So I tried some beer finally

Wow, how old are you?. :/

It was just beer dude, um...congrats on climbing this massive hurdle and milestone in life, truly on the same level of newsworthy as getting married or something.

If it was a post about trying a drug or something, maybe that would justify the thread....but your first beer?. Maybe if your 8 or something.

Also FYI, wine doesn't taste much better.

+rep for the chuckle.

Be more condescending. Also, the second "your" should be a "you're"--contractions n'stuff, lol
Had a few sips of Hoegaarden, tasted like throw up x10. Tried some other Belgian shit (Astro something or something). Tasted like throw up x5. How do you people drink this shit is beyond me. Never again. I'll keep my mind open on wine or other shit maybe. Though this stuff tasted almost exactly as it smelled and wine didn't smell all that different...

That's how I feel about beer.
Try something more... exotic!
Its the truth!.

If I had a chocie between a glass of wine or a glass of vinegar, I'd go with the vinegar, because at least I could dunk my dodgey kebab shop chips in it later.

Noo! We're going to have to agree to disagree here. Wine is beautiful and complex. And mate, if your wine tastes like vinegar you're drinking the wrong stuff!
Leffe and Duvel FTW.

My older cousin said it was some top quality shit, he and my other relatives loved that shit. At this point what I really want to try is vodka and sake.

"Top quality shit?" It's beer, not weed. How old are you?

Also, Newcastle, Kilkenny and Staropramen ftw. Whiskey is what you drink when you've earned yourself something special. Vodka is what you drink when you don't want to remember where you live anymore (Oh god last weekend still hurts my head just thinking about it). Wine is what you drink when you have to pretend to be sophisticated, but no-one actually likes it.
itt everyone tries to act like the bigger more experienced man with the more expansive knowledge of "manly" beverages. Quick, everyone question the other guy's age/sexuality/taste!

Leffe and Duvel FTW.


god yes

Hoegaarden was actually the beer that got me into beer, back many years ago when I was still disgusted by the taste of most of them, so I'm surprised you reacted so badly to it. Nowadays I'm something of a beer fanatic, but held back by living in Ireland where the only thing sold is Guinness.

There's a beer for everyone although I can't think of a more palatable place to start than the Belgian witbier you've already tried and hated. People saying that it might have been too 'heavy' for you don't know wtf they are talking about; Belgian pale ales like the Hoegaarden are about the least heavy, hoppy or bitter beers you can find, and precisely the reason they've gotten so popular recently is that they're relatively palatable compared to a lot of other beer, as well as being naturally fruity (without being some gimmicky fruit beer that tastes of cherryade).

The taste of Hoegaarden has changed for the worse in recent years, though, so maybe that played a part in you hating it. It could be worth your while to check out some light pilsners, pale ales and lagers, or even some darker ales and stouts, before you give up on beer entirely. My favourite American stuff was either Existential Ale (pale, bit more of a barley wine) or Dragon's Milk (dark) from New Holland Brewery (note: both are very 'heavy'), but I remember really liking some of the IPAs from Dogfish Head as well.


Dogfish Head is awesome, had the privilege of splitting a six with some mates back at uni
Leffe is nice but very fizzy and results in belchtastrophe. Also the novelty of it getting served in half-pint wine glasses gets old quick if you're in a pub. Beer should be served in pints, just like whisky and gin.
What in heaven's name is belchtastrophe?

And the glasses are great to hold. If I want a pint glass, I'll just get a regular beer.
It's a Flemish word describing scrotal loosening.

I forgot to mention Arrogant Bastard:


Tasty beer and very easy to find nowadays because of the appreciation it's getting.
Well, I'm Flemish so just type the Dutch word :D

Seffes stemmen! :O
Damn kids shouldn't be drinking MY beer! Ungrateful shits!

Best beers:

All Yorkshire Ales
Most English Ales
Oranjeboom (Dutch lager)
Carlsberg Export (Danish lager)

Best beer name & logo I've seen:
I wouldn't of gone with Hoegaarden as my beer starting point tbh. Yes it is light, but it does have a strong taste. Its one that I'd recommend getting into laters when you've become a bit more familiar with beers.

Hard to say where to start off. Most highly commercial beers are fairly inoffensive (everyone will drink them, that's why they are popular) so they aren't necessarily a bad starting point, even if beer snobs might not approve. Stella artois is a good commercial base beer, as its tasty without being overpowering. Budweiser Budvar (the proper Czech stuff as opposed to the American stuff) isn't bad either, if you can get hold of them.
Coke & Scotch bro

although tbh the Vodka I had last night wasn't too bad...
Beer is one of those shitty drinks most people have to keep taking until they like it, much like wine. I say, what's the ****ing point in putting yourself through that?
I enjoy rum, tequila and a couple of ciders, that's enough.
Down in the states I purchased 18 miller light by accident thinking it was normal beer. It tasted like soda water.

In Mexico we would drink one of these every day. It is about 3 regular beers:
Sol beer is piss. So is Corona. I like some body to my beer, and Mexican soda pop doesn't qualify.
Beer is one of those shitty drinks most people have to keep taking until they like it, much like wine.

Try hunting down a Grenache Shiraz, its a cheapish decent Red wine that is pretty palatable.
I don't understand how anyone could hate beer , i guess it takes some getting used to but personally its the only thing i can drink.

I don't understand how anyone could hate beer , i guess it takes some getting used to but personally its the only thing i can drink.

Hey buddy, if drinking beer makes you want to hit that 'fine piece' of middle aged mama be my guest. I'll be over here in the corner taking pictures for the internets and puking bile.

Also; Go Canada!
Drink Cider, man, stuff is like fruit pop, but alcohol.
Unless you're a full blown alcoholic with liver disease, you're a ****ing sissy.
I don't really like beer that much either, I'd rather drink liquor (shots or simple combinations). Beer fills my stomach with air and leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I guess I'm also too sensitive to the bitter taste in general, as I can't stand tonic for example.

So I'll drink a beer or two, but I'll move on to something else afterwards.

BTW, I don't like to watch football/soccer either.
Cider is actually the only alcoholic beverage I find delicious for the taste as well as the alcoholic content.
I like beer but i get bored of drinking it after about 4 cans. Guiness is awesome. carlsberg special brew also, bloody perfume.

Big fan of whisky though
they are called English people.

seriously though im not old enough for pubs, and it is mostly sold in cans in shops.
I don't like drinking beer out of cans. You always get that metal taste.
Who the **** drinks beer out of cans?

Americans with no sense. They'd rather choose the metallic taste of shitty cheap beer than actually spend some extra dollars for a quality time.

Honey Brown is the best beer I've ever had.
Beer out of the can...lame.

Guinness is only awesome on tap - never drink it out of the bottle, it's lame out of the bottle.

I've really been in love with this...


...must be 100 proof for me...

...and this.



Honey Brown is the best beer I've ever had.

Great stuff. I'm more partial to Leinenkugel's Honey Weiss (personal preference), but both are good imo.

Even better when you frost the glass for a bit in the freezer.

Ooo me wants a beer now.