Steeped in Sin!

This thread is all about this ladies in the pics and nothing about the game. This is the internet where porn in around every corner. You can run and you can hide, but the porn will find you.

All you guys talking about how these girls are know if you had a chance to just sniff their panties you would be fighting for 1st in line.
I dunno, personally I don't find the idea of sniffing anybody's underwear that attractive.

Seriously, who likes sniffing underwear?
Well, it's far from perfect but my first impressions are pretty good - in fact PC Gamer had it about right, rating it 85%. The game still clearly needs work to tighten it up and for a retail game, some of the discrepencies are suprising - especially compared to the tightness of free HL2 mods, like Dystopia.

The opening sequence attempts to impress with explosions and debris (the new fire/explosion effects are especially quite nice and make a change from the stock HL2 explosions), but it does suffers from unoriginality, as it's pretty much the same 1:1 copy of the original Unreal's opening sequence (ie. imprisoned, you attempt to escape jail/chase other character). The communication between yourself, Jessica and CJ works quite well, as the locations take place in your typical bread and butter FPS locales (docks, warehouses, offices), the chatting draws you in, making you feel almost like Jack Bauer, behind enemy lines - to give an episodic TV example. :cool:

Though once the game settles down, it does grow on you, quite a bit - the characterisation, helped immensly by lip-sync and well modelled character really draws you in and is in a totally different ballpark from the original's machismo-driven schlock. It still suffers from cartoonish characterisation, but your partner, Jessica, is a pretty well-rounded character and not just thrown in there to bolster the developers need to objectify women, to which Elexis is clearly an example of.

Though the game's faults really are poor, and just exemplify a bad design concept from the ground up. Bad health balancing, object clipping/getting stuck on objects, sound stuttering (sound cache bug?), bad map designs etc. At times, you really can't believe HL2 and Counterstrike are built with the same engine - as some interiors are HL1 quality.

Though there is a charm about the game which draws you in, the old-arcade charm of it I guess, it is undeniably quite a bit of fun. The variable difficulty works OK too, a little more variation in the foes and it could be even more fun (you're essentially facing the same 3 types of foes throughout the first few levels, to which i've played). In conclusion, I guess if you're only purchasing one episodic product, then HL2: Episode 1 is obviously the way to go, but i'd definetely recommend SiN, even as a fun little shooter to tie you over till then.
I'm liking this game a lot so far. I'd say I've gotten more or less halfway through, and while it got incredibly hard at a couple of times, the challenge rating just went down again, and now it's just right. I'm not one to find a bunch of faults and say "Leveldesign is shit" and all that. It's probably true, but for some reason, I don't usually notice it. I played it for three hours straight, and would've kept on playing till the end if I didn't have to go to sleep. Can't wait to finish it tomorrow.

I don't think it holds a candle to the Half Life 2 story, but it's really quite good, and I'm pretty sure I'll get the rest as well.
"Female equality in video games."

-wait for it-

:laugh: BAHAHAHAHAAAAHAAAAAAA*cough*cough*
I think we're going to need another decade before I can think about that phrase in all seriousness.

Should I buy it? I'd like to find something to break me free of Trackmania Nations and tide me over until e1 is out.
MuToiD_MaN said:
"Female equality in video games."

-wait for it-

:laugh: BAHAHAHAHAAAAHAAAAAAA*cough*cough*
I think we're going to need another decade before I can think about that phrase in all seriousness.

Should I buy it? I'd like to find something to break me free of Trackmania Nations and tide me over until e1 is out.

yeah its a good game fun stuff. For 17-20 bucks you can't go wrong.
Hmm... the real-life counterpart of Elexis does not exactly do the most safe-for-work material... :o
And the Outfits look realy itchy...*cough*.....uhhem.
Haha, fixed indeed.

Anywho, wow. That's about as erotic as a bowl of mashed potatoes.
If you can't do sexy, don't attempt sexy. Especially not when your attempts at sexy lead to the female character's combat suit sporting a bare midriff.

Mechagodzilla said:
Haha, fixed indeed.

Anywho, wow. That's about as erotic as a bowl of mashed potatoes.
If you can't do sexy, don't attempt sexy. Especially not when your attempts at sexy lead to the female character's combat suit sporting a bare midriff.

Haha, I love you.
Mechagodzilla said:
Haha, fixed indeed.

Anywho, wow. That's about as erotic as a bowl of mashed potatoes.
If you can't do sexy, don't attempt sexy. Especially not when your attempts at sexy lead to the female character's combat suit sporting a bare midriff.

What? You mean you'd have preferred it if she hadn't shaved beforehand? :O