Spitcodfry's trip to valve

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Originally posted by vasiliypupkin
Do you remember, what the name of this (and another) enemies?

This wasn't in the first game was it?

If it's in Half-Life 2 it'll look absolutely bitchin. Wonder how large it is.
But how about their names?

What has been written on pictures?
Im thinking of taking the ferry down to Seattle and driving to Bellevue just to tie up the loose ends caused by this thread... :P
Originally posted by JunkyardDog
Im thinking of taking the ferry down to Seattle and driving to Bellevue just to tie up the loose ends caused by this thread... :P

You'll want to call first, all their office doors are locked.
Originally posted by vasiliypupkin
But how about their names?

What has been written on pictures?

Only one I could read is the one everyone else has read too, 'Hydra Varient 1'
*sigh* Every place that I'd like to visit is on the complete opposite side of the country from where I reside (new jersey) .. I mean Digipen College..now Valve offices *sigh*
Originally posted by spitcodfry
Only one I could read is the one everyone else has read too, 'Hydra Varient 1'

Unless you did not see them close?
Originally posted by vasiliypupkin
Unless you did not see them close?

I didn't smash my face up in front of them, no. But I was standing right in front of them for the picture to be taken.
Hmm okay I haven't been posting much (don't even know if I even have when I'm typing this) ;)

But thank you for doing all this.

Oh and I just read @ gameFAQs ;) that MGS2 went gold 2 small days before it hit the shelves. So don't lose faith in HL2 just yet :) Again, thanks!
Do they even have to announce it going gold? it probably alredy has?
Originally posted by TheSlug
Do they even have to announce it going gold? it probably alredy has?

Yes they will, I suspect this Tuesday we will here a go or not go on Half-Life 2 and Steam and other things.
I recon that o tuesday they will anouce that HL 2 goes gold, but thats my opinion.

Also i know its off topic but does anybody know what the specs of HL 2 will be?:bounce:
Originally posted by blade 24/7 365
Also i know its off topic but does anybody know what the specs of HL 2 will be?:bounce:

Do a forum search, should find your answer pretty quick.
Originally posted by CrazyTalk
What does it mean to go gold?

It means that the game is done and a mastercopy will be burned on a cd (most of the time this will be on a cd with a gold layer) and will be shipped to the factory that'll make the million copies and after that it'll be distributed to the retailers...
Hell dude! that is so frickin cool that you got into Valve and met the best development team aside from ID. Valve has confirmed to me that they truely no how to satisfy people!

Cool stuff.. quite long thread.. :)
Not that Im jelouse, but what said that Spitcodfry was suppose to go? Did he win a bet? Comeptition? Or its just because he lives near?

Nice to have someone "on the inside" though ;)
Originally posted by Ace
Cool stuff.. quite long thread.. :)
Not that Im jelouse, but what said that Spitcodfry was suppose to go? Did he win a bet? Comeptition? Or its just because he lives near?

Nice to have someone "on the inside" though ;)

Cause I live like only 30 minutes from their office. I got their new address (old offices were in Kirkland) through directory assistance and drove down there to find it.

The building they were in happened to be one I'd been in before. My favorite restaurant, Daniel's Broiler, is on the top floor. Valve happened to be on the 10th.

Anywho...the first time I went there to check to see if they were there was really just a show of cowardice. I walked past the front entrance and noticed some sort of reception going on.

I thought this maybe was a 'gold' party that Valve was throwing. I didn't bother to ask anyone, though.

I came back here on the forums, posted all my speculation, and a whole lotta hub-bub ensued. A real nice chap on here, Kamakiri, e-mailed Gabe and asked if I could get a tour the next day.

Gabe responded to him rather quickly and said that I should just phone the receptionist and arrange a time to come in. The rest is history :)
Thats kewl! Even more kewl that they just let you in like that! Talk about supporting their fans!

Looking at the pictures, it seems like a rather small place for such big company! :D Small offices and I got the impression that the hallway was quite long but thin ;) Lol, sounds like my korridoor place Im living in right now (yes, Im a student) :)

There was someone typing when you were there right? Would be neat if you had taken some picture of him, while typing and let us see some of the code ;) (since Im studing Computer Science that would be quite fonky)
he doesn't mean the company physically, but big as in, they make the best games in the world.

its like gary coleman is small physically, but everyone knows hes the man
lol, precicely poseyjmac.. Although... how many games have they released anway?..
Originally posted by poseyjmac

its like gary coleman is small physically, but everyone knows hes the man

you just ruined your post :) lol i cant stand that stupid coleman, i feel like kicking him like a football :)
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