Sniper + Spy Update Released!

Knife Taunt with Spy when cloaked destroys sentries etc. in a matter of seconds.
I assume that this is a bug.
The new unlock system has reinvigorated my TF2 interest. The updates have seemed awesome but I simply don't have the time or patience to deliberately play a specific class and complete menial tasks and go out of my way to unlock achievements. The QQ'ing has reached epic proportions from the "hardcore" crowd, but this is honestly the best thing they've done for the game since launch, as far as I'm concerned.
This update is bust. I managed to get a Spy achievement playing as a Heavy. I've seen Soldiers using the Crossbow, and so far all i've picked up are repeat weapons i already have. I wouldn't mind getting repeat weapons if i could at least trade them with someone who didn't have them.
Have to agree, the new unlock system is dumb.

Okay it could be a pain to farm achievements but at least you were working towards the unlocks you wanted rather then lol'ing about a server waiting for the big win like the lottery.

The sniper unlocks replacing the SMG seems a bit dumb, Jarate seems even less useful if you cant wap it out, throw then spray with the SMG.
Since when did propane gas put fires out?.
The clue is in the 'air' blast section whether it is propane gas or mostly nitrogen. :rolleyes: I'm sure you've blown out candles on a birthday cake before.
The clue is in the 'air' blast section whether it is propane gas or mostly nitrogen. :rolleyes: I'm sure you've blown out candles on a birthday cake before.

Not with a highly flammable gas I've not.

And since airblast uses ammo, I'm quite confident its the same stuff your using to burn people to death.

Hence I don't see how propane puts fires out.
Because it's a game, perhaps, and not an accurate simulation of chemical reactions and thermodynamics.
If the random drop system would just stop ****ing giving me stuff I already have then I would love it.

And if the random drop system wasn't random but governed by rules I could manipulate then I would shag it.

I really like not having to play as the class I want to get the unlocks for to get stuff... I finally got some friggin' Bonk energy drink!
Hey guys. Guys. Hey guys. Hey.

Are you having fun with the update? Did Valve come through for you?

Great update, new unlock system is superior, esp. if you haven't already got all the unlocks from previous updates.

Hey Nuri, ever think that the flamethrower could use a mixture of two otherwise inert gases for flames, and one of them for airblast?
i've played as spy for a few hours today, got a few achievements and won a sandvich, which i already had.

I can understand why valve have changed it to this system but a little clarity on the exact mechanics would be welcome.
I'm not happy with this new way to "unlock" items. First off Valve hasn’t even officially told us how this system works, they just went "Here's the new update, have fun!"
Granted I understand why they have done it this way, the servers aren't completely full of Spies and Snipers so new people who are playing on the free weekend won't wonder what the hell is going on but I just don't think it works, its too frustrating. Especially when someone who is playing the Heavy suddenly gets the Ambassador and they are playing on the free weekend and I have owned the game since day one and haven't "found" a thing...
Plus I have heard some people have just found multiple items (e.g. someone got the Sandvich 3 times in a row) I think this system needs tweaking.
They'll probably fix it over the weekend.

Seriously though the Huntsman is awesome and I love it. I can't wait until I unlock Jarate COMPLETELY AT GODDAMN RANDOM AFTER UNLOCKING ANOTHER 15 SANDVICHES
Hey guys. Guys. Hey guys. Hey.

Are you having fun with the update? Did Valve come through for you?


Well... so far, no-one's been complaining about not having a tranq. gun, just the new shitty unlock system. Sooo... no, but we still don't agree with you.
I don't understand how people are getting all these unlocks though. I have played the new update now for roughly a good 4 hours and found nothing and as I stated above there are people who have only been playing the free weekend who have found items.
Yes, that's the thing about random chance, it's random.
Yeah, that’s the thing about random chance, when you want to try out new weapons, its frustrating. Especially when you've owned the game since day one and some lil twerp trying out the free weekend has most of the new unlocks.
Cry some more. Too many little babies on team.
I think you would be frustraited too if finally your favorite class had unlocks and you couldn't even use them! I will cry some more and continue to cry until I get my items!
Knock yourself out, just don't expect anyone to care.
Well... so far, no-one's been complaining about not having a tranq. gun, just the new shitty unlock system. Sooo... no, but we still don't agree with you.
Oh, that's fine. In the end, I don't really care how it happened, I just wanted to watch people not having fun with TF2. The process or means...didn't really matter!

Spy is now sniper; ambassador kills in two shots. Remember how some people in the previous thread were saying, "Why does everyone think ambassador will do heavy damage or crit on headshot? That's a sniper only property!" How're you feeling about that, guys? Spy was sniper all along.

And speaking of sniper, rifle is now better at medium and close range. Huntsman is useless, as predicted.

Of course, some of you wouldn't know that, because you haven't found either of those weapons yet. Well, don't worry. Valve is the greatest and most intuitive designer and they've never done wrong.

Please enjoy your multiple boxing gloves and sandviches.

Knock yourself out, just don't expect anyone to care.

I wasn't expecting anyone to care I was giving MY personal opinion on the update (being thats what people do on forums). Don't be such an arse just for the sake of being one... Also I'll think you'll find if you actually play the game that I'm not the only one who is "moaning" about this.
I haven't played since the update - has there been a change to the rifle?
Move forward with crowd into medium/close range. Shoot through teammates. Thank enemies for standing still.
Unlike the Spy, the Sniper is actually regularly used in matches ;)
And this is why TF2, even at 'higher level' play, is a game for casuals.
All I can say to that is ha!

At a competitive level TF2 is every bit as demanding and involved as anything else i've played at clan level, and a good sniper is essential for certain maps/points. The fact is, the TF2 spy only flourishes in public chaos. Any semblance of teamplay and he's made redundant.
All I can say to that is ha!

At a competitive level TF2 is every bit as demanding and involved as anything else i've played at clan level, and a good sniper is essential for certain maps/points. The fact is, the TF2 spy only flourishes in public chaos. Any semblance of teamplay and he's made redundant.
I won't argue with you about the spy. For clan play spy is useless. He was useless in TF, he was useless in TFC, and he's useless in TF2. Don't play the spy if you're not on a pub. You're wasting a slot better served by someone else.

I'm not sure what other games you've played at a clan level, Warbie, but in any game I've ever played at that level there's no room for snipers. It is almost ridiculous to believe that a sniper could be of any benefit.

Lefty said:
damn straight.
Having fun dual-wielding those sandviches, eh?
Troll more Darkseid. Why don't you go play TF2 instead of whining about the second hand reports of whiners? Still can't?