So it looks like Episode 2 has no new guns.

The hopwire would be such an awsome addition. That's the kind of new fangled weaponry people want.
Man the hopwire (black hole version) is just like the grenade we have already! It has a different visual effect, with that fancy shader and all, but it's just a grenade.
Man the hopwire (black hole version) is just like the grenade we have already! It has a different visual effect, with that fancy shader and all, but it's just a grenade.

With a higher power blast radius.
Man the hopwire (black hole version) is just like the grenade we have already! It has a different visual effect, with that fancy shader and all, but it's just a grenade.
that is remote controlled and kills striders in one go (and is really REALLY cool)
Ah, I'm tired of this no new guns business! Guns are the life and soul of this game! Without guns, you have nothing, and I'm getting really, really tired of the same old guns.
Maybe it's a gun based on Xen lifeforms like in HL1 and Op4, but Gordon just hasn't seen it yet.
HL1 had so much more guns than HL2 like the Gluon Gun, the Gauss gun, the Hive hand, the Stachel Charge, the Snark, & Trip mine's. Thats why it 'pwns' HL2. Even though the Gravity Gun is innovative, but i hope valve stops thinking thats it is all you'll ever need as a weapon. Quite frankly during EP1, I just threw in the cheats & got my crowbar(Gordon Freeman is'nt good 'ol Freeman with out his weapon choice) G-gun is the Gay-gun.

I demand a Gauss gun & a Gluon gun.

C4 would be more worthy. Take a stick of C4, G-gun picks it up with its "gravity abilities" then flings it at the Strider (C4 sticks to the strider & never lets go) & then pull out that detonation remote. There's your 'strider buster' but a little more complicated.
woot! new weapons!!! episode one pissed me off cuz of that and F**K your " its only been a could hours " logic... it only takes a second to stumble into an armory... I've played E1 once... and i only plan on playing it again for the commentary... other then that i dont really care to play it again, enless they make a HL2: substance E1. then I'll play it.
I heard them say they are maing a HL2EP1: Substance. I hope they fix the damage on the guns, it takes a whole freakin clip to kill some one.
some times... it really depends on the guns.. the shot guns... yes, they take way to many shot for a semi-auto shot gun... sadly one of the stronges gun ( excludeing the one shot kill gusn ) is solid snakes pistol... its more actuate and stronger then most of the smgs and rifles in the mod... but if you havent played it... try it... I like it more then the original half life... execpt its almost im possible to beat due to the lack of health in the game and the huge drops in hp thats swiftly takeing from you... you can be killed with only one shot with a shot gun, and there aim dont suck in this one... they always get you... i hope they make substance for E1... cuz i really didnt like that it was practically the same game... i really would have thought it would have been better as something that would automatically get loaded in to HL2, enless you dont have it... but you'd be a fool to buy hl2:E1 with out playing hl, or hl 2...
woot! new weapons!!! episode one pissed me off cuz of that and F**K your " its only been a could hours " logic... it only takes a second to stumble into an armory... I've played E1 once... and i only plan on playing it again for the commentary... other then that i dont really care to play it again, enless they make a HL2: substance E1. then I'll play it.

Substance sucked. And so does your logic.
Gimmie a Smod+Fakefactory anyday for EP1. You just can't keep ignoring that HL2 NEEDS guns. Just a good story is'nt cutting it. HL2 is a FPS not a RPG.
I'm not ignoring it. There is so much more going for Half-life 2 than simply its story. Thus far, I've been impressed by the level of gameplay (it manages to take it to a level no other shooter can quite reach), its wonderfully presented world and big bunch of other stuff that I can't be bothered to trawl through. Throughout HL2 and Episode 1 I did not, at any point, sit down and say "Oh man, I feel like firing something new."

I didn't.

I was quite content with the arsenal and didn't feel there was room for something else. HL2 is probably the best first person shooter on the market, and I can honestly say its arsenal is not something that is dragging it down. There was no place for new weapons in Episode 1. You had Alyx, and that was something completely different to what we've seen. Valve strive to do different things, rather than damn cliche's.

With Episode 2, I am looking forward to new guns. Because I feel it is time for some new stuff, but prior to that I didn't. But we've had Episode 1, and we've had HL2. And it hasn't suffered due to lack of new weapons.
The only reason Why I wanted new guns in Ep1 was because of the Zombine(which took 3 strait shoots from a Shotty in the head) & the Antlion Guard which was an annoying boss like fight + with basic swarm of Antlions so it was hard to to take Explosive barrels & 'fling' it at the guard.

I needed something with alot more kick, like a fully charged up Gauss Gun in secondary Alt fire.

Thats all :).
I don't mind the amount of weapons you have currently. The only thing I don't like is the MP7 (mainly because it has a grenade launchers). Perhaps you find a eastern bloc weapon, like a AK47 with attached grenade launcher to replace it mid-way through the game
I love the MP7. Sure, it isn't very accurate, by always enjoyed using it. AK47 has to be the most cliched weapon in gaming. :p

I trust Valve not to throw in some lame machine gun, and something with abit more originality.
How about a Heckler & Koch G3A3 7.62x51mm Assault Rifle has lots of added punch in its 7.62mm ammo in a 20 round clip.

2 other guns could be the SA-80 and/or M16-A4 with picany rails, forward grip, & a 4x non-teliscopic sight.

or we just add a German Mauser Karabiner 98 kurtz, Sturm Gewehr-44, or the good 'ol trusty B.A.R M1918

I love the MP7. Sure, it isn't very accurate, by always enjoyed using it. AK47 has to be the most cliched weapon in gaming. :p

I trust Valve not to throw in some lame machine gun, and something with abit more originality.

I don't like the MP7 because it's ugly.

At least in Episode: One they gave it a better soundeffect so now it is very fun to fire. :)

Half-Life2 doesn't need any new weapons, though I'm sure at some point Valve has to bring back the Gluon-Gun. I'm sure they'll find some way to make it more unique though. Try to bring the source physics into play.
I'm pretty sure they beefed up a few of the weapon soundeffects for Episode 1.
It would be nice if Valve actually put in weapons that would make sense. Why the hell would the Combine even add the MP7 to their arsenal? And why wouldn't they have a proper assault rifle? For an alien race who can harness dark energy, they suck at making guns. The plasma rifle is weak and inaccurate.
The Pulse rifle is hardly weak when it can take down soldiers in a matter of shots. Sure, firing blindly like an idiot will take an age, but two short bursts and they are down. The MP7 and the shotgun and any other human weapon is there primarily due to the fact that the soldiers are human, it adds to the human presence and makes sense considering they've adopted an Earth bound unit.

Harness dark energy? Hardly. Considering they hardly have enough of it to even teleport from one place to another, I find it very, very, very unlikely they'd be able to add it to some kind of weaponry.
I disliked using the pulse rifle's "rifle" part because it took 5 shots against soldiers to kill but I liked using them energy orb's as they showed a cool fireworks display + instant kill, but my weapon of choice was the Crossbow....every shot was instant kill.

2 short bursts....that must be on easy and/or headshots against CP's but up against Zombine's/Zombie's, Elite's & all regular soldiers, possibly 3 or 4 bursts on normal.

Is it just me or is it that HL2 needs a 7.62mm automatic rifle?
Half-Life2 doesn't need any new weapons, though I'm sure at some point Valve has to bring back the Gluon-Gun.

Hopefully not. The Gluon-gun is probably the worst weapon I’ve ever seen. I really hate it (especially in HLDM).
Why? its too over powering.

Well why dont we have the Gauss gun back, the one on the buggy in HL2 "the Tau cannon" was fairly weak.
The HL1 arsenal was pretty hit and miss in times. I mean, the hive hand was shit.
Why? its too over powering.

Yes, it is far too powerful. And I hate the sound and the design. The Gluon-gun looks ridiculous, it looks like an overpowered vacuum cleaner or something. I hardly ever used it in singleplayer and I never used it in HLDM.
Hive hand owns. It would great to have all of the HL1 weapons back. Hive gun could be used and have different tricks with the current tech and gamplay mechanics.
As Feeshy (Samon) said, The guns are fine as they are. I, actually, am content, and fermilliar (SP?) with the weapons, so I naturally know how to use em, so there are no new suprises. And also theres the fact that they could screw it up with a new gun. Like the AK47. Where's the logic in that appearing? I admit a Hunting Rifle would make a bit of sense. Because you're in the wilderness, where the Combine don't control.

And besides, the Gravity Gun fills up all the basic needs of the person. First we go complaining "I WANT MORE ENEMIES!!" to "I WANT MORE WEAPONS!!" It's actually quite funny, that we don't just get over that VALVe won't give us new weapons untill they deem that it's logicial to put in one.

I admit, that the weapons are a bit too weak (Some of them) And a headshot should instantly kill most enemies (Like the Metrocops and Soldiers) But the weapons can be tweaked. Just like the health of the enemies, ammo reserve amounts, Ecetera. I think I've made my point.

-Peace out.
Substance sucked. And so does your logic.

sadly... my logic does suck... but i liked substance.

I would just like to see some kind of rifle semi-auto rifle that has no scope that can fire actuarly from far distance... i dont think thats to much ask for... but you gotta understand, that i ( maybe like some of you ) started with game that had so many more choices. noome of you guys,w i dont know about s but i pretty much started my whole " video games kick ass " thing back in the day with the PS2 and a clean copy of Ratchet and Clank, any of you who have played it know that it has a huge arsenal of crazy powerful unique weapons... I like to have as many guns as possible... if they could some how pack 500 guns into one game... I would rejoice...
How about this weapon, its M-14. the M-14 for those who don't know is Semi-Automatic single shot rifle, sort of like a hunting rifle. It has 7.62x51mm NATO Ammunition in a 10 or 20 round clip, it has a maximum range of 900-meters. cap be equiped with a 10x Sniper scope.

How about this weapon, its M-14. the M-14 for those who don't know is Semi-Automatic single shot rifle, sort of like a hunting rifle. It has 7.62x51mm NATO Ammunition in a 10 or 20 round clip, it has a maximum range of 900-meters. cap be equiped with a 10x Sniper scope.


Oh yeah! I can totally see that fitting into the Half-Life 2 story. :dozey:
I predict the there won't be any new guns bar the "strider buster"(which I don't give a shit about), and no new enemies besides the over hyped hunter. If this turns out to be true and they totally miss this perfect opportunity to add new stuff then I'll lose all respect for Valve period.:|
I predict the there won't be any new guns bar the "strider buster"(which I don't give a shit about), and no new enemies besides the over hyped hunter. If this turns out to be true and they totally miss this perfect opportunity to add new stuff then I'll lose all respect for Valve period.:|

Well, firstly, your predictions are absolutely stupid. Considering Valve have already stated there will be new weapons and enemies, it is only logic to assume the Hunter and the Strider Buster are only teasers. It is also nice to know you 'don't give a shit' about the Strider Buster, considering you haven't even seen it in action.

And you know, what a pathetic thing to lose respect over.

sadly... my logic does suck....
