Spitcodfry's trip to valve

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delays does nothing but good for a game of this type.

How many will decide NOT to buy HL2 because its delayed?
How many more new people will be attracted to the game during the delay?

Valve will never admit they want a delay.. but they sure wont cry blood if the game is gonna be delayd 2-3 weeks.

Its all marketing strategy...
please say you can place that in your mind. its a continent
i saw about 15 adults. coherent people, educated.
i wonder what policies they vote for?
anyway sorry just being an asshole. weary head to bed.
damn valve is such a great company that acually cares about its customers. you are one lucky mofo! gj man!
Gabe has got to be the coolest guy the gaming industry has ever seen, or in my opinion, ever will see.
Thank you for sharing your trip to valve with all of us. It must be so cool to be in photo's all chummy with the worlds greatest videogame makers. Gabe Newell looks huge his hands could easily crush a mouse and would be impossible to see over or around him to cheat off his monitor when lanning.
Originally posted by JavaGuy
You do realize that your country was spawn from convicts, yes?

What are you american? I'd rather come from a country built on the sweat of convicts than with the sweat of slaves.
I would have taken that crowbar, whack Gabe over the head with it and run off with a stolen pre-release copy of Half Life 2.
I'm sure they have already a finished user-end HL2 copy of it somewhere at the office...
You Should Have Taken More Pictures so that i could make a map of there Building for HL2. Good Job Anyways.
whoa, i've been trying to read this thread but everytime i go to the next page, their's just one more added onto it.

that's HELLA-SWEET spidcodfry
Id like to also acknowledge spitcodfry's hero status in my books. Thank you for the compliment, because a compliment from one of the apostles of Gabe "Jesus Christ of Video Games" Newell is worth a lot to me.
I love you spitcodfry

errr uhh... I mean uhh... your a pretty cool guy. (insert shifty eye'd smiley here, and note im only kidding)

EDIT: I think spit needs to be recognized on the site... in his own legendary section, and eventually adding more poeple who do the great things he does
Originally posted by MrWhite
I love you spitcodfry

errr uhh... I mean uhh... your a pretty cool guy. (insert shifty eye'd smiley here, and note im only kidding)

EDIT: I think spit needs to be recognized on the site... in his own legendary section, and eventually adding more poeple who do the great things he does

Thanks for the kind words, man, I appreciate it :cheers:

My time at Valve was certainly a religious experience
Originally posted by spitcodfry
Thanks for the kind words, man, I appreciate it :cheers:

My time at Valve was certainly a religious experience

You deserve em mate

That's crazy...I drive by that building all the time...shit, VALVE is on the 10th floor!
id never seena ny pictures of gabe or erik....they look so different from what i imagined thrm to look like.
Originally posted by Mountain Man
Unless Gabe is a chronic liar, folks generally don't say, "We'll see" when they really mean, "Not a chance."
*lol* I think I must be playing too much Nethack, because I just read that as "a chaotic liar" which I interpreted as someone who lies whenever it suits them best. ^_^

Great trip, dude. I know headcrabs == /dev/null on this board, but whatever...

/me opens his wallet, and looks at his pre-order receipt and mutters, "sweet."
well done bro, well done i must say!
really nice pics, and im glad you went, you represented every HL fan out here! you lucky bastard!
here is a picture I took of Gabe at E3 after I asked him some questions

nice post spitcodfry appreciate your time interesting if nothing else :)

Some people are taking the love thing to far though :P

I guess at 27 I'm just a boring old fart though :P
great story, spitcodfry.

the golden crowbar looks nice. i wanna have it. :)

valve's hq is in seattle, right? where do you live, spit? how far is it from your home?
If I were living near Valve I would make 10 Visits every day.
Congradulations on your visit, I'm just a bit jealous ;)
As for the guys having a little flame war about America vs Australia, please take it to another thread.
Again, good job, really wish I had been in your place :cheese:
Originally posted by lonestar
valve's hq is in seattle, right? where do you live, spit? how far is it from your home?

Valve is located in Bellevue, which is only a ten minute drive from Seattle. Their offices are about thirty minutes from my house.
Omg you got to touch erik and gabe, YOU F***ING LUCKY DUCK!

How did you do it? Can I just walk in too? :P
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