im seeing 32 players max on stalker servers at the official site. but as far as 120 guys, you might need a mod for that lol. and a damn nice server ;)
x84D80Yx said:
im seeing 32 players max on stalker servers at the official site. but as far as 120 guys, you might need a mod for that lol. and a damn nice server ;)

Half-Life was 32 player max, but you were able to go to 64. I remember back in 1.3 i joined a dust server and 100 people were in side. (I think it was a server side mod or bug dunno) If the 1st person in ct spawn didnt move no one could get out :P
Raziaar said:
I'd take stalkers original monsters over the dumbass, boring crap you see in Doom III any day. Zombies and skeletons with rocket launchers? No thanks!

How the hell do YOU think mutated monsters might look? First you complain they are too over the top... if they reduced it... you'd complain they aren't well done enough. Picky picky.

What the HELL do you want, star trek crap where aliens are only different by one defining feature, such as a nose, or ears, or their eyes, or their skin? The great thing about star wars compared to star trek... is star treks' aliens are dull and boring... and like the aforementioned, the only difference in most of them is one tiny facial feature usually, like a ridged nose. The difference in star wars is dramatic and interesting.

And that's how it is in stalker... to me.

/angry rant

Wow.. well said, man! :thumbs:
You're not just mocking me are you? :-P