills alot of brain cells everytime you use it.

Your brain cells are the only cells that never repair or come back.
VirusType2 said:
Whoever told you pot doesn't kill brain cells was wrong.

I have "The Book on Marijauna"
Marijauna kills alot of brain cells everytime you use it.

Your brain cells are the only cells that never repair or come back.
Well according to all the studies, medical journals and my own psych book, it doesn't kill brain cells.

I'm going to believe them over your lil Marijuana propaganda book...
Ikerous said:
Well according to all the studies, medical journals and my own psych book, it doesn't kill brain cells.

I'm going to believe them over your lil Marijuana propaganda book...

You really don't want to hear the true, do you? :laugh: For myself, I see a difference before I've started smoking marijuana and now. Not in my intelligence, but in my motivation.
AntiAnto said:
You really don't want to hear the true, do you? :laugh:
Lol, well what am i going to believe, several independent sources, or a book that was created to prevent people from smoking pot?
lePobz said:

I laugh at people that smoke. They're weak minded and stupid, in my opinion.
:laugh: Bugger, you used bigger, different coloured letters - you win. Clearly. Still, many cool people have smoked - there is an inherent essence of coolness. Although of course that's just my opinion.

I laugh at people who care that much - unless of course you work in a bar. If they wanna kill themselves slowly, let them. Many good friends of mine smoke, and whilst I don't approve as such, I'm not about to berate them for it. Nor are they "stupid" or "weak-minded" - they enjoy smoking, just as I enjoy drinking.
It really is up to them.
Ikerous said:
Lol, well what am i going to believe, several independent sources, or a book that was created to prevent people from smoking pot?

Well... yeah. Let's say marijuana doesn't kill your brain cells. But anyway, I just can't wait: in 30 minutes, I'm gonna smoke with my friends and run four miles. :D

MYTH: MARIJUANA KILLS BRAIN CELLS. Used over time, marijuana permanently alters brain structure and function, causing memory loss, cognitive impairment, personality deterioration, and reduced productivity.

FACT: None of the medical tests currently used to detect brain damage in humans have found harm from marijuana, even from long term high-dose use. An early study reported brain damage in rhesus monkeys after six months exposure to high concentrations of marijuana smoke. In a recent, more carefully conducted study, researchers found no evidence of brain abnormality in monkeys that were forced to inhale the equivalent of four to five marijuana cigarettes every day for a year. The claim that marijuana kills brain cells is based on a speculative report dating back a quarter of a century that has never been supported by any scientific study.

Google \o/
xLostx said:
smoking is disgusting, it's funny how back in the day people smoked to be "in" now anyone who smokes is out haha

I remember back in high school when smoking went out of vogue. The idiots and bullies who would normally be into it would actually be all like "man, smoking is wack. You're damaging your body, and shit. Hey, I swiped some tequila from my dad, wanna go get wasted behind the gym?"

Ikerous said:
I don't smoke and i don't see anything gross about it :-/
I like the smell.

I can't stand the smell, and I've let all my smoker friends know, and they respect that since I never give them shit about it. Marijuana smoke is another story, I never smoke the stuff but I don't mind the smell at all :D

And now for a choice quote from my favourite role model and yours - Bill Hicks!

I'll smoke, I'll cough, I'll get the tumor, I'll die. Deal? Thankyou. People say "Well, it's not that, it's the secondary smoke." Goddamnit, if I don't smoke there's gonna be secondary bullets coming your way, okay?
I've never seen anything to support marijuana's killing of brain cells either. But I can say that it definitly does affect your cognitive abilities if used regularly.
Anyone who's known a burnout knows what I'm talking about: stunted memory, difficulty with complicated concepts, short attention span.
i got SO stoned tonight with some really hot girl and i could've ****ed her. im so mad now that i didnt, but damn! oh well there'll be another time. i did 4 grams. it was a fatty. I'M STILL STONED RIGHT NOW!!!!!
Old thread, sorry,

just done my first smoke free day, ****ing hard.
baxter said:
Old thread, sorry,

just done my first smoke free day, ****ing hard.

keep it up :thumbs:

btw, most pot smokers = losers (there are exceptions, but few). most smoke weed (and other drugs) since they have nothing better to do. i especially love the guys at my school who say they'll use it in moderation and control it; they start smoking up every day, a month after saying this. you need a very strong character to not allow a drug to affect you severly - it must be something trivial in your life. people over the ages have known hallucinogenic substances but only used them on very special occasions. for instance, the aborigional peoples of north america would eat cactus root (peyote) to have visions and get in touch with their Spirit Guide, or people were given opium when they were suffering from an illness. however, people have always realized the drastic effects of drugs and never used them excessively. so, i don't think we should use drugs for recreational purposes or on a regular basis - find other ways to have fun! it'll be a very low point in my life when i start using drugs.
Heh... I just keep thinking about the self-help track in Denis Leary's "No Cure For Cancer".

"You really want a cigarette. Go ahead."
Absinthe said:
Marijuana myths are always fun to debunk. ;)
Oh, but they ARE.

And shadow, you're right. People that smoke for getting high, or getting a different perspective, or whatever the reason you do it is - don't care if other people know they smoke or not. Only people who think it makes them cool brag about it.
I dont like to breathe in the smoke from cigarretes or anything like it. When I was a kid my mom smoked and everytime she lit a cigarette I'd leave the room and go somewhere else where there was no smoke. I cant stand smoke from cigarretes! Thank god my father never smoked and my mom quit. I was so glad when she did. I could finally breathe better and everything.
There's no reason to smoke. I don't see the appeal. It's ****ing stupid. Don't even think about doing it. It's like taking a gun and pointing it in your eye. It's just common sense. If you are a smoker, it's 100x worse than what you think it is and if you haven't thought about stopping now, it's almost too late. Just throw away the pack and be with a large friend for the next three weeks and another 5 months if you have even the slightest crave to do it again.

Edit - Yes you, I'm talking to you. Throw that cigarette away. Right now. Find anything even nearly related to cigarettes and burn them all. Go to your neighbor's house and find all their cigarettes. Burn them too. Right, NOW.
Pesmerga said:
There's no reason to smoke. I don't see the appeal. It's ****ing stupid. Don't even think about doing it. It's like taking a gun and pointing it in your eye. It's just common sense. If you are a smoker, it's 100x worse than what you think it is and if you haven't thought about stopping now, it's almost too late. Just throw away the pack and be with a large friend for the next three weeks and another 5 months if you have even the slightest crave to do it again.

Edit - Yes you, I'm talking to you. Throw that cigarette away. Right now. Find anything even nearly related to cigarettes and burn them all. Go to your neighbor's house and find all their cigarettes. Burn them too. Right, NOW.

It's easy to say ban this and ban that when you have no idea what you're talking about.

How would you like it if i banned computers, televisions and cell phones because they radiate unhealthy beams.
Now while that might not mean anything to someone who doesn't use those 3 things, it might mean alot to someone who does.

With smoking, we know it's bad but we accept it because of the benefits it provides us.. Like coffee.

The only ones we're harming are ourselves. I dont believe much in the passive smoking argument because you get the same doze of whatever just by living in a city. And people don't exactly blow smoke into other peoples faces.

You can say i would rather live my life to the fullest and do the things i wanted to do then die old without having done what i wished i had. And if that includes running like hell with a 800 pound bull on my ass, then so what, it was an experience i wouldn't regret.

It's healthy to live alittle unhealthy
Ajed said:
The only ones we're harming are ourselves. I dont believe much in the passive smoking argument because you get the same doze of whatever just by living in a city. And people don't exactly blow smoke into other peoples faces.
This is absolute bull**it ... and it because of this fact alone that smoking is a selfish disgusting act that should be banned. If it was just smokers that suffered the ill effects and had to put up with the stink, then fine. Nobody would care that you smoked yourselves to an early grave... but it isn't.

I can't believe you guys "don't believe passive smoking is harmful". There are countless billions of studies that prove it.
Ikerous said:
It is illegal for ppl that are eleven years old...
And hopefully most people over the age of 18 are good enough at making educated decision on wether or not they should start.

Then again i think crack should be legal, so what do i know? XD
Wow, if you think something like crack should be legal, then any merit your arguments had in this thread just completely dissapeared. Why not just cut the crap altogether and legalize heroin? :rolleyes:
Axyon said:
Wow, if you think something like crack should be legal, then any merit your arguments had in this thread just completely dissapeared. Why not just cut the crap altogether and legalize heroin? :rolleyes:
Not true, his pro-marijuana arguments are perfectly valid. He's just absolutely insane for wanting to legalize cocaine.
Ajed said:
The only ones we're harming are ourselves.
If it helps you sleep at night, then go ahead and believe that. But it's simply not true.
diluted said:
If it helps you sleep at night, then go ahead and believe that. But it's simply not true.
As a smoker, I try and steer clear of these discussions, but you try saying what just said to someone who is addicted to nicotine. ;)
Axyon said:
Wow, if you think something like crack should be legal, then any merit your arguments had in this thread just completely dissapeared. Why not just cut the crap altogether and legalize heroin? :rolleyes:
I couldn't agrea more with legalizing heroin.

(Although unlike the use of marijuana, i recognize that heroin and crack are not only terribley addictive, but incredibley harmful)

But, i have the (However misguided) belief that people are intelligent enough to make informed decision about what they put into their bodies. If they make bad deicisions, they deal with it.
Ikerous said:
But, i have the (However misguided) belief that people are intelligent enough to make informed decision about what they put into their bodies. If they make bad deicisions, they deal with it.
No. You have to understand that substances such as heroin alter judgement for the worse.

All over the world, heroin addicts would do anything, to get their hands some more heroin. My worst thought is the sick bastards who are so addicted and rely on heroin so much they are willing to rob and bludgeon pensioners for money.

I'm actually going to stop there. I'm too used to hearing of dealers and users that it boils my blood.

In essence, smoking can be accepted, if not tolerated. Substances like cocaine and heroin are a whole new shooting match.
I do pretend coughs like i'm dieing when i walk by smokers. :naughty:
Yes, but if it were legal it would be significantly cheaper thus eliminating most of these problems.
Also this is something (I would hope) people would take into consideration before using any such substance.

Of course i would never seriously push for any such legal reform.
Its more of an idealistic view on life than one that would actually play out particularly well.

(Unlike my views on marijuana law reform which i whole heartedly support)
Ajed, if you think computers, televisions, and cell phones emit serious enough radiations to be banned, you should ban microwaves, gas ovens, any electric light, speaker devices, remote controls, cars, radios, CAT scans, xray machines, and refridgerators.

Cigarettes kill people. They kill your son, your daughter, your wife, your friends, and your parents. I think a good anti-cigarette ad would say "Cigarettes - Kills you after one try, 100%". Cigarettes are dumb. You aren't cooler, you don't reduce the 'stress' in the longterm, you don't look manly. Just dumb, dumb dumb dumb.
shadow6899 said:
well firstly cocaine is not really bad at all in it's form, sniffing it isn't the greatest thing i know, but it's not going to kill u if u do it every once in awhile, like once a couple months or a little more.

Uhh, yeah it will. There's a good chance you'll overdose, even on the first time you do it, where it ****s with the brain and heart and you go into shock and respitory failure. If you don't die, your brain is fried.