So it's a hoax, let's get over it and WORK ON THE SECOND TEST!!

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DigitalAssassin said:
Can someone please explain what all this 'First test" "Second test" stuff is? (Or even better, point me to a thread where it's explained).

I have no idea what any of this is about.

Maybe you should look at the stickys?
I'm curious... can anyone point me to a thread that explains how the first test was solved? I've seen the secret URL and the login info for it, but that's all. It's hard doing anything with this second test without knowing anything about the first one.
we've been looking at these for days now, we really cant see anything to point us in the right direction.
what was the point of ilovebees? i dont get it at all expect for halo, was that it?

At least that's worth a try...or so I hear.
where did it say nova/prospekt or w/e on the whiteboard? didnt someone say it was in one of the pictures?

im off to watch the chatter at #SecondTest
callmer7432 said:
i love bees was/is easy compared to this
yes... cause getting off your ass to go to a pay phone you found using GPS coordinates on the site and then waiting for a phone call is alot more difficult... hell, we don't even know for sure this is a real 2nd test
It was in the trainstation bink. Just before gorden is lead to the torture chamber.
We need to find the address to the website where we can use the user/pass
Maybe if you mount the image on DAEMON tools, it will act as a cd for the game.
wait a second...maybe that post from the is a sign from Gabe..."gaben"....
I can open base source shared.gcf but I can't open base source shared materials. gcf I have GCFScape 1.1.5, and installed everything I need. I don't have Steam open when I try to open it, so I don't know what's wrong. Here's the error message I get:

"Failed to map GCF File to memory
Make sure the file is not already open and that Steam is not open"

Can anybody help me out?
On IRC, a user named VALVe just posted the following riddle:

VALVe said:
Three men checked into a hotel room for which they paid $30. The next day, the manager realized that the men had been overcharged. She gave the bellhop $5 to return to the three men. On the way to their room the bellhop decided to keep $2 for himself, and give each of the three men one dollar. The three men had now paid $9 each, or a total of $27. This plus the $2 the bellhop kept makes a total of $29.
What happened U to R the L other dollar?
Now, as everybody knows, the answer to this riddle is achievable. Think about it this way. There is a saying that you cannot add apples and oranges. If you have 3 apples and 2 oranges do you have 5 apples? No. Do you have 5 oranges? No. You have five fruits, but the number of apples and oranges has not changed. Similarly, you cannot add real money and "what they think they paid". When we count only real money, the men have $3, the bellhop has $2, and the manager has $25. That is $30 total.

I'm still puzzled as to why VALVe put that U R L thing in a sentence... They are hinting something, but what?
Did anyone notice the difference between the train gordon arrived on and the ones on their way to nova prospekt? They appear to have no windows an armor, possibly prison trains?

also, here's the source for Test 1, which could be a hint, maybe? (bird?)

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
." o \_
_.-" ,( `
_.-" ,;;|
.-=" _," ,,;;;'
`"'` `\`\
/^\ \

<meta name="description" content="Gman">
<meta name="keywords" content="congratulations, cleverness, illicit, snapshots">
<LINK type="text/css" href="gman.css">

copy the source into notepad to see it correctly...
-Frosty- said:
I can open base source shared.gcf but I can't open base source shared materials. gcf I have GCFScape 1.1.5, and installed everything I need. I don't have Steam open when I try to open it, so I don't know what's wrong. Here's the error message I get:

"Failed to map GCF File to memory
Make sure the file is not already open and that Steam is not open"

Can anybody help me out?
Are you sure you are posting this in the right place? I don't think so.
muka3d said:
On IRC, a user named VALVe just posted the following riddle:

Now, as everybody knows, the answer to this riddle is achievable. Think about it this way. There is a saying that you cannot add apples and oranges. If you have 3 apples and 2 oranges do you have 5 apples? No. Do you have 5 oranges? No. You have five fruits, but the number of apples and oranges has not changed. Similarly, you cannot add real money and "what they think they paid". When we count only real money, the men have $3, the bellhop has $2, and the manager has $25. That is $30 total.

I'm still puzzled as to why VALVe put that U R L thing in a sentence... They are hinting something, but what?

URL...nova/prospekt ? can it be ?
he's not genuine

shouting STFU randomly kinda proves it
muka3d said:
Are you sure you are posting this in the right place? I don't think so.
Well the other thread about the second test was closed, so now this appears to be the only thread discussing the test. I didn't want to start a new topic, so I posted it here.
The riddle gives the URL. This proves that we are on the good road, keep it going.
wbcheater said:
look heres what we have for test 2 ok the first test was based on white board images. these are the most recent white board images from valve.
white board 1
white board 2

now get to it!

Those pictures are no help at all. I emailed gabe who had forward it to Greg and he said that there was nothing in it at all of importance.

Enough with the "I translated Nova Prospekt!!!! It means 'New Folder' COULD IT BE RELATED TO WINDOWS!??!?!", we knew about Nova Prospekt for a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time. So stop trying to translate Nova Prospekt and look for more clues in the cache. Most likely more clues will be revealed in the next preload.

For the 'Riddle', Did anyone actually bother to do a whois on the so called 'VALVe'? Stop being so gullable. 99% Chance it is just someone trying to screw around with you guys.
Um, yea so i dont know if this has been said before, but if you look at the source info for that pwned page or whatever, in netscape, it has some keywords that might be of use. Plus it has some cool ASCII art of a bird and gordon.

Ill attach a screen shot. Though the ASCII art is large.
Ok so the text size is at 50% in te ss i took.
hold on a sec..... where did that riddle come from? valve?
Heres some keywords you can try:

<meta name="description" content="Gman">
<meta name="keywords" content="congratulations, cleverness, illicit, snapshots">
<LINK type="text/css" href="gman.css">
Sorry but i'm not a big knowledgable person when it comes to talking about code, tools etc so what actually is a test? and i'm confused in what you're trying to open with the username and password, help would be greatly appreciated
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