Stone's Pet Project...

yay, i inspired someone :cheese: although the bed looks a bit small :p
I think im the worst modeler in history of 3dsmax.. .. I.. I.. (soft sobs)..
no, unfortuantly, not yet

I'm currently doing a to year Graphic Design Course and hopefully I'll move onto better things from that...

and glad people like my work :D
Originally posted by Jhahn2k4
I think im the worst modeler in history of 3dsmax.. .. I.. I.. (soft sobs)..
Ha, you should of seen the "gun" I made. I uploaded it to the net, people said i should turn it sideways and have mario come out... ;(

And stone, More pictures!
Well, Iono, my model kinda looked like a dollarstore squirtgun that doesnt work and somebody kinda stepped on it or somethin like that..
can anyone spot anything wrong with this render so far?

I'm in a toutch up mood atm, thanks
that your beds better than mine..... ;(

hehe, the two shadows look abit odd though
yeh i'm not very good at lighting so i have to use 2 lights to get everything covered in light easily :/
Okay, I'm modeling a bar with a evil-clown theme.. I help on how to make a paper flyer and a wash-rag :p
Originally posted by Jhahn2k4
.. I help on how to make a paper flyer and a wash-rag :p


you mean, you need help on how to make a paper flyer and a wash-rag :p

Sorry for double posting, but I also need help on giving something a shadow :cheese: ugh the n00biness :p
make a light (omni or so) and look into the editing tab. there you's lees a small checkbox with on its rightside a word: " shadows on/off" or something like that. check it and then scroll down untill you see something about shadows where you can pich your shadow. raytrace is a hard edged and the most acurate shadow and the standard shadow is nice and soft but its not really acurate
Wtf?! how do you guys make such good stuff in 3dsmax. My mario tube/gun was like the best of my abilities =(

Ok, well I've fired up 3dsmax, I've modeled as people suggested, I've kept it basic, see attached file for output, simply 4 walls, and a floor, texturing is pretty close, floor isn't that well polished, brick is kinda like that, and the walls are just white/off white paint, but I don't have a texture for that. Next I will start the skirting around the floor and roof.

P.S. is there a standard size to be working with? because some files I import from the web are HUGE, and others are tiny, I think i read here that we are going by one unit = one inch ? is that right? I'm aussie though, we work in metric units, not imperial. ah I'll work around it :p

stone, if my room takes shape how do you end up using it? not that I'll finish it though.


  • mairoom0.0.jpg
    46.5 KB · Views: 440
Re: Rooms

Originally posted by UDHA
Ok, well I've fired up 3dsmax, I've modeled as people suggested, I've kept it basic, see attached file for output, simply 4 walls, and a floor, texturing is pretty close, floor isn't that well polished, brick is kinda like that, and the walls are just white/off white paint, but I don't have a texture for that. Next I will start the skirting around the floor and roof.

P.S. is there a standard size to be working with? because some files I import from the web are HUGE, and others are tiny, I think i read here that we are going by one unit = one inch ? is that right? I'm aussie though, we work in metric units, not imperial. ah I'll work around it :p

stone, if my room takes shape how do you end up using it? not that I'll finish it though.

I like your room. Did you download the template for a rough idea of size? Although there's not much in it to base the size on. Also, Stone's on holiday and will be back next week. Oh no, I hope I haven't just triggered a spamfest in Models and Skins.
nO sToNe~!/ahg1!

WhaT!/ No STonE! aHHRrg! hehe, nah, didn't get the template, don't know what to do with it. Yet. Ok, I've got some updates to my square room, I've added better colouring (I hope) and skirting around the roof and floor boards, please let me know what you think, cheers.

all pictures

or most current pic (at time of posting):
Latest build
No update, just an update

Ok, well I haven't done anything new yet to my house (not anything like my house btw) but I have changed the site a bit, I've just learned php, so head on over to my progress for a new and easier way to view the images, thanks to php w00t!

hmm, I have the attention span of an ant, I was supposed to be moddeling a house, and now I'm learning php, next I'll be cutting wood sticks out of bigger wooden sticks, and then who knows, maybe if I'm lucky I'll finish the house!

EDIT: if you don't see what's easier about it, click on an image, then go to old version and click on an image, huh? huH?
pretty nice work, anywho, i'm back, so any questions...?
STOne@S bakc omg!1
Yah, I gots a Q, where's the next update? :p
how the **** did you go from spheres to THAT? i spent like 3 days doing that damned beetle tutorial and i dont remember anything i learned from it.
Right, I'm having a day break, tomorrow, from my getting ready for college run, so i shall get some work done on this and the hotel project too so expect updates :p....

(ARG, back to college Friday ;()
What happnened to this thread? It doesn't seem to have been updated in ages.
Has anyone actually done any work on it?
I know Stone has stuff done, but he refuses to show me. ;(
I think we should petition Stone for an update.
Couldn't you post some real pics of your room so we could see how realistic your work are?
Whatever happened to this? It just sunk and died. That makes me sad.
now is this program u use a free trial or full version u paid for.

i dont know much about 3d modling but urs are great and id like to start... any info.... (cant wait for next update)
I think all the work done on here was done in full versions of 3DSMax, which you can take a look at on the Discreet (publisher)'s website at
who's sister?.....

awwww, me ill don't tease me ;(
I know that this is a little old but you should really turn that room into a map of your house, would be amazing for the HL2 engine.