Stern's countdown to 30,000 posts

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An artist's impression of the incident:


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We fought long and hard, and took many losses. After a day and night of grueling, visceral combat, our numbers dwindling, we withdrew to the inner sanctum of Castle to make a final, desperate last stand. As Stern's immense armies, 30,000 strong, thundered across the valley towards the inner keep and final refuge of, just as all hope appeared lost, a light appeared on the ridge to the East.

It was Sulkdodds, our savior.
How epic.

We shall remember his sacrafice forever, unless we forget it.
I don't even know what star craft is.

I was in the same boat as you a couple months ago. Still never played Starcraft though. All I really know is that its some strategy game of some sort. I think at least.
You poor, deprived fools. I've been playing Starcraft since it came out ten years ago and not once has any other game surpassed it in my book (yes, SC > HL, albeit only by a little).
In so many years, I never uninstalled Starcraft. You should start playing right now so you can see how awesome it is, because you will not understand unless you play it.
I miss my old SC installation. SO many freaking UMS downloads. I had a good 10 gigs in the maps folder.
We fought long and hard, and took many losses. After a day and night of grueling, visceral combat, our numbers dwindling, we withdrew to the inner sanctum of Castle to make a final, desperate last stand. As Stern's immense armies, 30,000 strong, thundered across the valley towards the inner keep and final refuge of, just as all hope appeared lost, a light appeared on the ridge to the East.

It was Sulkdodds, our savior.


It is advised you listen to this music in the background when reading Sulkdodds' reply (which has not been posted yet).
lol, I'm glad the panserbjorn got a mention
I think that my signature about sums it up.

And if I could have one request on this forum. It would be to have a postcount of -1, a join date of the future, and a custom title of Oh, SHI-
Brilliant piece of writing, Rimfire.
It was pretty accurate. I especially liked the bits about how awesome I am.
I think Brad Pitt should play the lead in the inevitable movie version
I think Brad Pitt should play the lead in the inevitable movie version

Wow... You're really regaining them fast! Already past 30,000 - 29990.

See I can still have fun with it. :dork:

You know what I think it was? I think it was an attempt to recreate many miniature sterns, all inferior to him, but combined much stronger. Why? Because it was inevitable that Stern would be reverted back to his original form. And this couldn't happen. It wouldn't happen. It was a survival mechanism, and in time the Mini Sterns would coagulate into Papa Stern, with an aggregated Post Count. He would be more powerful than ever, and strong enough then to defeat those who would seek to revert him again.

But it failed. Thank God.
i think there's a shitload of irony in this thread. Stern you wanted your post count reset so people wouldn't constantly ask you about it, but after this thread you can be sure that everyone will remember your post count. you dug yourself quite a hole buddy didn't ya??!!!!! DIDN'T YA!!??

raz: it's too early in the morning for me to wrap my head around the idea of multiple Sterns ..any alternate Stern want to take my place at work today?
I like the new title, Stern. Although it could do with MOAR CAPITALS! D:<
The Ascension would never have caused so many paradoxes if the Time Lords were still around :(
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