Striders are apparently serious.

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omg Strider ragdoll would be the coolest thing ever! I would watch it over... and over... and over.... and then I would put it right next to a tall GLASS building and make it fall into it... Oh the destruction!

Welcome to the forums ship!
:O Or you shoot at the Strider with an I-Rifle, BAM! POOF! Into ashes.
I don't even wanna think what would happen if a Strider can stick a car on its leg...a face full of front end wouldn't feel so good.
x84D80Yx said:
what if the striders moved 50x faster....and they were chasing you on the coast while your driving a buggy. that would be scary as hell. :x

If it moved fifty times faster, it'd be more funny than anything. :D

I always assumed that the trick to getting a strider was to trip it.
But, in the video, it's clear that won't be so easy. They can stand on two feet and kick a large van across a city block at the same time, after all. They're super-balanced.

I think it's awesome how they're able to step over stuff too.
It walked right over a car without a second thought. That's great pathfinding.

I think that the striders are my current favorite enemy. only CS players have any chance at saving us from the wrath of striders?


Anyways, they look pretty tough, maybe you need to use the environment to kill them, like, wait till they get under a bridge then blow up the bridge to squash em'.
Well said, Mecha. I was just thinking the same thing(s) myself.

I think it's totally awesome that we're actually strategically thinking about how to kill an enemy - also, it's totally awesome how there are now multiple ways to kill some of the baddies with the new physics engine, gravity gun, etc.

It's good to be here Iced_Eagle.
Welcome to the forums ship.
OT: I think I'll be using the resistance fighters like the antlions vs. turrets in the tunnels video when I see a strider coming. muaha.
I think you should find some roller mines and throw them at the strider. Energy gone. :E
Nah, it will just be easier to let the resistance guys attack the strider(s), while you put your crowbar between your legs and run like hell.
I don't think it is the same weapon though they both disintegrate people in the same way. Watch the video again – the irgun / incendiary grenade launcher shoots a whitish blast that doesn’t destroy mortar/plaster but bounces around vaporising at least two organic targets at the same time.. Compare that to the Strider gun which now shows a bluish / purplish focus laser before the huge light-warping blast which rips through concrete like butter AND vaporises organic targets. I really don't think they are the same..
PainLord said:
I think you should find some roller mines and throw them at the strider. Energy gone. :E

I dunno, it looked to me as though Combine are immune to the roller mines(Unless, of course, you blast them into their faces).
So, the strider will probably just be ignored by the roller mines in the end, since it's combine technology.

Fighting the striders is going to make keeping everyone alive very difficult.
i would shoot their legs...the legs look so vulnerable
what would be sweet is if someone made a map with a some striders in them and the object for everyone in the map would be to kill the striders... and complete an objective... or something. meh i guess i just like the idea of lots of human players trying to take down a strider. it'd be interesting (i would hope so at least heh).
Jackal hit said:
what would be sweet is if someone made a map with a some striders in them and the object for everyone in the map would be to kill the striders... and complete an objective... or something. meh i guess i just like the idea of lots of human players trying to take down a strider. it'd be interesting (i would hope so at least heh).

That may be the greatest idea yet. Seriously.
Just a big chunk of destructible city, a bunch of striders, and a bunch of human-controled fighters.
It would be great.
I'm more for the knock it over theory.

I'd probably pick up a huge concrete pillar with the manipulator and fling it away at the Strider's body.
The Strider PlayGround is going to be the most playable part IN HL2's world cause of the Seriousness of the Strider and the power IT can produce.

This game is going to be Fun.
I reckon its possible to kill it with a machine gun, u just gotta hit in the right spots the stomach or right in the face.

I think throwing things with manipulat0r wuld piss it off , look at strider video, gordon throws a cabinet or sumthing at one and it turns to him, scripted or not he didnt like it :)
I bet when you skill a strider it stinks up the area really bad
Mechagodzilla said:
That may be the greatest idea yet. Seriously.
Just a big chunk of destructible city, a bunch of striders, and a bunch of human-controled fighters.
It would be great.
hell yeah, someone seriously should mod this. unless of course it would be possible in normal mp with an edited map. i know i'd play maps like that TONS... and there should maybe be some kind of objective, and a time limit. like, a % of humans have to make it to somewhere, or do something in a specified amount of time, and every time you take down a strider, one or possibly more spawn ... or something.

also, i wonder if there are maps with striders where you get a buggy. i'm down for some drive-bys or hit and runs.
Mechagodzilla said:
That may be the greatest idea yet. Seriously.
Just a big chunk of destructible city, a bunch of striders, and a bunch of human-controled fighters.
It would be great.

And a bunch of human-controlled Striders! That would be really awsome :E
And alot of vehicles, think of all the possibilities! :imu:
I've been giving it a lot of thought, and decided these are a few different ways I'd kill a Strider...

I'd kill the strider by throwing a hair dryer in the bathtub while it was bathing.

I'd use the manipulator to shoot Eli Vance's missing leg at it.

I'd tell the Strider standing next to it, that it was making fun of it's mom. Then I'd watch as the one Strider killed the Strider who was making fun of it's mom. Then I'd befriend that Strider, and we'd eventually get married, and have lots of Strider babies that would fight on the side of good. I'd name them all after people on this forum.

There are more ways, but it's 3AM and I just got home from work, so I'm gonna go to sleep now.
Jackal hit said:
also, i wonder if there are maps with striders where you get a buggy. i'm down for some drive-bys or hit and runs.

Shit yeah! I'm thinking something like the Future War sequences in the Terminator and T2 - Gordon driving the buggy through a devestated part of C17, weaving madly to avoid Strider and Manatee (whatever those flying things are called) fire, with Barney or one of the resistance fighters on the back with a mounted gun blasting away!
Sadly this, along with an infintite number of cool possibilities, probably won't happen...but there's always expansion packs
I just watched the E3 video again, and there's something you guys might want to check out.

In the second strider fight demo, watch the strider that crouches. Now, pay attention to its movements until the scene ends.
Don't worry, I'll wait until you get back.


Holy awesomeness, eh? :eek:
you know the triders main wepon, does it actualy fire a physaical object, like the hand held one seems to, cause if it dose manbye you could catch it with the manipulator and blast it back at it.
Remember that there are plenty of weapons potentialy more powerful than a rocket luancher...

What about some sort of EMP device?
It would be very cool if there was a bit where you were driving away from a stampeed (sp?) of striders.

I wonder what they'd look like running.
First Strider I see is gonna get every bit of ammo I have fired at it! I really wanna see how much of a beating they can take. Even if it means spending 2 hours trying to do it. :E
Maybe that incinduary(sp?) thing would kill it?
I'm willing to be it'd go something like this -

Your first few encounters with the Striders are futile, because you're too early in the game to have the right weapon (the courtyard with the statue from last years e3 presentation, for example), meaning you have to keep avoiding them. Once you get the right weapon, you have to work out how to use it effectively to cripple the Strider (the area with the Striders in this years e3, perhaps? - you have access to rocket launchers, maybe the IRifle) - when you defeat it, your resistance partners learn how to as well, so hopefully defeating Striders from then on would be easier.
I want to drive the buggy as fast as I can straight into a strider's leg and see what that does.

*cut to buggy flying off of cliff*
I just realised that in the first strider video, a person gets impaled. Yummy
i would have thought the resistance fighters would have learnt any weaknesses of the strider by now, but it looks like they think they best way to take on the striders is to pound the hell out of the cockpit type thingo.

Would they be trying to take on more than 2 striders at a time if they weren't confident it would go down? Im not sure myself, maybe they are just desperate and going blindly into the fray kamakazi style.
If it's something I love in good games, are almost-impossible-to-kill enemies, they are so badass mostly.. Like the Hunter in Halo, the Garg etc.. And the Strider seems like the most badass one of all these. I hope it'll be REALLY hard to kill them! :D
Abom said:
I'm willing to be it'd go something like this -

Your first few encounters with the Striders are futile, because you're too early in the game to have the right weapon (the courtyard with the statue from last years e3 presentation, for example), meaning you have to keep avoiding them. Once you get the right weapon, you have to work out how to use it effectively to cripple the Strider (the area with the Striders in this years e3, perhaps? - you have access to rocket launchers, maybe the IRifle) - when you defeat it, your resistance partners learn how to as well, so hopefully defeating Striders from then on would be easier.

They'd probably be a little harder and more skillfull later on in the game though, to match your new-found weapons and many more Striders would join the party... ...OF DEATH.. ..yeah.

- Rozzer
Well... Maybe we could go all Luke Skywalker on its arse? If the Barnacle grapple returns (As several sources seem to think it will), just attatch it to the Strider's stomach, reel yourself up, stick some sort of explosive on a vulnerable spot, then drop and run...
Rozza said:
They'd probably be a little harder and more skillfull later on in the game though, to match your new-found weapons and many more Striders would join the party... ...OF DEATH.. ..yeah.

- Rozzer

Bigger, better, new weapons? Let's hope so.
Funny,no one has mentioned this yet.You know the saw blades?Well one of those might make short work of a Striders knee-joint.(Thats assuming of course you hit it.)

Also,you know how the "wobbly-effect" gun has a targeting laser before it fires?Could you run behind another strider as it fires and hopefully take out his friend?
I have a feeling the AI might be a bit too smart for that trick and that Strider you hiding behind will probably make you its bitch and stomp you
Didn't we see a strider getting taken out with grenades in the previous trailor vid?