Sourced: Community high-res texture set for HL: Source

Thank you! :)

Wow, would be nice if you can fix the buttons! :thumbs:

HP = HomePage
After a long Time there are some updates!
Here is a new health charger texture made by a great guy called Supernorn he also released 'em on the MapCore Forum...


I'm sure most of you can remember ook's great HEV charger texture,
here is a new one edited by me and Supernorn (with some inspirations by Grundle)

Is that the same HEV that Killer12137 (HIT Forums) made a model for? Looks awesome!

BTW, this is the forum I remembered you from (not Mapcore). After so many years the brain just says "I'm on strike, you figure it out." Ah well. Good to see we're still making textures. Wo0Hoo!!
Frraksurred said:
Is that the same HEV that Killer12137 (HIT Forums) made a model for? Looks awesome!

BTW, this is the forum I remembered you from (not Mapcore). After so many years the brain just says "I'm on strike, you figure it out." Ah well. Good to see we're still making textures. Wo0Hoo!!
Yes, it's the same texture! ;)
Here you can see some pictures of the model:


With Supernorn's edited skin:
Straight pimpin'.

Can it be added to HL:S as a model or is it part of the map?

<yes, I AM a no0b>
Any experienced texture artists looking for mod work, feel free to contact the Black Mesa: Source modification at the below email address if this kind of work appeals to you:

[email protected] (although that email is down for a few days, so [email protected] is best)
Frraksurred said:
Can it be added to HL:S as a model or is it part of the map?

No, the chargers in Half Life are map brushes, you have to modify the maps if you want to replace the brushes with models like this.
But you can use it in every new map you will make...
Good to see you´r still working. Pls Besli try to make it Final.
Besli said:
Yes, it's the same texture! ;)
Here you can see some pictures of the model:


With Supernorn's edited skin:


Does it have the lighting up animations as well?
Can we expect a new version of the "Sourced" texture pack in the future?
Are you working on other textures right now?
Off-Topic: Koraktor, du hier??? Naja, musst ja recherchieren:dozey: