PvtRyan said:
You can have any opinion on Halo you want, but it can't be argued that Halo (and Halo 2 seen from the movies) combat is intensive and explosive.

Not in my experience...I got bored of the demo. :|

The new STALKER videos are pretty cool, even though I watched it fullscreen (1600x1200) it looked pretty detailed to me. Some of those monsters are creepy. The animations didn't seem smooth though, hope they fix that.
lans said:
Well excuse me, but Halo and halo 2 has much more life than this this stalker.

True that is your opinion, but I'm considering you are basing your comments on the xbox version - NOT the crappy PC version. Halo's vehicles, guns and animation are so well done for a 3 year old game that it still shines in the FPS genre.

"Lame boring same old shit" - maybe Halo's level design was not great (but bungie is working on that to make it fantastic for Halo 2) but it had so much energy and life in characters that it was fun to play. The combat was the best thing about halo - and that's TOTALLY unarguable. Every weapon was properly balanced, a good shield system with a nice 2 weapon limit strategy which made you think wisely to choose your weapon.

Seems "graphics make a game" for you, at least that is what you have proven from your post. You say STALKER won't be a "lame boring same old shit" just because the models are highly detailed?

Halo might not have fancy tech as "ragdolls", yet Bungie has done more of a great job to give their characters personality than those highly detailed yet highly unoriginal bloodsucker.

IMO, stalker maybe a graphically fantastic game - yet it has poor concept art design and very boring unoriginal combat. However this is from what I've seen, it is subject to change if GSC fixes things up (hope so)

Edit: and you are comparing a 3 year old game with STALKER? pvt ryan was talking about Halo 2, btw.

There is only one way to fire a gun...every game since Doom is unorginal if it has guns in it then right?

Stalker isnt going to be the "same old shit" because it isnt the "same old shit" and you already know that yet you argue against it.... fair enough it has guns in it (probably the most detailed ever to arise in a FPS) it has marines (army, whatever you want) in it like many games but there is only so much you can have in a game before things get way out of hand and random shit like men with robotic arms wielding a rocket launcher start popping up (why do you think NO ONE liked the Fatboys in FC? yet found every other enemy fine)....

At least most games have a time limit on how long you have to do the mission (e.g 15 minutes till bomb explodes) but stalker has OTHER people (AI) working against you trying to compete AGAINST you and you say it is unoriginal...whatever, if i had HL2 down on paper and stalker down on paper with absolutely no media of the game id find stalker the more attractive game.

As for halo, well...Halo Halo2 same thing different place same goes for HL and HL2 same thing goes for doom1/2 and doom3 (even though doom3 IS doom1 remade)...all sequels are based on the original so what i think about Halo (which i had on xbox and pc) will be the exact reflection on Halo2 so whether he was talking about halo2 or not, it does'nt matter.

If you bought Fifa2003 you would'nt buy Fifa2004 expecting it to be much of a difference except the few things that always upgrade in time (teams/graphics/sound etc...)
Im downloading it now and i HOPE!!! its better than the last one.
Alig said:
There is only one way to fire a gun...every game since Doom is unorginal if it has guns in it then right?

Stalker isnt going to be the "same old shit" because it isnt the "same old shit" and you already know that yet you argue against it.... fair enough it has guns in it (probably the most detailed ever to arise in a FPS) it has marines (army, whatever you want) in it like many games but there is only so much you can have in a game before things get way out of hand and random shit like men with robotic arms wielding a rocket launcher start popping up (why do you think NO ONE liked the Fatboys in FC? yet found every other enemy fine)....

At least most games have a time limit on how long you have to do the mission (e.g 15 minutes till bomb explodes) but stalker has OTHER people (AI) working against you trying to compete AGAINST you and you say it is unoriginal...whatever, if i had HL2 down on paper and stalker down on paper with absolutely no media of the game id find stalker the more attractive game.

As for halo, well...Halo Halo2 same thing different place same goes for HL and HL2 same thing goes for doom1/2 and doom3 (even though doom3 IS doom1 remade)...all sequels are based on the original so what i think about Halo (which i had on xbox and pc) will be the exact reflection on Halo2 so whether he was talking about halo2 or not, it does'nt matter.

If you bought Fifa2003 you would'nt buy Fifa2004 expecting it to be much of a difference except the few things that always upgrade in time (teams/graphics/sound etc...)


There is only one way to fire a gun...every game since Doom is unorginal if it has guns in it then right?

FPS is a genre made by doom and wolfenstein, agreed, in which you shoot with a gun in first person perspective - but that is just a basic guidline for all shooters in this genre....however from there on the shooters have to focus on the other things to make themselves different.

Just imagine if all games were still like doom (stupid A.I.,sprites,e.t.c), now they are clearly copying doom so that would be unoriginal.

For that matter there maybe many people who do a business, but how they make it unique is the way they sell/promote/e.t.c.

Stalker isnt going to be the "same old shit" because it isnt the "same old shit" and you already know that yet you argue against it....

I never said it is the "same old shit" - I was talking about you calling Halo the same old shit. Read my post carefully.

At least most games have a time limit on how long you have to do the mission (e.g 15 minutes till bomb explodes) but stalker has OTHER people (AI) working against you trying to compete AGAINST you and you say it is unoriginal...whatever, if i had HL2 down on paper and stalker down on paper with absolutely no media of the game id find stalker the more attractive game.

Oh indeed. Again I said "very boring unoriginal combat". Read my post carefully, I didn't mention anything about the A.I.

As for halo, well...Halo Halo2 same thing different place same goes for HL and HL2 same thing goes for doom1/2 and doom3 (even though doom3 IS doom1 remade)...all sequels are based on the original so what i think about Halo (which i had on xbox and pc) will be the exact reflection on Halo2 so whether he was talking about halo2 or not, it does'nt matter.

Really? well you have to be some industry expert who knows that Halo 2 will have the same single player campaign but in a different place and HL2 will have the same single player campaign as it's predecessor. So if I don't see an experiment gone wrong in City 17, I should believe that you have no idea what you are talking about?

Oh and indeed HL2 is nothing but HL1 with better physics,sound,graphics, gameplay, story, characters, setting....nothing new at all! :rolleyes:
Yeah, I have to admit Halo 2 seems to have the more 'explosive' combat. But so did Halo 1, but it had absolutely nothing else. Combat alone is only worth about an hour of fun by itself, you need other things or else it just gets repetitive and boring (like Halo). Really, I don't think Stalker will need phenomenal combat as long as they live up to their other promises (which I have my doubts about, they talk very, very big.)
Shuzer said:
Well, second video leaves me with the same impression.

Graphics are superb, but the gameplay looks stale. The AI seems pretty good, but the voiceover keeps going on about it, as if it's a gift from God. The FPS issue is readily apparent in the second one as well.

Again, these videos don't impress me like the older ones. :|

Um, it's a video about the AI in the game. I'd expect them to go on about it.
lans said:
Yep, they are. I've seen Episode 1 - 4 all on IGN a couple of weeks ago.

pssh. Well, they weren't released at E3, were they? I coulda sworn I covered the STALKER media that day/around that day..
I really hope Stalker stresses the RPG element more than the FPS element. I would love to see Stalker take on elements of Morrowind.

I also love those anamolies. They are the best trap/enemy since the barnacle of Half-Life.

As for gameplay, it is to hard to tell. I would like to see somebody playtest Stalker and see what they say.
man that bloodsucker, when he went invisible ...that got me right there. the AI, graphics and gameplay look like sweet fun. cant wait!

is it me or do i see heatwaves when that monster threw fire/blast of heat at you. woo thats cool :naughty:
x84D80Yx said:
man that bloodsucker, when he went invisible ...that got me right there. the AI, graphics and gameplay look like sweet fun. cant wait!
I don't know... The bloodsucker going invisible is cool, but when it does disappear all it seems to do is run around in circles before it reappears four feet from its original place. But the game does look really cool, I'll give you that.
I don't see how you guys can't be excited about this... this game looks awesome to me :) A breath of fresh air from the constant mindless slaughter of most FPS games. I like the idea of wandering around, rpgish style, with random encounters wherever I go.

As for whoever said the aliens are unimiginitive... How so? Their models and stuff looks very original and cool to me. I especially like that big bulbous faced beast.
I'm not so sure about the anomalies being that fantastic. I remember reading somewhere that some guy who had been playing ages was running anyway from a huge monster and he just ran smack straight into one and died.

Sure they're a good idea, but they're randomly placed. You don't exactly have time to be throwing nuts and bolts everywhere in front of you.
Alzxul said:
I'm not so sure about the anomalies being that fantastic. I remember reading somewhere that some guy who had been playing ages was running anyway from a huge monster and he just ran smack straight into one and died.

haha owned.
ill be makin sure i stay far away from them as possible :smoking:
impressive video !!! Thanks for the link GORGON!!!!!!
Shuzer said:
pssh. Well, they weren't released at E3, were they? I coulda sworn I covered the STALKER media that day/around that day..

yes they did release those videos in one big pile at E3. the vid was 165mb in size - filename stalker_e32004demo1.mpg.
I have watched many Videos from STALKER and so far I love the style of gameplay its going for and pritty much the whole game seems new and fresh. The only bad thing in my opinion is the AI it works well when its near something. But if its in a wide open area it just doesn't know what to do. I supose its hard because everything is unscripted. But that won't make the game that bad. It will have better AI than most games.
Raziaar said:
As for whoever said the aliens are unimiginitive... How so? Their models and stuff looks very original and cool to me. I especially like that big bulbous faced beast.

The just tried TOO hard to make them look mutated, now they just look ridiculous, all swollen up.

How can you look at this (attachment) and not laugh? What the f*ck is it? A mutated Danny Devito in a raincoat?
I think they look fine, perhaps a little overdone. But if you're playing at 2am in the morning, with the lights off and you're walking down a dimly lit corridor with one of them in it, I think you'd change your mind.

Obviously they look silly just looking at them in a still picture, because there is no atmosphere.
clowns will make you laugh, until they come threw the sinks and sewers!
*bb has seen 'Stephen King's IT' once too many times* :x

dont underestimate this retarded pig of a creature, i bet he will have his moments of scaring the fugg out of you atleast once or twice ;)
These videos aren't new, they were out a couple of weeks ago.
PvtRyan said:
The just tried TOO hard to make them look mutated, now they just look ridiculous, all swollen up.

How can you look at this (attachment) and not laugh? What the f*ck is it? A mutated Danny Devito in a raincoat?

"A mutated Danny Devito in a raincoat?"

LMFAO! OMG! Thx for the laugh dude, n1.

lans said:
hahahah. If you think that's bad, look at this fellow:


Alzxul said:
I think they look fine, perhaps a little overdone. But if you're playing at 2am in the morning, with the lights off and you're walking down a dimly lit corridor with one of them in it, I think you'd change your mind.

Obviously they look silly just looking at them in a still picture, because there is no atmosphere.

100% true. I still dont like to way the game moves tho. (Making this judgement based on movies) I will surely keep my eyes on this game.
Personally, I think GSC has taken the right direction with the monster design. Instead of going for the "scare factor" with every one of them, they've designed the monsters specifically with realistic-looking mutation to them. Exactly as Alzxul put it: You can't judge the monsters just by a picture of one. And it's kind of the same with the videos themselves. As the videos are really an overview of the game functions and engine, and not a trailer, I had really no expectation of being shown any atmospheric clips of the game at all. They were showing off the engine and the AI; they weren't showing you the video clips to scare you.

And also, just as x84D80Yx said, anything can scare you in the right environment.
I still love the enviroment :)

yeh the mutations quite kool, i wouldnt be laughing at Danny Devito in a rain coat.. :P he looks like a mean mofo


haha :eek: , kissing his feet???
lans said:

FPS is a genre made by doom and wolfenstein, agreed, in which you shoot with a gun in first person perspective - but that is just a basic guidline for all shooters in this genre....however from there on the shooters have to focus on the other things to make themselves different.

Yeah and stalker isnt the "same old shit" is nothing like the typical FPS, it is more like your typical RPG without skills so it is different

lans said:
Just imagine if all games were still like doom (stupid A.I.,sprites,e.t.c), now they are clearly copying doom so that would be unoriginal.

For that matter there maybe many people who do a business, but how they make it unique is the way they sell/promote/e.t.c.

Read above.

lans said:
I never said it is the "same old shit" - I was talking about you calling Halo the same old shit. Read my post carefully.

Fair enough, but halo is still the "same old shit" even when it was "new".

lans said:
Oh indeed. Again I said "very boring unoriginal combat". Read my post carefully, I didn't mention anything about the A.I.

So why are you specifically looking out for gameplay in an AI video?

The combat seems isnt uber, it isnt boring thus "there is only one way to fire a gun". Any game that does have "uber" combat generally doesnt have anything else, except the exception of HL and possibly HL2 (because i dont trust a devs "word" im not saying HL2 has good combat)

lans said:
Really? well you have to be some industry expert who knows that Halo 2 will have the same single player campaign but in a different place and HL2 will have the same single player campaign as it's predecessor. So if I don't see an experiment gone wrong in City 17, I should believe that you have no idea what you are talking about?

Read my post carefully. I did'nt mention anything about it having the "same" single player. Halo2 will/is based on the original ...they are'nt going to warp the game back f'ucking 2 century's and replace the hovertanks (whatever halo has) with a horse and cannonball and the humvee's with a horse and cart :rolleyes:

lans said:
Oh and indeed HL2 is nothing but HL1 with better physics,sound,graphics, gameplay, story, characters, setting....nothing new at all! :rolleyes:

Well actually this one i know about sort of, i know the game takes place after the black mesa incident and it has the same characters in it (almost) and it tells Part:II of the story so yeah this game was based on an experiment gone wrong. If valve decided too at the time they could of added HL2 into HL1 because the entire story was written down and we could of already played the City17 part of HL2. The exact reason why that comment was f'ucking dumb because they are telling a 3 part story (YEAH! guess what, HL3 is planned :dozey: ) so they are hardly going to tell the same bit (partI) right after it happened. They want it to feel like you have only just killed Xen and had the chat with G-Man, the reason people will replay HL1 very close to HL2's release.

That does'nt mean my arguement is wrong though. HL2 is based on the original like ive already said. They are'nt changing anything bar the things that ive already said upgrade in time (graphics/sound etc...) and obvioulsy smart arse, they are telling PartII of the trilogy.

Oh and :rolleyes:
I still dont like to way the game moves tho. (Making this judgement based on movies) I will surely keep my eyes on this game.

I know what you mean. I'm obviously very interested in this game and am going to buy it no matter what, but there has been something very odd which I haven't been able to put my finger on. I know something is wrong but I just can't express it or say what it is. Something with the movement maybe? I'm not really surely, but there seems to be something amiss.
I like everything about the game except the human character models and the ragdoll. Both the models and the ragdoll looked a bit stiff, but otherwise the game looked awesome. I especially like the heat distortion effect.
wow i downloaded these about a week ago on FP. I was excited for new ones :( they are still cool to watch again thou. They just showed some stalker videos on g4techtv and they looked cool
Think I have to agree with a few who posted. Just kinda meh to me too.

I won't shoot it down completely, but I think this will be a game I wait for and read a ton of reviews before ever even thinking about buying.

More and more it just seems to be a game which is going to focus more on looks and tech rather than feel and entertainment value. If that turns out to be the case, than it's just not my cup of tea...
Yeah, that's true.. Those lads are doing a good effort though, I admire their work.
I think the game itself is a very good concept... and they are trying REALLY hard to make it a reality..

but... that engine is a bit too much, like 10 trillion polys at the same time! :eek: my machine wont be able to run that..

and.. the human AI seems cool, but on that second video, there was a 2 vs 2 fire fight, and they just never killed anyone ???? just ran arrounf fireing at nothing......

one more thing.. do you guys think that this game has the potential to be a MMORPG?
I'd take stalkers original monsters over the dumbass, boring crap you see in Doom III any day. Zombies and skeletons with rocket launchers? No thanks!

How the hell do YOU think mutated monsters might look? First you complain they are too over the top... if they reduced it... you'd complain they aren't well done enough. Picky picky.

What the HELL do you want, star trek crap where aliens are only different by one defining feature, such as a nose, or ears, or their eyes, or their skin? The great thing about star wars compared to star trek... is star treks' aliens are dull and boring... and like the aforementioned, the only difference in most of them is one tiny facial feature usually, like a ridged nose. The difference in star wars is dramatic and interesting.

And that's how it is in stalker... to me.

/angry rant
Desolator said:
the human AI seems cool, but on that second video, there was a 2 vs 2 fire fight, and they just never killed anyone ???? just ran arrounf fireing at nothing......
The dev's probably turned off all NPC-caused damage (player-caused damage was still on, to allow for the grenade kill) to keep the NPC's from dying, so they could make the game sequence long enough to allow for the narrative. I doubt very much that it will be like that in the final version.
Desolator said:
one more thing.. do you guys think that this game has the potential to be a MMORPG?
I do. If GSC makes the engine capable of handling the roughly 120 players needed for a "real" game of Stalker (or just increase the player limit and the map size, which wouldn't really keep any continuity with the singleplayer game, but hey, I can dream :P), and they get the servers and bandwidth to handle it, it would make an awesome MMO.