Steam to being sending 'the game' to hard drives a week before it ships

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i forgot where i heard it but someone said that for the first 2 weeks hl2 is out, everyone needs to validate online regardless of gamemode. whats with that?
I have another ?

As far as getting this game from STEAM, I wonder what format you will get it in bin/cue or just files. If its just files then how can you make a copy, say if your HDD crashes or the progam needs to be re-installed.. No one wants to re-download the whole game again..

Anyone know about this, Oh and spitcodfry you think we will hear some announcement on the 22nd about this STEAM stuff, is that speculation or something Gabe had told you during the tour..

Im sure we will hear SOMETHING next week regarding the release or lack thereof.
Cmon lets fill this thread with excitement, hopefully about tomorrows ability to pre-load half life 2...

Originally posted by HalfAsleep

on and off, 0s and 1s.

HalfAsleep [/B]

I believe you mean "on and off, 1's and 0's" I'd hate to see Valve mix those two numbers :p

But hey, writing twothousand words might make you a bit too exited :)
Originally posted by AnimeAdmin
PC Zone magazine (UK) say their HL2 review will be in the next issue, out Oct 16

Found this over at another forum from a very respected poster.. this either means that they already have a copy of the game and are reviewing it, or that they are very sure they will have a copy on Sept 30th to make a review..
Originally posted by Mikademius
I believe you mean "on and off, 1's and 0's" I'd hate to see Valve mix those two numbers :p

But hey, writing twothousand words might make you a bit too exited :)

Lol sure, I did not think about them relating in the same sentence. Grammaticaly speaking you are right. But I still hope people understood what I tried to say. I would really hope so anyway, since that was my longest post ever on any forum, and the one that has generated the least answers ;(

I think we'll hear something from VALVe over the next two days. If not then it'll be on the 29th.
This goes down as the most ridiculously pointless form of PR in the history of media in general. ValvE are going to come out of this looking pathetic if the game is delayed after all this silence...This is basically what gives me hope that the game is on target for 30th release. That and the fact they've never said anything but the 30th. Although all those "no comments" a while back have me worried...
yea, the only reason I still have hope is because they havn't outright delayed it yet, and valve seems to really care about its customers.

If it were delayed why would they lead us on like this, and let us all go out and waste our money on video cards we dont need yet?

course, things dont look good from a realistic standpoint.
Why they would wait until 7 days (or less) from the release to announce a delay is beyond me.
Originally posted by CommieX
Why they would wait until 7 days (or less) from the release to announce a delay is beyond me.

I'd like to think they wouldn't as well...but the Steam 1.0 release was pushed back past the time it was supposed to come out. The Steam website didn't inform users about the delay until after the supposed time it was going to be released. Half-Life 2 isn't Steam, that's for sure...but it still says something about communication.
this information can be found on the german halflife2 fansite city17

let's hope it's true

Here is a translation, the best a FREE translation can get you anyway

Further information from the rumor kitchen: as one which can be designated more near did not report to me vivendi near source, universal in final production already store several hundredthousand copies of help Life 2 with Vivendi.
If this should apply, it is still questionable whether the release date (9 days from today on) can be kept - the rumor of a shift on the next year would be however probably not more durable then. The November date advised by various wholesale dealers could therefore tune in each case - or evtl nevertheless week already after the next?
The above indication is natural without guarantee, appeared to me however convincingly enough, when which I wanted to withhold it from you.

Update: According to the source the date is not to be able to be kept for next week. Besides the scope of supply would consist of 2 CDs (unclear which version - in the doubt the standard version)

A Vivendi source supposedly said that valve has several hundred thousand copies of the game at is warehouse...
You are incorrectly.. they never said that, besides going "gold" is something made up by gamesites and stuff.. it just means a game is complete.. and other sites have stated they may only make the announcement about the game coming out on time or being delayed

It is unlikely to be delayed however since the unveiling of the game will take place at Alcatraz Prizon on the 30th..
When Spitcodfry asked Gabe if they would not announce Gold status Gabe laughed and said that they would announce to the community once they go gold.

Go look at the thread if you don't believe me.
Originally posted by Forum Lamer
You are incorrectly.. they never said that, besides going "gold" is something made up by gamesites and stuff.. it just means a game is complete.. and other sites have stated they may only make the announcement about the game coming out on time or being delayed

It is unlikely to be delayed however since the unveiling of the game will take place at Alcatraz Prizon on the 30th..
I CAN'T WAIT!!!!! :bounce:
Hi everyone,

I just registered on this wonderful site after I saw news about this account on This site looks very nice, I especially love the color theme and the theme of the forums, with the orange buttons.

I've tried to read this entire thread but I might of missed a few things. I wanted to say that I hope this news turns out true, that would mean Half-Life 2 is released via Steam on September 30th? A few things that I am a bit curious about:

- Some people have already mentioned a bit, if Half-Life 2 was to make the planned Sept. 30 release date (Valve employees have only been hinting at this date for a very long time), even if it is to be released first on Steam, and retail a while later.

Does this essentially mean, that the game content is going to be delivered to us, in a matter of the next day or two? If we are still leaning towards the Sept. 30th date where the game is released via Steam.

- Several of you have mentioned somewhat that there will be a subscription plan to those initial users that want the game on the '30th'. Now yes I know monthly subscription is only optional, you can also purchase the game via Steam for one flat-rate fee. Will this be available come the 30th? I wish it will be, since then I won't have to buy the game from retail (a few days/weeks later, who knows).

- I think it is very plausible that the game can be out on the 30th. Maybe, even if the MP is not complete on ship date, we can still get the SP? So the good news there would be: no delays for the game. Remember the first Half-Life didn't have MP implemented when it shipped. Now if this case was to happen, I would be able to get the MP portion when it is complete. if I purchase the FULL game from Steam.

I don't want any subscriptions, the day the game is launched on Steam (lets hope it is the 30th!) I will be opting for the full one flat-rate fee purchase plan.

Once again, I wanted to say very good job on the terrific site. I hope this site enjoys many upcoming years of success as one of the best (if not THE best), definative source for all things Half-Life 2. :)

Good luck!
huh wth? i thought first half-life came out with mp implemented :dozey:
Originally posted by Forum Lamer
You are incorrectly.. they never said that, besides going "gold" is something made up by gamesites and stuff.. it just means a game is complete.. and other sites have stated they may only make the announcement about the game coming out on time or being delayed

It is unlikely to be delayed however since the unveiling of the game will take place at Alcatraz Prizon on the 30th..

I might be incorrect here, and if I am, plese correct me. I did read some news regarding the new ATI Radeon 9800XT cards, I thought the 'Alcatraz Unveiling' was planned solely for the video cards? The cards will ship w/ Half-Life 2, but the cards will go on sale a few weeks after the Unveiling... that dosen't necessarily mean the game is complete, does it?

Anyways this is probably for the retail release, I am more interested in the Steam release. :)
:eek: A friend of mine said it didn't, maybe he meant that it was really buggy/unplayable and that it took some patching before it was playable.
Originally posted by Forum Lamer
You are incorrectly.. they never said that, besides going "gold" is something made up by gamesites and stuff.. it just means a game is complete.. and other sites have stated they may only make the announcement about the game coming out on time or being delayed

It is unlikely to be delayed however since the unveiling of the game will take place at Alcatraz Prizon on the 30th..

No, gold is not something made up by "gamesites" it is when the final build that will be stamped to the CD you will get in the game, is sent to the publisher to have mass produced.
Everyone in here making comments are just headcrabs... I need some info from some combine folks..

Plus there is that kitchen rumor that valve already has a few hundred thousand copies of the game in their warehouse.. I wish I was a member of the Valve team or someone's kid, wonder if any of the employee's have kids and have told them abou the release and I wonder if they would spill the beans about it.. I for one and tired of all the hype .. its extremely hyped up.. and I want the game with NO delay..

Posted by HalfasleepLol sure, I did not think about them relating in the same sentence. Grammaticaly speaking you are right. But I still hope people understood what I tried to say.

I hope that to, if not we are dealing with a bunch of retards :)

Hyping this game so much might suffer the same desteny as StarWars 2 did. It was so overhyped that the movie wasn't any good. I doubt this will happen to HL2 though.

I don't see why hyping a game is a bad thing unless you set your hopes even higher than you know the game will perform then you'll have disappointments. lol Other than that I say hype away really, its fun.

- Jason
Well it's the 23rd now. I'm expecting some action today. Even if we can't start downloading HL2 it would be nice to see my (now working flawlessly it seems) Steam client update itself to provide pay options etc for HL2.
Fingers crossed...

Ok I have a question that is relevant to Steam, they talk in the interview with Gabe about three versions or retail packages of the game "SP, MP and Collector's Edition" has it been told anywhere what exact will be in the collector's edition, the SP and MP is fairly obvious I suppose. And they've talked about people buying HL2 via Steam and getting out cd's, manulals to them etc so I don't think ppl that buy via steam will just have a cache of the game. Anyone with any ideas please post.

- Jason:eek:
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