Sourced: Community high-res texture set for HL: Source

Ok, il try to do something about, it being too grainy then. :) I actually didnt make it by just resizing the original, but yeah now I see that it looks a little too like that.
To make it realistic, you could use real photos of painted wood as your base.
I thought its painted metal, does it look more like wood? Ok, thanks for the tip :E il try to find some painted metal textures then.
Is there anyway we could get the textures put into a pack as they were made?

Seems kinda a waste to have 10% of it done and not be able to see how the game looks so far :(
It would be easy to do, if someone can host the file. I'm not supposed to do it on the Sourced webspace.
I can host for you keesto, on the irr-dev site? Should be enough to host it fine
22MB. You can PM me your MSN name. Actually, AIM would be better, cause I don't use MSN and have it uninstalled, and I've never used IRC before.
Good luck, it'll be hosted and mirrored soon i'd guess.

Would refrain from hosting it to the public till you get the oddities fixed up and more textures :)
Heres an ingame pic of the Current Progress :thumbs:

and its looking great!


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I really love the work you guys are doing :) Keep it up and keep the quality standard high! Remember you are helping to update a classic, continue doing a good job ;)
bassman61588 said:
can this work for regular half-life not source?

No. Half-Life 1 is based on Quake Technology and isn't optimized for these sizes of textures and such. It would actually be really slow even if you run Half-Life 2 fine (like those game fusion packs for CS 1.6 made my comp go slow as bananas, but I played CSS at a consistent 60 before.... well now I got a brand new comp and it's different)

It's HL:S only :)
did anyone hear any info on if hl:source will be available to buy seperatly via steam (along with DOD)

I bought my copy from the store. (which only has hl2 and css)

I think they should give it to you for free if you have registerd half-life 1 on your account
Well I'm not sure if they have it enabled yet, but I upgraded my account from the Bronze (ATI card) version to the Silver Edition for 10 bucks more and get current back catalogue, DOD:S and HL:S... Not too shabby of a deal considering it was 110 bucks in total then for ATI card (which I gave away to my brother cuz I got a 256mb 6800 gto now :D ) and the silver edition...

Buying it standalone is fairly stupid since it is exactly the same game :P Just wait until you can upgrade your account to Silver... That's more worth the money...
The website is down and this thread is quiet... maybe dead? Oh well... I finished doing all the pipe textures without being able to contact people. Not too worried if these don't get used - I didn't spend too long on them anyway. I e-mailed the zip file, but here's a few examples.



Website's working for me now.

Thanks for the submission, I got it. Looks really good.
Not recently :(

I personally can't make any at the moment--school is destroying me. But I still have time to continue accepting submissions.

I believe the webhost may be going down soon, so we may be looking for a new one again.
Either somethings not right with the .vmt files for these materials, or I'm not using them correctly.

I downloaded the pack and placed it in my /materials/ folder so that the are all in /materials/halflife/. They show up in Hammer but when I apply them to a new brush I get the texture mixed with a transparent purple checkerboard. It also looks that way in game, too (see screenshot for -1fifties_w12b material for example)


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This looks like an amazing project, I've been waiting for something like this to start ever since I played Doomsday with the Doom retexturing project. And I'm so glad there's finally something like this for HL!! Too bad I can't upgrade to HL2 Silver, I was a fool not to pay the extra $10
PeppyFool, the only thing I can guess without seeing exactly what you did is that maybe you put it in hl2/materials/halflife instead of hl1/materials/halflife. I think that could mess it up.

geekyguy, you're not totally out of luck. There's a mod team recreating the game for HL2.
D'Keesto - You got PM on LF :)

Geekyguy, check my signature for details of what d'keesto said above.
PeppyFool said:
Either somethings not right with the .vmt files for these materials, or I'm not using them correctly.

I downloaded the pack and placed it in my /materials/ folder so that the are all in /materials/halflife/. They show up in Hammer but when I apply them to a new brush I get the texture mixed with a transparent purple checkerboard. It also looks that way in game, too (see screenshot for -1fifties_w12b material for example)

Have you placed and built cubemaps?
I don't think it's related to cubemaps as I see the texture mixed with the purple checkerboard in hammer (see the attached image in my original post)

I'm thinking it has something to do with this line, which appears in all of the .vmt files:

"$detail" "detail/detail_noise1"
"$detailscale" 2.5

What does $detail do? I haven't been able to find any good explanation. I'm guessing its looking for an overlay type texture named detail_noise1 and can't find it; hence the purple checkerboard on top of the base texture ???

You need cubemaps built for reflective textures.
d'keesto - Kester also has problems getting them to work. Maybe something is wrong :s That episode of SDK directory musical-chairs maybe?
When you get really close to a texture, then the specified detail texture will be blended with the base texture. Basically, it helps prevent the "pixelated" look when you get right next to a texture. This effect wasn't used in HL2, but UT2003 and 2004 use the detail effect a lot.

They use this effect in HL:Source to make the lowres textures just a bit more bearable. I just left it in all the VMTs. This might explain why the textures don't work if you put them in a different game. All the materials are still referencing the detail texture in the hl1 directory. To fix it, you'll have to copy all the detail textures (or is there only one?) into the other game too.
d'keesto said:
... All the materials are still referencing the detail texture in the hl1 directory. To fix it, you'll have to copy all the detail textures (or is there only one?) into the other game too.

That's gotta be the answer - thanks! I don't have the HL1 directory because I don't have Half-Life: Source. No detail textures = ugly purple checkerboard overlay on top of the base texture.

I'll get the detail textures, or I'll just delete those lines from the .vmt files and proceed...
d'keesto said:
geekyguy, you're not totally out of luck. There's a mod team recreating the game for HL2.

Yeah, I already knew about Black Mesa: Source, but I thought it would be cool to check out Sourced too, cause if BM:S is anything like those Doom 3 projects to recreate the game, it won't be very true to the original. And BM:S is taking the entire game into source, including gfx, but I loved the Doom 2 retexturing project, and yeah, you get my point.
D'Keesto is on the BM:S team :)

Geeky - If you really think it's going to be unfaithful to the original, come take a look.