So it looks like Episode 2 has no new guns.


Jul 30, 2006
Reaction score
So it looks like Episode 2 does not have a new gun. It has the overhyped Strider Buster, which could be put in the same class as "flares" in Episode 1.

A flare gives off light and is gravity gun ammo that can be used to ignite enemies.

A Strider Buster weakens striders and is gravity gun ammo as well.

I do not see the big distinction...
The big distinction is it damages the Striders. Also, calm down. We are several months away from release. Do you really think Valve is going to spill the beans all at once? I doubt it.
Well I'm just guessing because Episode 1 didn't have much new stuff. It's alright, but I'd like to see a new gun or two in the not-so-distant future.
The reason Episode 1 didn't have new stuff, is because it took place mere hours after HL2. But you also had the Zombine. Besides that, there were other enhancements to detail in Ep1. First off, the Combine now use grappling hooks to come down from buildings. There are also the Antlion Burrows, which are pluggable only by cars. You also have the addition of the "dynamic skybox", which changes during the course of the game. Not to mention the incredible Alyx AI. My only gripe with Ep1 was that I wanted more dialogue. It is a personal preference, and beyond that Ep1 is awesome.
Episode 1 was good, but I will point out that Episode 2 takes place mere hours after HL2 as well, four hours afterward to be precise.

(Also grappling hooks were in Half Life 2, just not used much.)
Because Ep1 was in the same place and same time as HL2 so giving new weapons isn't logical.

Along with the Strider Buster , we'll have new weapon in the new car as well. As for now , these are the new weapons we know of.
Don't forget the portal gun. I know it's not in Ep2 but still, it is a new gun.
Don't forget the portal gun. I know it's not in Ep2 but still, it is a new gun.

Pressing the right commands into the console should do the trick :)

And besides I'm hoping to see the return of the Tau Cannon, with added rail-style features (going through multiple enemies) :D
What? Valve have announced the Strider-Buster, a single new weapon. Episode 2 is not due out until Christmas and we've hardly seen any of it. You think they are going to release all the new stuff in one go?
It wouldn't bother me if there wasn't, but there is going to be.
Episode 1 was good, but I will point out that Episode 2 takes place mere hours after HL2 as well, four hours afterward to be precise.

(Also grappling hooks were in Half Life 2, just not used much.)

Right, but Ep2 also takes place in the wasteland, therefore we should (and will) see new creatures to battle. And no, it takes place much longer than four hours. In the beginning Alyx says that they have been trying to reach Eli for hours. Add that to the time of Ep1 (several hours), and it's quite lengthy.

As for the car having a new weapon, that sounds good.
Yes, it is very early. I'm sure there will be more stuff. And we already know we have the strider buster and whatever the car has.

This is getting confusing.... is it going to be released in Fall, Winter, or Spring?
What exactly is the Tau Cannon? I never played all the way through HL. Is it the one that you get from the lab where the high energy laser is?
It was the gun attached to the buggy on Highway 17. THe gun in Half Life was a Gauss gun, similar but not the same.
Responding to the previous four posts:
Actually, it was called the Tau Cannon.

Oh yeah?

Yes, that's the one.

It comes out about Christmastime.
Yes, Tau Cannon = Gauss Gun = Coil Gun.

As for the laser, hmm....
Hmmm, a nuclear blast almost kills you. You find yourself in the woods, which so happens becomes the breeding ground for striders and hunters. And wait, holy mother my penis was in virgin mary, a magical, powerful new gun falls out of the sky dropping right into your boney hands.

I doubt it. Don't get your jizz rag out yet, like someone said, the game is due in Christmas.
Yes, Tau Cannon = Gauss Gun = Coil Gun.

As for the laser, hmm....

bbson, look at the link above your comment, that's the laser I was talking about. Thanks Grey. And thaks everyone for explaining the tua cannon.
I read it. The "hmm" means I am friggin' wrong.
After all, that laser is not a GUN at all!!!!
It was the gun attached to the buggy on Highway 17. THe gun in Half Life was a Gauss gun, similar but not the same.

The Tau Cannon is the official name for the weapon on the buggy and what you receive in HL1. It was also called Gauss Gun in HL1, but considering that the Gauss Gun is the name of the weapon on the Hunter-Chopper, then it would be the incorrect name for it now.

Then there is the Gluon Gun (The ghostbuster type weapon) which would be interesting to see return in Ep2 or Ep3. Perhaps the cremators carry a similar weapon.
1: New Car
2: Strider-Buster
3: New grav-gun abilities

The gauss is the model name for the tau cannon because it was originaly designed as a gauss weapon, not an energy/particle one.

We got all functions covered don't we? Or do you want five other weapons that do the exact same thing but with different models? It was like that in HL1.
I would like very much the Snarks back and maybe with a new twist. The places ep2 is taking place in are fitting for them to be found.

Having the SLAM would also be helpfull , though less in Ep2 so maybe they will add it in Ep3.

Alien-kind of a gun will be good too , something along the lines of the Hornet gun or something else i'm sure they are able to come up with , w/o it being simmilar to other weapons.
Too bad we won't be seeing anymore of the super grav gun. :(
Hmmm, a nuclear blast almost kills you. You find yourself in the woods, which so happens becomes the breeding ground for striders and hunters. And wait, holy mother my penis was in virgin mary, a magical, powerful new gun falls out of the sky dropping right into your boney hands.
Indeed. Where are you going to get a new gun from? And furthermore, why? We have no need of other weapons. We've got all the basics: a melee weapon, two pistols, two machine guns, a sniping weapon (crossbow), shotgun, grenades, rocket launcher. This covers ALL the bases you'd need. Plus we have the might that is the gravity gun, which turns anything into a weapon. I think I would be disappointed if we got a new weapon, unless it was some crazy experiment they were working on in the woods...but why would it be there instead of in City 17, where it could be of use?
Not a new gun, perhaps, but a new weapon. Th Strider Buster is merely ammo for the grav gun I think. Who knows what weapon will be attached to the Hybrid car.

I would like at least one new weapon, perhaps a Combine-influenced one. But, I don't want weapons that are thrown in there for the sake of it. I don't need X amount of new guns for Ep2. Just something innovative that will add new styles of gameplay.
I, for one, would actually like to see a new gun/weapon/whatever the **** you want to call it. The absence of them in Episode 1 made sense. But Episode 2 is now in an entirely different environment. It's not a matter of time, but location.

If they're going to consider these Episodes to be Half-Life 3, then I'd like some new weapons that go with the territory of a sequel.

That said, Valve has only shown us a peek at Episode 2, and there is surely more to come. So any bitching and moaning at this point is extremely premature.
gotta have my snarks.

I just loved unleashing a whole bunch of them to confuse the hell out of enemy squads in the first game.

At any rate they could always try including a different weapon that fills the same function as a replacement. I grow weary of the magic mp7. Perhaps bring about the return of the tau gun or egon gun. Maybe even modify the weapon skins a little to make them look a little different. I dunno. Something.
Seeing a grunt trying to grenade a snark is hillarious but snarks V hunters and strider? Yeah right.
Well, of course you wouldn't use them against striders, just like you wouldn't use them against tanks or gargantuas. But against a group of humanoids? Sheer bliss.

I'd like to be able to lob nests of the suckers, rather than one by one. Just breaking it open on some poor sap's head and having a bunch of the little ****ers disperse throughout the room and wreak havoc.
Strider buster is simply a badly, perfunctorily made weapon to fulfil the wish of (piss off) those who want a new weapon.

Too bad we won't be seeing anymore of the super grav gun. :(

luckily, we won't
Why do you think about the next idea:

Take the Hopwire and modify it so instead of the wires pop through after you throw it , the hopwire will be triggerd controlled by the player , like satchel.

You throw the hopwire to the ground and when you press fire again the ball springs up and the wires shoot out spearing people and objects like the original.
It could be used to set traps , or breaking through obstacles or just for the cool factor.
After you use it , you press "fire" again to retract the wires from wherever they drilled themselves into , and the ball falls to the ground to be picked up again by the player.