Spitcodfry's trip to valve

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Sorry if this has been posted before, didn't bother to check 22 pages ;)

spitcodfry wrote:
"...they won't just send it to retailers on the 30th without prior notice to the public."

He actually tells us that HL2 is going to be sent to retailers on the 30th (not if it's just a example that is)! Well, my theory is maybe on thin ice, but hey... If he, Gabe, at this point mention the 30th September as candidate to the release date I just got more confident. Maybe spitcodfry used his 1337 psychology skillz to lure Gabe into giving out the release date!

Anybody following me? :afro:
Your right you should have tried to read some...its been rehashed a thousand times....Gabe never said anything other than "we'll see" an there will be a gone gold date.
Originally posted by Majestic XII
The beta test are done by vivendi, so no testing at valve :)

(Thats what i think, other companies do like this)

I'm not sure, Valve seems to have more independence thatn usual companies.

But we don't know for sure.
Nice work spitcodfry. The writing and the pictures is awesome. :)
Originally posted by spitcodfry
And the final one (not pics total, mind you).

Click here for the photo!

EDIT: The one on the bottom is a concept of the Hydra, which I figured.

Glad to see they are bringing back monsters who were cut from the first HL. Does everyone else recognize the monster in the top? Hopefully Mr. Friendly, Diablo, and the Chumtoad get back in too.
Great job, Spitcodfry. I think you DID get new info, as we now know they're still trying to release on September 30. Gabe isn't stupid, he knows how long things take. When you're working on a game it might be hard to tell if it's a year or two from release, but when we're talking about going gold in a couple of days or not and Gabe says it will be tight, then it means they are practically finished, which again means even if they don't make it (definitely a possibility), we're not talking February, we're talking October.

Excellent job again, Spitcodfry, my faith in September 30 is back, and I'm certain that if it's not out on that date it will be out VERY shortly after, something I wouldn't have been able to believe if not for your awesome interrogation skills. :)
Very cool dude, must have been a great experience for ya.
I also think that it's possible that valve could of sent the disc to be copied and won't actually tell us it's has been gold until closer to 30th.
Oh and spit you look like the StarWars kid lol
spitcodfry > all :cheers:

Really great work man. :bounce:
Originally posted by blink
i was refreshing this as he posted it at about 3 am gmt. its 10 now and 22 pages already! lmao

It went to about 15 in the first hour :eek:
Originally posted by Feath
I'm not sure, Valve seems to have more independence thatn usual companies.

But we don't know for sure.

Well, Valve isnt gods :)

You need to hire alot of betatesters so you can earn alot of money if you let vivendi do it.
My god this thread sure grew didn't it :eek:

Very good work spitcodfry :cheers:

I want Spitcodfry's babies.
Thats a bit disturbing coming from and admin.
Anyway, I'm late, but I humbly bow to Spidcodfry for the service he has rendered the community.
If this has been said before, I apoligize but I can't be bothered to read 23 pages of this. To the people saying that they need to go gold by this week or the next. Think about this, Valve has been pushing for Steam since they announced Hl2 (even before that). So the later they go gold, the less time the pressers have to make CD's, thus with a large demand for the game and not enough CD's to meet the demand, that's where Steam comes into play. It makes sence to me, hope it does to you too. :)
Originally posted by adio2001
... So the later they go gold, the less time the pressers have to make CD's, thus with a large demand for the game and not enough CD's to meet the demand, that's where Steam comes into play. It makes sence to me, hope it does to you too. :)

That's actually a pretty damned good point...
duh, also...

I know it's a little late, but my congrats also on your Excellent Adventure, Spit!
Great work Spitcodfry,

Now Valve successfully building up an army of rabid fans for the game...:P
Personal Opinion.....

Fragmaster at PHL will be proven wrong. Valve DONT have much left to do on the game. Its ovious since this visit to Valve, that they have guys with not much to do, and it was just the programmers working out the final bugs of the game before getting sent to manufacture. The other guys, having not much to do, and kicking back, and working on Steam.

If you were an art guy, or a level designer, you work would have finished a little while ago. Its my personal opinion that Half-Life2 will go Gold in 1 or 2 days if the final bugs are small, and that Valve will announce it a number of days AFTER it actually does go Gold. Being so close to the release date, and with Gabe saying "We'll see" to the question, I recon that there is a very good chance they will make it.

Hats off to the visiting dude spitcodfry and Valve. Sounds like it's all cool, and a fun place to work.
Yeah. you have a good point. The valve guys looks so happy and relaxed. They are probably just finishing up and getting ready to gold the little dude then start preparing press releases and ads etc.
Originally posted by Obraxis
Personal Opinion.....

Fragmaster at PHL will be proven wrong. Valve DONT have much left to do on the game. Its ovious since this visit to Valve, that they have guys with not much to do, and it was just the programmers working out the final bugs of the game before getting sent to manufacture. The other guys, having not much to do, and kicking back, and working on Steam.

If you were an art guy, or a level designer, you work would have finished a little while ago. Its my personal opinion that Half-Life2 will go Gold in 1 or 2 days if the final bugs are small, and that Valve will announce it a number of days AFTER it actually does go Gold. Being so close to the release date, and with Gabe saying "We'll see" to the question, I recon that there is a very good chance they will make it.

Hats off to the visiting dude spitcodfry and Valve. Sounds like it's all cool, and a fun place to work.

You know, Fragmaster can still be wrong even if the game is still delayed.

Think about it, Fragmaster is saying that the game is definately delayed and it's been delayed from July. He claims says that Valve are aware of this supposed delay and are just hiding it from us (From some reason, he hasn't explained).

Now, the impression we get from Spitcodfry's visit to Valve is that they are finishing off the game and are quite near the gold date. Now, it's possible that the game will be delayed because they go gold too late and the game will be released a week or two late.

While Fragmaster would be right about the delay, he wouldn't be right about the reasons. There is no way that Valve could've predicted a short delay. Especially months before the game was meant to ship. It's more of a slight boo-boo instead of a deliberate delay.

I believe if it is delayed, this will be the case.

Anyway, Fragmaster strongly implies that the game won't be out till the year 2004.

From Planetunreal.com
With Half-Life 2 very likely delayed, UT2004 is sure to be the FPS of the holiday season. Ho ho ho!"

Which is especially absurd, don't you think?

(Note at the end, maybe people are taking Gabe's "We'll see" a little too seriously. Spitcodfry did say that he said it with a laugh and mentioned that things are a bit hectic.)
The concept are you saw was interesting. Who wants to bet that crab-shaped thing with the armoured legs is the size of a tank?
Why Fragmaster keep mentioning that HL2 will be delayed. This getting irritating. I mean all us (including fragmaster) will never know the game will be out on time or not, except when the gone gold annoucement came. So what's point he keep repeating that like he know anything?
A well written piece spitcodfry! :thumbs:

As to the release date, I'm just glad that VALVe arn't taking the 3D REALMS aproach of "When it's done".

I hope that it does ship on 30/9/03 and in sufficient numbers to satisfy initial demand as unless they have some pretty handy stability updates ready STEAM is not up to the task of sending e-copies of HL2 to the thousands of ravenous HL junkies like myself. It has a big enough problem simply letting you log on and starting CS! :flame:
If we want to be sure that HL2 hits the store in 30th It should be gold damn fast...
Yeah sharp. Monday/Tuesday at the lastest to be certain. Most ppl have already pre-ordered it to get it on the day of release but they are gonna need at least a fortnight to get the CD's duped and in-stores.
spitcodfry, you are a genius! Thanks for sharing all the info and the pics, we all realy appreciate it!
One question to Spitcodfry: How many employees did you see were working at the Valve HQ ?
Good Job.
And still the wait continues.
I dont understand why they didnt give a better margin of error of maybe 2 months for the release date.That way nobody would be dissapointed.

Still if it comes out this year i will be happy
Thanks spitcodyfry! Also, many thanks to Kamakiri and D33.

The time has come.
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