Starcraft 2: Multiplayer

Well my goal was to get to 2000 before Christmas. I did that a month too early, so I'll set an unrealistic goal to get to the top200 in EU by the end of December. :D
That Banelings song is awesome! Yeah it would be cool for Bakurei to school us all and give some lessons. ;)
I'm cool if they keep the ladders separate, but I would like cross region for all other game types.
I might buy an US account, just need to test the latency first.

Also: (DUN DUN), just to clarify, they put up some high level replays there, from the GSL I believe.
God I'm so struggling against protoss. Stalkers are just the most ****ing amazing unit in the game, well right after marines, but rarely terrans know how to use marines.. :/

Edit: Dear god the advices people give in TeamLiquid are damn awful. "ima 2200 zerg and i do this" and then gives advices that don't work even on the goddamn unit tester with 1+a micro.
I would like to see your replays.

Care to tell me 'how to use marines'? Because I would like to own with them(which I already do at my level, I just want to be unstoppable)
God I'm so struggling against protoss. Stalkers are just the most ****ing amazing unit in the game, well right after marines, but rarely terrans know how to use marines.. :/

Edit: Dear god the advices people give in TeamLiquid are damn awful. "ima 2200 zerg and i do this" and then gives advices that don't work even on the goddamn unit tester with 1+a micro.

It's weird what Blizz has done with Marines... they make them incredibly versatile and powerful but then they give everyone a thousand ways to kill them when they mass. I guess Siege tanks aren't as good vs them now but still... they're definitely not terrible considering how many of them they can hit at once.
Marines were amazing in SC1 as well, but weren't too great against Protoss because of Zealot leg speed and the overall absurdly high HP count of their units.(which is why mech play was better, much higher dps, but required 2x the mechanics to pull off) There is also more armor in SC1.
In SC2, Charge is weaker(as a whole) than leg speed and the units have lower HP, while pathing is better so Marines reach critical mass faster.
I would like to see your replays.

Care to tell me 'how to use marines'? Because I would like to own with them(which I already do at my level, I just want to be unstoppable)

Well I can only give you tips on ZvT, but most important thing is to learn to split the marines. Spread the marines around so that banelings won't be effective. If you have marauders, always keep them in the front. I guess these are just basic tips, but I really can't remember a terran player who ever does this. If I'd play terran I would probably put my marines to three different control groups (depending on the size of the ball). And of course, never engage on creep or open areas.
Alas, I've been demoted to Bronze from my initial placement in Gold ... :( I guess it was just a matter of time. The whole fiasco started when a high-ranking player quit on me due to lag during my placement matches. Oh well.
Nearing 2200 and I've been laughing my ass off when playing against terrans. I've seen that with 150apm you can lose 10 helions to roaches few roaches. I always thought that gas steal would negate any early banshee, but no, at 2200 every terran goes for banshees after a gas steal. Which is fun because they come so late that they're pointless. I'm starting to feel like I've gotten the point system all wrong. 2200 would have been high during the initial release month. I'd say now 2200 is in the level of 1000-1400 during the first month.

If there's something I'd like to see in the next patch is buff to nydus. Nydus is a great way of punishing greedy protoss. But due to it's cost it doesn't feel that good against terrans. Well mostly because terrans can build their expo at the main, upgrade it, fly it over to the expo.
If Zerg goes for gas steal, I usually go "**** gas" and build 3 barracks and go all-in with marines and SCVs.
If Zerg goes for gas steal, I usually go "**** gas" and build 3 barracks and go all-in with marines and SCVs.

Hah! I have the same kind of reaction when I forget the first overlord "AH CRAP! Better 10 pool all-in!" I feel like I lose the flow of the game if I forget my first overlord, it's like eating warm ice cream :p
Eating warm ice cream sucks and feels weird because it's melting. That's how his play feels when he makes the 10overlord mistake. I must admit that I feel the same way too now, since I stopped doing the extractor trick to favor the 9overlord.

I've been watching some of the GSL and there have been some amazing matches so far(Clide vs Leenock). Makes me inspired to play 1v1 more.
If I wasn't such a penniless hobo I'd buy the license and watch GSL games :'(

Damn, these mirror match ups make me want switch to protoss or terran. There's way more diversity in them :/
I hear that zvz is getting better while pvp is really starting to suck.
PvP usually boils down to a giant collusus/void ray battle.
I played several games on the 1v1 ladder and got severely handed. I started off random and kept getting mirror matches so I decided I'm going to just play zerg right now. I have no idea how to do a decent zvz though. Every game I've had has always been a 1base ling/bling all in play that ends pretty horrible because I try to play economically.

I need some help on how to play this matchup.

I just got placed into Diamond(am at 300, but mostly from lack of games) but I kept getting matched up against 1700+ players. Not very fun.
I was able to win 2 games, both of which ended in base trading. One of which a Protoss pylon/cannoned my fast expansion, forcing me to cancel but I sent a drone and expanded and then quickly got a few roaches so I could retake my natural, then switched to muta/ling and won because I had the superior economy and mobility.
One thing you need to remember about mutas is that they really cost a shit ton in ZvZ. You can pump out like +10 roaches before he gets the mutas. Then just push out, it'll take a millennium for the mutas to kill the roaches. Just rolfstomp him, of course remember to throw down an evolution chamber early on, if you go roaches you'll always want to throw down the evo fast. If you go roach vs roach and slack in upgrades you will lose.

Against toss always bring two drones when going for FE, take the natural and then patrol the ramp with the other drone. Of course this doesn't work in maps like scrap station. Second thing to keep in mind when fast expanding is that toss is throwing down a crap ton of money in to the cannons/pylons and will 90% of the time expand. I some times cancel the hatch, throw down pool + 2 gas. After queen I'll go straight for lair and then nydus. You just need to make sure he's making a wall-in, that means the whole main is open space.
Well in ZvZ I have yet to encounter mutas, I usually get destroyed once the huge army of lings come, sometimes with lots of banelings.
If you're predicting them to go for this kind of bust is it best to open with a similar unit composition or will roaches be up fast enough to block and hold the ramp/choke?
If the opponent goes for lings and you go for roaches too early you'll get stomped, especially if you both go for FE. I've always felt like roaches come early enough (well maybe not on steppes). I'll try to find some replays where I go for roaches against bling/ling.

ZvZ will boil down to Muta's... again.

90% of competent Toss players will open Phoenix vs Zerg. (The other 10% are 4 gating or being tricky)

Raven fleets will make a heavy and dominating presence in TvZ.

PvP will be less boring.
TvT is prolly still the most boring, imo.

Tanks vs Tanks. How fun.
They seriously only just now got around to fixing the priority for god damn repairing SCV's? That was a glaring problem from freakin' release day.
Got totally rolfstompped by a terran doing the 2rax -> 4*OC build. On TL the theorycrafting WoW players were all saying that build is crap but I actually thought it was really good. I always thought mules were sick, making SCVs free and over-saturation. I wondered why the heck terran players don't bring SCVs off the line in every damn push.
What? Exhausting to play? How is TvT exhausting to play? Because it is the longest match-up? I feel as though you're not giving it a fair shake. Or, at least, not explaining yourself entirely.
I think that the change to Fungal is a terrible idea as well, most of the reasons already being covered. I'd like to hear their reasoning behind this change.

And if you're here to say some inferior game is allegedly better than SC2, just don't post and walk away.
What? Exhausting to play? How is TvT exhausting to play? Because it is the longest match-up? I feel as though you're not giving it a fair shake. Or, at least, not explaining yourself entirely.

my post a few pages back
It's always a 1/1/1 build for me now, because the maps are larger and marine rushes don't work as well anymore, what with the supply prerequisite and all that.

So, I have to go 1 Helion + marine push early on, which doesn't work if the other guy has enough wits to build a bunker.

I withdraw, and come back with a tank, which doesn't work, because the other guy usually goes 1/1/1 too and has 1 more tank than you.

Finally, I get a banshee and do some damage, until his Vikings cruelly and painfully violate her.

Then for the next 15 minutes we sit around making a tank + viking line, no one trying to push, until I get some Battlecruisers and push them with vikings against his tank line, and at 35 ~ 40 minutes into the game, I've finally won.
Man here I thought they'd give Zerg even the slightest buff with all the changes they made to the other races. I guess Zerg was pretty much perfect already, eh?
my post a few pages back

Yeah, still not making sense to me here. You sit around doing nothing through the entire mid game and then tell me the matchup is exhausting. Try dropping, sneaking in a position advantage, or Marauder pushing him before his tank numbers get high.