Sourced: Community high-res texture set for HL: Source

I've got around 10 textures done (some might need a touch-up), should I be emailing them to you or should I just wait for the site? I wanna avoid doing textures that are already done or being worked on by someone else.

I've finished the out_wall6 set and did some stuff from the -1ca4_ set. It's actually been entertaining, learning new tricks and things as I go. I've posted the completed textures here:
You can email me the textures. They must be in uncompressed TGA format though, not JPG. Email me ([email protected]) the names of a few textures you're interested in doing and I'll send you zips of those textures along with any textures that must be done with them because they have the same look. If something's already taken, I'll let you know.

Right now, all signs are already being worked on. I've done some of the stuff that has tnnl_crete in it name. Health chargers and brick walls are taken too. Almost anything else is fair game.
I updated my folder with a bunch of new textures, around 32 textures done. That's almost 1% of the total, just need 99 more people to do the same ;)


and a few others: full list

What's involved in getting these into the game anyway? I wouldn't mind seeing a few textures in context to make sure the materials are correct. It's hard to tell sometimes whether the old textures are supposed to be concrete or metallic.
Here's how to get your new textures into the game if you want to test them before submission. It's what I'm doing to all TGA submissions for the texture pack:

First you need the original VMF files, which must be extracted using GCFScape (google it) from the Halflife Source.GCF file.

Put them in this directory:
C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\SteamUsername\half-life source\hl1\materials\halflife

Now you have to paste something new into the bottom.

Original VMF:
	// Original shader: BaseTimesLightmapPlusMaskedSphericalEnvMap
	"$detail" "detail/detail_noise1"
	"$detailscale" 2.5
	"$basetexture" "halflife/-0babfl"
	"$envmapsphere" 1
	"$envmap" "environment maps/envmap001a"
	"$envmapmask" "halflife/-0babflr"
	"$surfaceprop" "metal"

Insert the following right before the final bracket:
	"$texscale"	4
	"$baseTextureOffset" "[0.5 0.5]"
		   "translateVar" "$baseTextureOffset"
		   "scaleVar"     "$texscale"
                   "resultVar"    "$baseTextureTransform"

So it looks like this:
	// Original shader: BaseTimesLightmapPlusMaskedSphericalEnvMap
	"$detail" "detail/detail_noise1"
	"$detailscale" 2.5
	"$basetexture" "halflife/-0babfl"
	"$envmapsphere" 1
	"$envmap" "environment maps/envmap001a"
	"$envmapmask" "halflife/-0babflr"
	"$surfaceprop" "metal"

	"$texscale"	4
	"$baseTextureOffset" "[0.5 0.5]"
		   "translateVar" "$baseTextureOffset"
		   "scaleVar"     "$texscale"
                   "resultVar"    "$baseTextureTransform"

Now you must convert your TGAs to VTFs using TGA2VTF, and drop the VTFs into the same directory as before.

Should work now--just open the game.

If the VMF already has a "Proxies" section, then insert the "TextureTransform" section into it, and insert the other part right above it.
Okay everyone, I'm going on a trip for a week on Tuesday. If there are any textures you'd like to do, email me, and I'll send you a zip of the jpegs tonight or tomorrow.

191 textures are complete. We're at 6%.
Another before -> after comparsion of rahba's great work:


I uploaded JPEG versions of all the half-life: source textures. You can grab a zip of all of the files here.

Or you can browse the files here:

I'm working on textures from the c2a4 set. I'll try and organize them a bit better. Please don't share this link since I have a transfer limit.
Besli said:
Nice, the people from the Mapcore Forum did the same:

The mapcore jpeg files are not the correct size for half-life source. Source requires textures to be powers of 2 (64,128,256,512) so when valve ported it over a lot of the textures were resized. Looks like some of the file names changed too.

Anyway the ones I posted are the new ones from HL:S.
Yeah, but I've been away from home all week and will be til Tuesday. Still working on finding a website host.
try they might be willing. Or just make public announcement, plenty people here seem to have servers space.
I screwed up a bunch of ratios and texture sizes so I had to go back and fix and redo a bunch of textures. One entire series of textures I had done doesn't even seem to be in game. It's a nice looking one too...

Here's a new screenshot with the wall and floor textures done.

That little seam isn't in the texture in photoshop, it's because of the texture placement unfortunately.
Hey, I sent an e-mail about doing the soda machines set according to the instructions on the website, but since so much positive feedback/criticisms have been offered here, I thought I'd post my first texture and see what y'all have to say.



By the way, great work everyone else! I can't wait to see how beautiful this game looks when we're all done.
Hey! I guess you're not so busy with finals anymore. ;) It looks great!

Um, I haven't gotten any emails at that account from anyone in the last week. ...Maybe I let it get too full. I deleted a bunch of big emails, so could you resend?
Thanks! Yeah, now that finals are done and I'm home for break, I've got all this time in the world. I decided to leave my PlayStation2 at school so I could focus on applying for jobs and also working on Half-Life textures. :-)

I re-sent the e-mail (from my Gmail account). Hope it gets through this time.
Okay, I'm definitely not recieving emails anymore. I'm really sorry to anyone who's been trying to submit stuff the last week.

I'll post a new email address shortly.
slthytove the old texture looked more grungy I think? SO do the same IMHO otherwise pretty good :)
Iced_Eagle, thanks for the suggestion. Here's a dirtier version (though I tried not to make it too dirty):

I think the second one. You can barely make out what the texture is trying to say! That texture is used in the Hazard Course and it is before the incident, meaning it served a purpose, so it needs to be more readable. That comment isn't meant to sound harsh, so sorry if it did. Coming along nicely.
No, no. I understand, I didn't like how the texture turned out much, and your comment didn't sound harsh at all :)
Coolhead, I'd also try to make the textures "more faithful" to their originals... i.e., matching colors, fonts, even placement of scratches/dirt if it makes sense. A good way to check this is to scale the new image down to the size of the old one - it should look pretty close to the original. Specific examples:
* The color of the right-hand side of the "target range" texture. The original looks much darker.
* Screws on the "target range" - there look to be four on the original, while there are only two on the new.
* Borders/bevels - Both textures seem to stay pretty faithful to the original, so good job on these!
* Fonts - all around, it looks like quite different fonts are being used. Try to find fonts that are a little bit closer to the original. Also, perhaps try messing with character spacing to give the text the same sense of urgency that close letters can bring.
* Splotches - while it doesn't make sense to place splotches (dirt/wear) in the exact same places as they were in the original, it's probably good to use them as a guide, and perhaps adjust them to match the new scaling of things. A good example of this is on the HL:Sourced homepage ( at the bottom, the wall with a huge crack in it. The fissures in the rock and whatnot follow quite nearly the same patterns as the original, with elaborations.

You've definitely got a great start, though - the general wear of the second sign looks great. I just think that it would be wise to try and be a little bit more faithful to the originals. Thanks for contributing!