Stone's Pet Project...

yeah no worries im making the building and all dont worry ( i hoipe i can finish it tho :()
I know this was far back in the thread... but if you were wondering stone, here'sa render of what shag:fur can do (it's a WIP so no crits please :) )


Also, i don't have the time to make my whole room, but i will model appliances for people, to speed up the process.

If you dont want to waste more time on your keyboard, I have one I modeled a while back that is already textured and everything.


lemme know what you think :p

also.... the shading looks crappy but thats because at the time i made it I didn't know about lighting, the model is still good though
the problem is that you need the shag plugins to render it. There is, hwoever, a great free grass pluing that you cna use for rugs and such...lettme seee if ui cna find the link.

Here more pictures of the scene, a bit more developed.


sidewinder thats pritty damn, nice images :p

I got an idea, right, why don't we build a house, each taking a room, and with sidewinder taking the appliences :p...

so that way we can have a resonable idea of what we're going to get and also people can work on there rooms at the same time..if we plan out the shape first ?
sounds good. maybe we can get someone to mkae a new, stickied thread, wioth the progress and assignments. I'll start but making a refrigeator. do we want 1 big one or a few perosnal sized ones, or both?
I think we wants a big fridge and a big chest freezer too :p
ok i think it should be like the pentagon some thing like hl2forum pentagon almost everyone contributs :) and in the scenter of the pentagon is a poool(need i say more ?)
iwht do u guys think bout the pentagon ? idea?this could be HUGE.?
well, we might use your keyboard somewhere in the house, but for my room, i'm making my own, because i was originally making this cor my portfolio, and i still need one for it :p...

and as for the Pentegon idea, it seems off, i was thinking more of a hotel thing, like the ones in the movies (ie Million Dollar Hotel) (just so i can make a big neon sign thingy)
Mindless, good idea, but we should find out who wants in and then assign them an area.

Killerman: are you talking about my little renders?

here are newerones.
(i'm jsut putting links in for fear of hijacking Stone's thread and ticking him off :p )
cool, sidewinder, no worries about high-jacking my thread, its all ready the biggest in the model+Skins forum :p....

I'm going to see if i can find a picture of the hotel in Million dollar hotel for you people :p
Well, we'll let you make it then shall we, may-be name it:

Hl2 forums Project or sumthing :x
done, and done....I Wants to make the roof, so i can make a big neon sign thingy :p
Originally posted by mindless_moder
alrity ur project head .

lol, well as its named Stone's project :p

anywho, still looking for a image of the hotel, maybe you should add details of the project to the sign-up thread, so people know whats going on :p
i'm baout to start on the fridge right now.

i finished what i wa sworkign on for today: )

here are the most recent images.


Yes Hazza that image :p
That you just removed the link 2 as i clicked quote

Here it is: LINKAGE

Oh and a large render (2000x2000 size :p) for you people, i've put it as a link, so those people with slow connections dnt have to wait for it :p: LINKGE

EDIT: and Sidewinder, those renders are prettyful :p
If you want stuff doing for when it becomes a level such as sound work or anything that isn't too hard then I am would really like to be a part of the project. It would be great if I could model and do a room, but I can't so I thought I'd offer my help in other ways.

Edit: Sorry about deleting the post, I'm not really sure why I did. I found the picture on google.
sure hazza, and helps welcome help :p

Sound will be great :p
what are you using to model all of this ?


Stone Edit: Sorry, this is just a test to see if everything is working, sorry merc..... :(
I'm using 3dsmax, but i'm sure we can port from any program into the finished one....
What version of 3dsmax, if its 5 then I can do the water for the pool with reactor :D
Well do raytrace for the calm water in the pool but if the house has a hottub I can do really rough water.
yes, i was thinking about that toooo...

oh what u think the dimentions of the roof should be, i can't really decide.....
I NEED 3DSMAX! Where can I get it for free? :)

get XSI it's free or at least the demo is free and a free version will come with the SDK.
XSI is a completly different modelling program (you need and XP based system to run it).....

but really its all about personal taste of program, nothing more...