So it looks like Episode 2 has no new guns.

Well, firstly, your predictions are absolutely stupid. Considering Valve have already stated there will be new weapons and enemies, it is only logic to assume the Hunter and the Strider Buster are only teasers.

We'll see now won't we, but I think they'll play the same card as they did with Ep1 and add just 1 or 2 new enemies.

It is also nice to know you 'don't give a shit' about the Strider Buster, considering you haven't even seen it in action.

Yes... the Strider Buster. A thing that you throw with the gravity gun on the Strider to make it easier to destroy, yeah I'm impressed:rolleyes: . Where's the damn gauss gun?!
I predict the there won't be any new guns bar the "strider buster"(which I don't give a shit about), and no new enemies besides the over hyped hunter. If this turns out to be true and they totally miss this perfect opportunity to add new stuff then I'll lose all respect for Valve period.:|

I have to say, that would be really stupid and unwarranted for you to lose all respect for Valve simply over not adding weapons.

I mean really ****ing stupid.
Half-Life 2: Episode Two is in the woods, is it not?

Why not go hunting?

Besides the fact the M14 was made in America and hasn't seen action since the '60s...I don't see any logic in that. USPs, Spas-12, etc are made in other countries so them ending up in an Eastern European country would make sense.
Besides the fact the M14 was made in America and hasn't seen action since the '60s...I don't see any logic in that. USPs, Spas-12, etc are made in other countries so them ending up in an Eastern European country would make sense.

Thats not entirely accurate, I know allot of people in Iraq, Afganistan, & Persian Gulf war that used the M-14. Of course 10-15 or more countries around the world still use it too. The latest variant of the M-14 is the M1A Socom. Also whats so bad about it being made in america:naughty:.
The M14's used as a sniper rifle now I believe. I mean, I guess it could fit into Half-Life as the sniper rifle, but not as a regular ol' rifle.
I've never found the OSPIR weak or inaccurate, and I play HL2 on hard.
Also, I don't care what VALVe do, because it'll be good. There adding new weapons into Episode Two the end, but I would've been happy if there weren't any new weapons in the whole trilogy.
I have to say, that would be really stupid and unwarranted for you to lose all respect for Valve simply over not adding weapons.

I mean really ****ing stupid.

Exactly. It has to be the stupidest thing I've heard all day.
I've never found the OSPIR weak or inaccurate, and I play HL2 on hard.

For me, the problems with the pulse rifle are thus:

1. It, like the MP7, has wonky firing physics. I would much prefer it if, like a real weapon, the Overwatch Standard started out accurate but quickly loses that when you switch to full auto. Ditto the MP7. In fact, the MP7 should be made more accurate in general. In real life the MP7 is very accurate for an SMG, and the extremely tiny bullets that it fires make for low recoil. The issue here is that the OS starts firing in a cone from the first time you pull the trigger until the last, and it is really very irritating.

2. It's ammunition capacity is horrible. I don't mean the magazine, but rather the total ammo you can carry. Ninety rounds is nothing when you'll be wasting, say, a quarter of them simply because your gun can't do accurate single shots (because the gun fires in a cone around your crosshair even on the first pulse blast you shoot.)

I'd love if they rectified this, because the overwatch standard is a snazzy gun. Hell, they can even say that, due to the increased distance from a Universal Union base of operations (ie a Citadel,) the Combine's forest-units use a modified version of the pulse rifle with the desired characteristics. (Because you'd want to be able to carry a lot more ammo if you're well away from resupply, and similarly you don't want to be wasting bullets due to the weapon's inherent inaccuracy.)

On the other hand, the forest setting does give us much opportunity for new weapons. After all, the Overwatch weapons that we've seen thus far are mostly tooled for urban combat, like the MP7, ever-inaccurate OSIPR, and shotgun. (As an aside, Combine squads seem to consist of two SMG troopers, a Pulse-rifle trooper, and a shotgunner... a squad so equipped sounds a lot like a MOUT unit to me, especially since AFAIK shotguns aren't issued to modern militaries unless engaging in urban combat.) Logically, the units which the Combine uses in the forest would have significantly different weapons, as the requirements for the environment are different.

Myself, I imagine an OICW-type gun (ie bullet firing assault rifle, it doesn't need to look like the OICW, though looking like a futuristic combine assault rifle would be cool) with a reduced damage compared to the overwatch standard, but more accuracy and ammo capacity. Though this is naturally if they don't modify the overwatch standard as I propose above.

You could have this 'new' rifle be prevalent amongst combine soldiers in the wilderness, where you want endurance over the raw firepower that the overwatch standard provides. (That is not to say the OSIPR doesn't have its place... it is ideal in my mind for urban combat. High power and ROF combined with close quarters means that you have an ideal weapon for that given situation.) However, the overwatch standard isn't really ideal for long range combat, which is something that I figure would play prominently in the wilderness (at least compared to City 17 where the Overwatch trooper is rarely more then, say, twenty feet away.)

What other weapons could they include? I dunno. To be honest, not many more would really fit the role. Perhaps an experimental high-tech gun or anti-material rifle for dealing with big targets like Ant-Lion Myrmidonts, Striders, and Gargs, but the rocket launcher kinda-sorta already pulls that duty.

Something I'd really like, though, is some sort of EMP weapon, probably a grenade. Something that disables energy weapons in its area of effect, and perhaps has an effect of some sort on Synths and also Combine Overwatch coordination (due to their radios being disabled by the EMP.) This could easily be one of the new technologies that Kleiner speaks of in E1, a cheap and mass-producible weapon which can affect Synths.

Besides that, though, there are really few 'traditional' niches that aren't already filled. So E2 should venture into the non-traditional. Not necessarily 'zany' or 'insane' weapons, but rather ones which are different from the norm. Snarks were an excellent example of this.

There's a whole wealth of potential for unconventional weapons in HL's tech base. We have the humans, who we know were more advanced then Modern Earth even before the Combine invasion, we have the Combine, extra-dimensional alien invaders, and then we have the Xen-critters. There is lots of potential here for weapons which aren't just unique in feel, but also function. All it takes is an enlightened dev team, like Valve to break out of the Quake-style mold of 'gun -> bigger gun -> OMGBFG10k!' -As an aside, I feel this was one of the big failings of Prey. Sure all the weapons looked alien... but they were all, when it came right down to it, the exact same weapons we've been slaughtering things with since Doom. (Save the leech gun... which was a damn interesting concept.)

I guess what I'm trying to say with this rant is that, yeah, we shouldn't be getting lots of silly random weapons like Kalashnikovs or something, but rather 'new' weapons which make sense for the story and location the game taking place in, ones which add the new and interesting gameplay quirks that have always defined the HL series and made it the entertainment tour de force that it is.
I agree with Zeus..I don't care what it has or doesn't have, I'm buying it.
the last comments do it for me here

Really, some people on this forums are just dumb asses when they come to this game. My god i would have thought you would have already realized that Half-Life 2 and the episodes for it are not all about the ****ing guns! If you want a game with a ****ing load of weapons, then go play Serious Sam or some shit, all you do in that is pick up some mad ass guns and blow the **** out of everything that moves, that does not appeal to me or a lot of people here at all. But it seems like all you people who seem to be obsessed with new weaponry, well that game would suite them just fine it seems.

I was sick of seeing people bad mouthing episode 1 for how short it was, and it drives me even more that people are bad mouthing episode 1, AND NOW, episode 2, when the ****ing game aint even out yet. Get it into your thick skulls that Half-Life 2 and its episodes are 100x more than just its god damn weapons. Give it up for **** sake!
I see that Half-Life 2 is a little more "Conservative" when it come's to weaponry, but imo All it needs some tweaks & at least 1 or 2 weapons or just port one weapon from the orginal Half-Life (like the Gauss Gun).

Weapon tweaks that should be

-The .357 Magnum Revolver should have more than 12 bullets total about 20-24 max. The revolver is worthless because just like that no more bullets.

-the HK "USP" .45 cal pistol needs to 'feel' like a .45 NOT like a parabellum pea shooter. After all USP is a codename or nick used to describe a .50"ACP", 9mm "parabellum". It should at least be a little more powerful & a shorter clip like 12 or 13 rounds in a clip.

-The Pulse rifle the power is just fine the way it is, Its the accuracy could be fixed. If there was accuracy & maybe recoil it would need skill to operate. IMO right now a n00b can fire the think with out skill, It would add to the difficulty.

-Everything else is just fine.

That's my two cents :p.
-The .357 Magnum Revolver should have more than 12 bullets total about 20-24 max. The revolver is worthless because just like that no more bullets.

No. Wrong. Look up worthless. The revolver can gun down most enemies in one shot, it is extremely powerful. Sure, it doesn't have many shots, but I think worthless is a slightly ridiculous comment.

Do you realize that I had mine on hard, plus I think the magnum had more bullets in HL1. When you have the game on hard it takes 3 shots to the head to kill a Combine Zombie, yes 1 shot to the head to a regular zombie, CP or overwatch but to the toughest enemeis liek the Zombine its take's 3 so as a result I use the Crossbow instead because its just one shot & their down.

Also the Shot gun in HL1 had 8 shells in a gun + 40 shells extra.
But you never actually fight the Zombine with the magnum in Episode 1. Try again.
But your point does not stand. You don't use the Magnum against the Zombine in Episode 1 therefore you cannot call it worthless. In Episode 1, you use the magnum against metrocops, Overwatch, and perhaps manhacks. And it cuts through them like a hot knife through butter.

Not worthless.
I think the only problem with the mag is its extra bullets. Thats all I want fixed because in close quaters Id rather use the Spas-12 Its has the Double barrel alt fire option which Id use over the mag. IDK its just Im not too found of how many bullets it has. 12.

You can use cheats to get the revolver though.
Yes, you can use cheats to get the shotgun at the beginning. You can use cheats to get this weapon or that. But that has nothing to do with what you are trting to argue. Because you are NEVER in a situation, within the game, without cheating, where you use the Magnum against the Zombine.
Yes, you can use cheats to get the shotgun at the beginning. You can use cheats to get this weapon or that. But that has nothing to do with what you are trting to argue. Because you are NEVER in a situation, within the game, without cheating, where you use the Magnum against the Zombine.

Right, like saying the gravity gun is worthless in the citadel levels cause you can cheat yourself to a rocket launcher
Cheating leaves in my mouth a bitter taste of the game-I never and I won't cheat at any game(god mode or something)
Yeah well, I've beat it quite a few time's so I think I (& everybody else who has done so) deserve to use impulse 101 but i must admit I never used god mode. Just impulse 101 & noclip to get a better view at some parts.

I needed to use impulse 101 because you have no crowbar to break open boxes of Health & ammo, your stuck with the stupid Zero point gun to break open crates. Persoanlly I hate the damn zero point gun.
What I'm not following here are the people stating that the AK-47 or one of it's variants isn't a logical weapon for Half Life 2.

Half life 2 is set in Eastern Europe, you know, the place occupied by Soviets during the cold war? Where Armies were armed with.... hundreds of thousands of .... AK47s/AKMs/AK-74s? The gun that has reached production estimates of, oh , close to 70 MILLION....

And yet, people stilll think the MP7 and USP Match, both of which probably have not even hit the 100,000 mark in production yet, make perfect sense for Combine/Rebel weapons :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
I would like to see a PKM
the last comments do it for me here

Really, some people on this forums are just dumb asses when they come to this game. My god i would have thought you would have already realized that Half-Life 2 and the episodes for it are not all about the ****ing guns! If you want a game with a ****ing load of weapons, then go play Serious Sam or some shit, all you do in that is pick up some mad ass guns and blow the **** out of everything that moves, that does not appeal to me or a lot of people here at all. But it seems like all you people who seem to be obsessed with new weaponry, well that game would suite them just fine it seems.

I was sick of seeing people bad mouthing episode 1 for how short it was, and it drives me even more that people are bad mouthing episode 1, AND NOW, episode 2, when the ****ing game aint even out yet. Get it into your thick skulls that Half-Life 2 and its episodes are 100x more than just its god damn weapons. Give it up for **** sake!

I have that game... its stupid, i like haveing a large variety of weapons to choose from... it was the only thing cool in the game and i didnt even get that far... the game had good
graphics, it was a shame to put them to such shitty use.

EDIT: oops, double posted... my bad.
If there had to be a Russian weapon included I'd want it to be the Dragunov. Now thats a fine looking sniping weapon... bolt-action to boot.

But personally, I have no need of new weapons in the game. All I use as it is, is the Pistol and Shotgun with occasional magnum sniping. If I were to mod it, I'd load the SMG grenade launcher on the shotty as the secondary fire, and up the reserve ammo of the magnum and pistol and toss the other weapons (aside from rockets)


  • svd01.jpg
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Give me a Snark and I won't ask for another damn thing in the Half-Life series. Except Bullsquids. And Ickys. Dammit.
If there had to be a Russian weapon included I'd want it to be the Dragunov. Now thats a fine looking sniping weapon... bolt-action to boot.

But personally, I have no need of new weapons in the game. All I use as it is, is the Pistol and Shotgun with occasional magnum sniping. If I were to mod it, I'd load the SMG grenade launcher on the shotty as the secondary fire, and up the reserve ammo of the magnum and pistol and toss the other weapons (aside from rockets)

The SVD is semi auto you crazy fool. If we're going to do it Russian style, we need to do it in the classic way - full auto with an AK-47. Mind you, what I'd really like to see would be an RPK.
Give me a Snark and I won't ask for another damn thing in the Half-Life series. Except Bullsquids. And Ickys. Dammit.

YES! Bring back the Snarks and the Gauss Gun damn it! Gees, is it too much to ask:dozey: .
What's the problem with bringing old weapons back? Snarks rule and they can always introduce a new twist to their function.