Steam can't connect ?

its bull we pay for a game, we should be able to play it 24/7. Also i cannot connect to steam forums
im glad that im not the only one who is getting problems logging in to steam
yeah valve, you've made us ANGRY at the right time
Where's the problem? I'm in Brisbane, Australia and I can't connect... You guys?
noone knows valve wont say anything.....hmm sounds like just about everything valve does (not say ANYTHING)
my freind said he hasnt turned is comp. OFF since yesterday and his steam can log on so that means everyone who turned of there comp. last night has this problem
I don't have xfire and I've run all the winsock fixes. I just did everything in the custhelp besides reinstall and it's not working. Pffft. I just want garry's mod right now :(
giant384 said:
grammatical isnt a word at least not in my vocabulary

umm, broaden your learning abilities, then?

Pronunciation Key (gr-mt-kl)

1. Of or relating to grammar.
2. Conforming to the rules of grammar: a grammatical sentence.

anywho, why don't you guys just get out of the house, instead of whining and complaining? GO OUT AND HAVE FUN!!! :cheers: :D

i'm going to go and see the boogeyman, just go out and do something guys. the world isn't going to end!
It aint any compatibility thing. You should see the collective bitching-and-moaning on the Steam forums. They're going hard over there. And the forum servers are bloody slow, may be related. Someone reckons that steam is at its capacity due to some cs:s update.

But how poorly is the steam app designed that it is forgetting your login info and preventing you from playing offline when the servers kill themselves!
NSPIRE said:
anywho, why don't you guys just get out of the house, instead of whining and complaining? GO OUT AND HAVE FUN!!! :cheers: :D

i'm going to go and see the boogeyman, just go out and do something guys. the world isn't going to end!

God forbid trying to keep our money from going to waste then! Gasp!
NSPIRE said:
jesus christ, do any of you people speak english?? if you do, you should all seriously TRY and fix your grammatical skills, because it's damned hard to read what you're all trying to say...

*cough* Hick. *cough*
Jeez. Still down. One of the few times I actually feel like playing HL2 or CS:S...bah.
Players count now is : 128,204 of max 219,963
and banwidth used is : 2,761 Mbps of max 13,835 Mbps

so i dont see problem in banwidth.
NikolaX said:
Players count now is : 128,204 of max 219,963
and banwidth used is : 2,761 Mbps of max 4,647 Mbps

so i dont see problem in banwidth.

You're right. That only seemed like a plausible idea a few hours ago when the servers were really busy. But the person who suggested it is a fool - the 'max' on that page isn't the maximum number of players allowed but the max for the last 48 hours. And I am a fool for not realising it sooner.

Oh well, is it nighttime in the States? Are Valve sleeping through all their "Wake Up! Steam is broken! You're pissing off millions! All is sundered..." alarms. Prolly.
If you kept your Steam account logged in, it would log in fine. As soon as you log out by choosing log in as different user, it won't let you back in. Even then, it kicked me out saying my ticket expired and then I couldn't get back on. Blarg.
ok for everyone that is saying grammatical is a real word it is. He is just saying it isnt a word in his vocabulary because he is saying that he doesnt know or want to use grammar properly IT is a real word though
Gabe is probably still awake. It's 8pm EST here, that's -5GMT. I think Valve HQ is on the west side of USA, and, IIRC, it's 6pm there. I think.
Because grammar is important! But telling people how they can and cannot speak is big-time wrong. Racist, even.
Still nothing.......steam forums appear to be down :sleep:
In Seattle is 17:02 , London 01:02....
so they are very awake...
Steam hasnt had this kind of problem or whatever it is in years. So calm down people.
Ha ha, me not being able to play HL2 just makes me want to play it more.

And Valve did this on purpose; they want you guys to go out more, they are afraid that people are going to die cause they forget to eat while playing their products :imu:
OH!! Shi. i see i'm not the only one here waiting for Steam!

Can't play , can't even start Hammer or Hlmv or any SDK softs. The impossibility to go offline with a Steam version is really becoming annoying. Up till now evreything went fine, but if such problems are coming often they better find a way to make everyone beeing able to go offline.
Hrmmmmm, I'm logged in.

Just connected.

This thread smells of little kids wee.
^Ben said:
Hrmmmmm, I'm logged in.

Just connected.

Damn. I'm not. All I want to do is use Hammer! Aargh I love steam as a distribution system but this is awful.
It's been down for what?

4 hours? Nothing can have a %100 uptime, just chill and do something else the more you sit here and moan and complain and get anxious about it the more time it will seem to take.
Damn, I knew I should not have broken up with my girlfriend; time to go crawling back.

For what it's worth, Steam has performed unbelievingly well under the immense amount of usage by such a large community.
^Ben said:
It's been down for what?

4 hours? Nothing can have a %100 uptime, just chill and do something else the more you sit here and moan and complain and get anxious about it the more time it will seem to take.

please read all posts and then comment...
I'm having the same problem as all of you guys. The servers that valve controls are f**ked. Were just gonna have to wait. Many people on the steampowered forums are having the same problems as well.
OMG 5 HOURS OF DOWNTIME OO-EM-GE!!! Well I just tried logging in again and it logs in as fast as it always has.

Probably something has ****ed up on the way from your PC to steam or something.

What ISP does every1 have?

I don't have the problem and im with AOL UK.