So I'm an idiot


Staff member
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
I wasted all my money on a Wii! I am now the owner of a Wii, two remotes, two nunchucks and a Gamecube controller. I have Super Mario Galaxy and LoZ: The Wind Waker (with Ocarine of Time and Masterquest). I am not the owner of a Gamecube memory card, which I didn't know I need. I'll try to pick one up tomorrow. Games I'm looking into getting:

Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes (I didn't think it'd be so expensive)
Resident Evil 0

LoZ: Twilight Princess
Metroid Prime Trilogy
Silent Hill: Shattered Memories
No More Heroes
Super Smash Bros Brawl
Resident Evil 4

Virtual Console/WiiWare:
LoZ: Majora's Mask
World of Goo
Super Mario 64
Maybe Sonic and Ristar
I wasted all my money on a Wii! I am now the owner of a Wii, two remotes, two nunchucks and a Gamecube controller. I have Super Mario Galaxy and LoZ: The Wind Waker (with Ocarine of Time and Masterquest). I am not the owner of a Gamecube memory card, which I didn't know I need. I'll try to pick one up tomorrow. Games I'm looking into getting:

Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes (I didn't think it'd be so expensive)
Resident Evil 0

LoZ: Twilight Princess
Metroid Prime Trilogy
Silent Hill: Shattered Memories
No More Heroes
Super Smash Bros Brawl
Resident Evil 4

Virtual Console/WiiWare:
LoZ: Majora's Mask
World of Goo
Super Mario 64
Maybe Sonic and Ristar

Ha, I beat Warbie in here to say get Lost Winds from WiiWare. Your lists are good, I'd toss in Mad World and Mario Kart.
You're actually not an idiot, you're officially awesome. Play yourself some Nintendo games and enjoy 'em.
Ha, I beat Warbie in here to say get Lost Winds from WiiWare.

You know me too well - I was just about to post that :P

World of Goo and Lost Winds are the essential WiiWare titles. Super Monkey Ball (only the orignal - the sequels suck my balls) on the GC too. It's the best game on the cube :)
Nice list I'm thinking something in the same guidelines. I have the same Wii games too. :D
This is actually my first Nintendo home (ie, not handheld) console.
Great choice with the Wii then :)

How are you finding Galaxy?
I've not caught up to where I was before (my sister had a Wii a while before selling it on, the bitch). I was on the third observatory before, I'm still on the first now. I like it of course; I wouldn't have bought again otherwise.