Strife Lately 1+2

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Just do like James Brown says:

GED up, GED on up.
Well I hope I can. It's weird I keep getting these anxiety moments, where I'll feel despair and entirely worried about taking this thing. Worried I'm going to fail all of them, worried I'm going to fail some of them.

Then I have moments where I'm thinking... this is no problem. I can do this, this will be easy. Many more people who are less well off than me and who might even be less intelligent than me pass this thing. Prisoners pass these things. I can do this.

Back and forth, all the time. ALL THE TIME!


But if I complete my GED, I'll force Qonfused and Vegeta to find other sources of amusement.
Spent all of today playing Assassins Creed and having lunch with an old friend tomorrow, plus some ecumenical thing in the evening and no work!

Happy happy days!
Straying away from the dark side Skaadi...

<hangs his head low in disappointment>
I just finished paying for a ski trip to japan, going in january! Should be awesome.

Also, I think I like a girl... but don't know if I should cause it may be too soon coming out of the last relationship... Should I wait? Or find out if it is too soon or not by trying. :|

Also, when I go do my ski instructors course, should it be in Aus, NZ, Japan or Canada?

I know the girl you're talking about, it's about as obvious as heeell you silly ******. :p

In two weeks, I'll be stripped of everything I know, wear, do, that made me who am for about 17 weeks. It's gonna be tough. (NAVY recruit training) I'm nervous as hell. Plus I'll be spending the holidays during training.

The first time I'll ever have seen snow will be spent shoveling the shit at 2:00 A.M. in the morning. I hope it'll be the last time I ever see it after that too. I'm going to Great Lakes Illinois btw.
Snow shoveling. I must to it after every 1 hour because snow falls very quick. And i cannot see out from my lower windows. Like livin in a damn box.
I received a response from Amazon regarding my missing cd-key, finally. Here is their unsurprisingly no-brained response:

Amazon Customer Support said:
After looking into your enquiry I found that there was no further information available].

I understand that sometimes the amount of information we display can make deciding on an item difficult, unless you already know something about the product. Our editorial staff are constantly working on increasing the information we provide about each item as it becomes available to us. However, the information listed for this product on our website is all the manufacturer has passed along to us.

I have sent a request to our Fulfilment Centre staff to physically check the item to see if your question can fully answered. As soon as they reply we will let you know. If you don't hear back from us within the next week please contact us using the link provided and we can look into the matter further:

I shall sit back for a week and wait for EA to continue ****ing me over. It barely even related to my 'enquiry'.
I feel bad for getting strife lately 1 closed.

on a higher note I get pie tomorrow. So much pie.
Roomate couldn't afford her perscription so I had to help her out with $200
My Filling fell out of my back tooth and now I need to fix that...
Car got stolen

Christ almighty.
Raziaar said:

My assignment is finally finished!!!! WOOOO!!!! I had to stay behind at the end of college today to get it finished but it's finally done. I'll hand it in tomorrow. It'll be a day late but I reckon I'll at least get a merit on it, if not a distinction, but I'm not that optimistic!!
My avatar is ready for Christmasification!
I'm getting so damn nervous.

I'm registering to take my GED test on Monday, and then taking it on Tuesday and Wednesday.

I'm taking the bus on all three days, both to and from.

So ****ing nervous. So nervous, so nervous, so nervous.

I'm worried I'll fail, and fail miserably! And when I do, I won't make a thread saying I failed. Because the shame will consume me and I will not be able to live with myself!


You should be more worried you'll get stabbed on the bus or something.
I wouldn't usually argue with this but I think toast is better. Less calories a well.
Any guys here actually care about calories? I myself am a human garbage disposal and never gain a pound.

That said eat meat. Meat is always good and gives you energy.
I heard this terrible story today... I feel bad for the guy..

I am a working musician and, as you would expect, travel a lot. I have been noticing strange things happening when I get home. Her mobile phone rings and she steps outside to answer it or she says "I'll call you back later." When I ask her who called she gets evasive.

Sometimes she goes out with friends but comes home late, getting dropped off around the corner and walking the rest of the way. I once picked up the extension while she was on the phone and she got very angry.

A buddy of mine plays guitar in a band. He told me that my wife and some guy have been to his gigs. He wanted to borrow my guitar amp.

That's when I got the idea to find out for myself what was really happening.
I said "Sure, you can use my amp but I want to hide behind it at the gig and see if she comes into the venue and who she comes in with."
He agreed.

Saturday night came and I slipped behind my vintage Marshall JMP MKII 100W half stack to get a good view.
I could feel the heat coming off the back of the amp.

It was at that moment, crouching down behind the amp, that I noticed that one of the tubes was not glowing as bright as the other three.

Is this something I can fix myself or do I need to take it to a technician?
I need to start working out again, but running is a bitch because it's like 30 degrees out all the time now.
Anybody wanna put a santa hat on Stephen?

Yeah, double post, wanna fight about it?

I want it to look nice
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