Spitcodfry's trip to valve

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Nice one Spitcodfry!

That last picture must be hanging on your wall by now. I'm not sure if i'd want Gabe hanging on my wall, but still... that's pretty awesome dude.

VALVe's attitude towards the community is great, knowing that they already got paid for HL1, and don't actually owe us anything.
It would be cool to see more developers do this, it just seems more open and caring for your customers.
SPITCODFRY...i jus read the whole story and all the posts on here!

i live in uk so i couldn't wait up any longer last night.

All i can say is WOW....you are soo soo soo lucky. GREAT PICS! you saw Gabe that is just the best!

the consept looks fantactic! i haven't seen the one of the combine in a different suit and some of the monsters! how cool!

So that means that the "gold" will be announced before the 30th! that is only what..12days away till 30th...but the gold will be announced before then so....10-8-6days to wait!

You must email gabe and say thanks and..."if you can print one of your pics, send it to te company to sign, and get it bk LOL" i think gabe will let that man.

o and one more thing... i haven't read in the story, where you actually asked them about the "PARTY" they was having, that you saw, that first got you into the tour!

Haha I'm reading this under hurricane isabel right now, its pretty fun I was just out on my bike, =P! But great job and all spitcodfry.
It seems pretty clear that Valve is definitely in the final stages of finishing Half-Life 2. I mean, they have a guy working on a bug in the water shader? That sounds pretty trivial, so if those are the kinds of things they're working on at this point, that tells me they have the luxury to do some fine-tuning rather than pulling their hair out trying to squash a show stopper. The fact that Gabe was so easy natured about the release date is another indication that they're very, very close.

The fact that Valve has not announced a revised release date tells me that at this point, they're still confident about September 30.
Lol spit!!
I really laughed my as$$ off when i read the planning of your trip.
It's great you got the tour, but i really wonder what would have happend if you just would have showed up with your headcrab mask and a big cake in your hands.

Btw, why didn't you bring Gabe a cake, he looks so hungry.
He might have given you the 'really cool tour' instead of the boring one. ;)

still glad you got in. love the pics.
you didn't get free stuff? you idiot!

Nah just kidding! :afro: :cheers:

Great job Spitcofry your the man!! A HL2.net celeb! Anyways Im not jealous I just REALLY REALLY REALLY wanted to go. :o good thing you didnt just come about that would have sucked with the locked doors etc. dont u have more to tell? Plz there must be more that would be awsome.. :bounce:

BTW my favourite pic are the one with Gabe Newell (and the gold crowbar) thats exellent! All pics are saved on HDD :-) :cool:

Oh and Ill do my part to get more viewers posting the link different places. :)
man thats nice of valve to do this. I mean to take time and show someone from the community around like this. It really killed the illusion of the game makers to be these closed in group that u couldnt get to by other means than email.
First off, this is speculation.

I think that if the game were going to have more than a month long delay that it would already have been annouced, what would be the reasoning behind not letting the public know that they were more than a month behind schedule? This would do nothing but cause dischord in the HL community, and I think that we have the ultimate example of how VALVe cares about it's community. BUT if there is going to be a small delay they are probably waiting to see if it will take them an extra week or two. I'm sure they don't want to say, "Yeah there's a delay, but only by a week," and have it delayed by 2 or 3 weeks. This is my reasoning. I have a lot of confidence that we will be playing the game within a month from now.:thumbs:

Tillin' my own grave to keep me level...
Thank you Spitcodfry!!!!

That was a truly magnificent insite into the world of me new personal hero and true "geek's geek" Gabe Newell! :cheese:

I can't wait to actually spend money on a game again, Valve has earned my dollars! :afro:
SCORE! :cheers:

You the man :D

It's great that game developers still can take the time to talk and meet their fans. It sort of removes that feeling of them being some sort of "untouchables".
Great job!

As for not getting stuff....I'd bet Gabe would gladly send a shirt or signed poster or something if you asked.

Plus, print up the picture of you and Gabe and ask for an autograph...he seems pretty accommodating.
spitcodfry... you did say that gabe said his No.1 most important thing is about the community. well if there was a month delay they would of said it at least 2weeks ago. i mean DOOM3 was announced to be delay about 2-3-4weeks ago! so at least they said it was goin to be delayed.

HL2 would of told us this with out no dout.

they can make it gold this week of next week. so don't worry all.

even if it does come oout on 30th SEPT, i think alot will have it on the 1st OCT anyway.

so expect no delay :)
My impression based on Spitcodfry's account is that Gabe's "We'll see" is like what you tell a kid who has guessed what his birthday present is going to be but you still want to pretend that it's a surprise. Unless Gabe is a chronic liar, folks generally don't say, "We'll see" when they really mean, "Not a chance."
gj spit!, best thread of the week definitely
you should return after the game comes out and get it signed, i'm sure you'll be able to sell it for loads on ebay when hl3 rolls around ;)
Excellent, You showed great courage and maturity to go through with this, and I hope your doubters choke on their flames!!! :)

Good pics too.. :)

I think it was really cool of valve to let him in on such short notice.
Other companies in the industry could learn alot from them.
courage!? LOL yeah he had to speak to real people!

anyway very nice job on the account of your tour spitcodfry *thumbes up*
I just want to say thanks, to everybody who made this possible. thank you, thank you. :)
Awesome Spitofcry, you're our hero! :cheers:
M8 ill tell you one thing im 33 i went to work today after looking at this thread very breifley this morning, I Thought to my self jesus spitcodfry!
Got in i was totaly buzzing for ya dude ;)

Nice pics Great job

Now lets get some more realy good pictures of Mr Bond eating his hat...

You take salt and pepper with that Mr Bond.?;)
Nice pics.. Pls combine them into one or two posts?
It's really hard to read..
Its a shame there is 0 new information gained from this trip aside from the concept art. But if one were to make assumptions it looks like they are pretty much finished the game, especially from the non-chalant response of Gabe when asked if it would make release.
"Some people are even over-weight and can't help it, it's something to deal with their genes."

they might be gentically predisposed to gain weight more than the average person but anyone MOST CERTAINLY CAN help themselves.

you dont just magically gain fat from thin air. you have to ingest large quatities of food. Something in the water there that makes that concept hard to grasp?
not saying its easy, its like me smoking my life into oblivion.

and to the guy that said gabe is "normal" man , my ****ing god! normal man how fat are you? he is way overweight. just accept that he has a bad diet. one bad point about america? a country of lardasses.
Lol, he told everyone to act like they worked on something :p

That guy got humor :p
sorry one more thing,

we have a show here where there is a segement ala "americans say the dumbest things"

looking at a globe do you think the general populace can name a country outside the states?

(of course they wouldnt show the right answers but man, i dont think thered be that many)
Originally posted by Feath
You know, Fragmaster can still be wrong even if the game is still delayed.

Think about it, Fragmaster is saying that the game is definately delayed and it's been delayed from July. He claims says that Valve are aware of this supposed delay and are just hiding it from us (From some reason, he hasn't explained).

Now, the impression we get from Spitcodfry's visit to Valve is that they are finishing off the game and are quite near the gold date. Now, it's possible that the game will be delayed because they go gold too late and the game will be released a week or two late.

While Fragmaster would be right about the delay, he wouldn't be right about the reasons. There is no way that Valve could've predicted a short delay. Especially months before the game was meant to ship. It's more of a slight boo-boo instead of a deliberate delay.

I believe if it is delayed, this will be the case.

Anyway, Fragmaster strongly implies that the game won't be out till the year 2004.

Which is especially absurd, don't you think?

(Note at the end, maybe people are taking Gabe's "We'll see" a little too seriously. Spitcodfry did say that he said it with a laugh and mentioned that things are a bit hectic.)

Fragmaster is a moron. I stopped reading PHL a LOOOOOOOONG time ago. His statements as of late are merely reflective of him desperately trying to convince himself that he won't look like an asshat when all is said and done.

HL2 WILL be released on the 30th, even if only via Steam. They are only 12 days away from that date, and are still claiming to be on target. Anyone who doubts them at this point is simply in denial.
Originally posted by nimh
sorry one more thing,

we have a show here where there is a segement ala "americans say the dumbest things"

looking at a globe do you think the general populace can name a country outside the states?

(of course they wouldnt show the right answers but man, i dont think thered be that many)

You know, that country that you're needlessly bashing is responsible for propping up the world economy and providing the majority of the huge technology breakthroughs that we've experienced. What country are you from? Let's see if we can highlight all of its shortfalls and mishaps....
dont get me wrong, i was getting called a racist the other day for saying the japanese have wierd fetishes like rape that i dont agree with.
i love the country as i do america. we all have shortcomings.
i just want them to be recognized.
im mean how else do you progress?
Good Job Bro!

Great Job man! I'm very glad you did that. I live in Northbend, Washington so I"m going to try to get there (bout 20 min away from Bellevue). If anything I'll just show up and be a nuisance. Great Job!!!
Originally posted by nimh
dont get me wrong, i was getting called a racist the other day for saying the japanese have wierd fetishes like rape that i dont agree with.
i love the country as i do america. we all have shortcomings.
i just want them to be recognized.
im mean how else do you progress?

Well, what country do you live in? I want to help you "progress"...
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