So I tried some beer finally

I don't drink lagers anymore. I've developed a taste for Mike's hard lemonade. Good stuff imo.

Then again, It's been almost a year since I last even touched an alcoholic beverage.
How very dare you knock beer. You'll appreciate it in time. :cheers:
I don't drink lagers anymore. I've developed a taste for Mike's hard lemonade. Good stuff imo.

Then again, It's been almost a year since I last even touched an alcoholic beverage.

Developed a taste? It tastes like lemonade. 10 year olds would drink that stuff if there wasn't alcohol in it.
a couple glasses of shivas on the rocks and a bunch of beer on top....a scabby night. (i usually jump off things when i get drunk)
Right now I'm enjoying a wonderful Syrah with some chicken cacciatore - I have to say reds are probably my favorite when it comes to wine.
I know I'm a law breaking bastard.
Oh shiiii-
Totally forgot youre still not allowed to drink beer, over here the age is 16, and im soooo pleased its not 21... whooo, the last 5 years would have been soo boring. :bounce:

So i was like wtf, you waited 4 years before drinking some, ... but now i understand. : )

And why wasnt my awesome cooled heineken picture not showing up in my first post? ;' (

Alcohol in general is something you have to aquire a taste for. My drink of choice is Corona. Miller too if Corona's not available. If it's pints I generally go for Carlsberg. I keep making the mistake of getting cans of it in the off-licence and then remembering what a mistake that was when I open the first one. If I feel like something sweeter I go for a vodka and coke or a screwdriver. I still don't have a taste for wine or whiskey. I hate cider, ie apple cider (I've always hated cidona too). Never tried the other varieties. My friends drink Rekorderlig of various types so I might try that. I hate tequila and refuse to try it any more. It reminds me of nail varnish.
You can't drink water?

BTW, I don't like to watch football/soccer either.

Likewise, such a pointless waste of human endeavour. But I aint a big fan of watching sports to begin with, I prefer taking part or not bothering with it at all.

Damn expensive.

Hold the next support group meeting/convention/epic adventure in Aberdeen, right slap bang in the middle of the Whiskey belt.
Budweiser light, Miller light and everything else light is for Major League Slowpitch Softball enthusiasts.

Since when did beer come with a rule book? Nothing wrong with a light beer or 12.
Well I think the hatred for 'light', or rather 'lite' beer comes from the fact that only the very largest brands tend to have a 'light' version of their brew. Usually these jokers taste bad enough in their original form, but the light offering is even less flavoursome. There's nothing wrong with an originally brewed 'light' beer that isn't simply an even-lower-cal derivative of some fizzy bland weewee. Same goes for anything that's 'Extra Cold', 'Extra Smooth' or whatever - those differences taste so artificial I feel like I'm drinking anti-freeze.

Miller Lite et al aren't worth it for the 50-odd calories you save. If you want to drink real beer be a real mang and accept the gut that comes with it.
Aite so since it was my 21st and all (legal drinking age in US). I tried some more stuff.
Wine = sucks as much as beer (red wine, and I presume all equally suck as well)

So I was losing hope that I may like alcohol but then I walked over to the bottle of "Black Label blended scotch whiskey" and my mom was like "oh no, not that" (thought I couldn't handle it I guess), but damn it beats the crap out of that other stuff (flavor wise). So yeah I do still detect that initial I guess I'll call it 'alcoholy puke flavor' but the aftertaste was somehow nostalgic, probably my dad's breath since he likes it too on occasion. So the deal is beer sucks, alcohol in general does, but this stuff doesn't and I'll be more open to drinks in general (but not beer and wine).
If it hasn't been said yet, HAVE A WHITE RUSSIAN. It's the kind of drink you daydream about the next day, no matter how hungover you are.
If it hasn't been said yet, HAVE A WHITE RUSSIAN. It's the kind of drink you daydream about the next day, no matter how hungover you are.

Unless you drink too many of them, in which case you don't want to even look at dairy products for a week. For this reason I pour my WRs heavy on vodka and relatively light on milk/half and half and kahlua.
Unless you drink too many of them, in which case you don't want to even look at dairy products for a week.

That happened to a friend of mine last week, I got to chill with him while he barfed all day!
can I assume the same thing happened to you after that one fateful night?
Beer does suck, most (not all) liquor sucks too, but once you're drunk taste doesn't really matter so you just got to muscle through it for the first little bit.

The only liquor I've ever liked the taste of (girl drink) was vex. Shit tastes EXACTLY like juice, doesn't even taste like there's any alcohol in it, I think it's like 25%, if I wasn't so embarrassed to drink it that's all I'd drink!
Nah, the night you were over I only had a handful of white russians, stuck mostly to whiskey due to the fact that the previous Big Lebowski party I had a few years ago ended terribly for the aforementioned reason.
Beer does suck, most (not all) liquor sucks too, but once you're drunk taste doesn't really matter so you just got to muscle through it for the first little bit.

My friend (a girl, that part is kind of important to emphasize this) will get so drunk sometimes that she'll go around finding the abandoned butts of beers from partygoers and drink them. I marvel at how anyone can handle that.
Yeah I don't like alchohol either. It sucks, messes with your judgement, coordination, balance, etc.
Yeah I don't like alchohol either. It sucks, messes with your judgement, coordination, balance, etc.

I dunno if I'm mistaken, but isn't this the point of drinks?
I dunno if I'm mistaken, but isn't this the point of drinks?

I don't like being drunk to the point where I lose a significant amount of coordination, I like to drink until I'm feeling happy and sociable, and if necessary, until I enjoy the people around me (kidding of course). Being too drunk just isn't fun for me.
Might be.... hmm. Very few of my friends drink, so I don't have the opportunity to drink to socialize. That'll probably change soon, though.
Not for me actually (not intentionally to get shitfaced anyways), I just want something that tastes good.
Unless you drink too many of them, in which case you don't want to even look at dairy products for a week. For this reason I pour my WRs heavy on vodka and relatively light on milk/half and half and kahlua.

Well that's just like, your opinion, man.
Beer kinda tastes like stale bread...
Beer kinda tastes like stale bread...

LOL never heard that comparison before.

Yeah, beer sucks. The only alcoholic drinks I like are vermouth, strawberry flavored champagne, and some types of liquor.

Also I find drinking for the sake of getting drunk stupid.
What bugs me about beer (besides the fact that cheap beer, which is all I can afford, tastes like horse dick) is how much burping is involved. That's fine for a couple beers, but after 5-6 it starts getting dangerously into puke into your mouth a little territory.
beer is ok for me now, when i was 17 it was a different story. but lately i had like 5 beers the entire year. i'm a hard liquor guy and i've always been. just give me some shots and sometimes a chaser and i'm good. but no matter what you drink its always good to have some food in your stomach.
Drink one beer every day while cooking or grilling. You will have an appetite to bite a mother****er in half by the time it's ready.

You ever bug a dog while it's eating? GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. Yeah, it's like that.

If you have trouble drinking beer for some reason, just drink them in front of a crowd of wimmin. (or you can pretend if this is not practical) You don't want to look like a pussy do you?
Drink one beer every day while cooking or grilling. You will have an appetite to bite a mother****er in half by the time it's ready.

You ever bug a dog while it's eating? GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. Yeah, it's like that.

If you have trouble drinking beer for some reason, just drink them in front of a crowd of wimmin. (or you can pretend if this is not practical) You don't want to look like a pussy do you?

Why not just drink the wimmin? **** the beers!
I'm shocked at how many people dislike beer here. There are so many that are incredibly delicious, you just have to find the right one, and then your palatte will be UNLOCKED. Has anyone here tried Gulden Draak? I had it at the Seattle International Beer fest this past July, and it was just orgasmic. I suspect it's obnoxiously expensive, but I need to track some down.
What is it with you guys and beer? The only alchoholic drink that I've tasted that I didn't mind too much were those vodka + apple juice + cherry things.