Strife Lately 1+2

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THANK YOU! Today is a good day!

My word, I'm probably due for some infractions!
Got my drums today.

****ing amazing set, they look so good, all varnished and everything, wood finish. My god! Bass drum is like 28''. ****ing amazing. Two toms, 1 floor tom, bass drum, and china cymbal. Now I just need to go buy some shitty used snare, hi-hat and crash and I'm set.

After that, I just need a bass in my room, then I'll have guitars, drums, bass. ye.
Got my drums today.

****ing amazing set, they look so good, all varnished and everything, wood finish. My god! Bass drum is like 28''. ****ing amazing. Two toms, 1 floor tom, bass drum, and china cymbal. Now I just need to go buy some shitty used snare, hi-hat and crash and I'm set.

After that, I just need a bass in my room, then I'll have guitars, drums, bass. ye.
Nice. Which brand?

Also, 28"? **** me, that can't be right. D:
Bahahahahahahaha. Is it really that obvious? :p

Indeed you silly bitch! :D Welcome back to the forums negro.

Also, just executed a 1000km round trip to visit a few people up in Gerro for four days. Good times on the Brand Highway, the deadliest ****in road in WA. Also my workout regime is ****ed lol, gotta get back into it.
be thankful it wasnt mah.

ive got to drive my brother 2 hours to namibia tomorrow, spend the day there doing god knows what, then drive back. shit.
Thanksgiving was meh.


You at least had some good food though, right?
love my gf

I can't decide whether I should go to bed or continue listening to the cure.
fukken neighboors just came up to complain about me being too loud. This aparment has the thinnest walls/floors ever. They say they can hear everything i do, every single step i take...well sorry for using my legs as a form of transportation, do you want me to ooze my way around the apartment like a ****ing snake? I cant even listen to music ffs, i put on headphones at around 9pm-rest of night but they complain i cant even have music before that. Sometimes i come home around 3pm and i do about 30 minutes of dancing that im learning, 30 ****ing minutes, at 3pm, and they say i cant even do that?!?!

****ing shit, i feel oppressed, i cant listen to music, i cant dance, have to watch every move i make as if its life and death. I have to move my body smoothly so no loud noises occurs. Why not just put me in prison for being human? I can agree that i shouldnt have speakers on at night, but they complain that i listen to music even during DAY TIME.

:sniper: about to go to ragetown here, ive lived like this for the past 5 years in this apartment, and they think they can change that overnight?:angry:
Tell them to go **** themselfs. They can complain all they want.
^this. alternatively, put mattresses on the floor. but telling them to get F***ed is better.
you must not show weakness
They're stopping you from dancing? I think you should have a Saturday Night Fever party.
**** mattresses. Seriously, whine at 3pm for moving around? Nigga plz. Crank up the volume to show how nice you have been so far and that this is what you could be doing. Then do it, make the speakers face the floor and buy a expensive base.. Just be sure to stop at night to avoid legal actions.
I need to get better at ****ing driving. And then get my license.
fukken neighboors just came up to complain about me being too loud. This aparment has the thinnest walls/floors ever. They say they can hear everything i do, every single step i take...well sorry for using my legs as a form of transportation, do you want me to ooze my way around the apartment like a ****ing snake? I cant even listen to music ffs, i put on headphones at around 9pm-rest of night but they complain i cant even have music before that. Sometimes i come home around 3pm and i do about 30 minutes of dancing that im learning, 30 ****ing minutes, at 3pm, and they say i cant even do that?!?!

****ing shit, i feel oppressed, i cant listen to music, i cant dance, have to watch every move i make as if its life and death. I have to move my body smoothly so no loud noises occurs. Why not just put me in prison for being human? I can agree that i shouldnt have speakers on at night, but they complain that i listen to music even during DAY TIME.

:sniper: about to go to ragetown here, ive lived like this for the past 5 years in this apartment, and they think they can change that overnight?:angry:

Last year I had downstairs neighbors similar to that. They would complain about noise all the time. It was in a student apartment complex too, everyone knows that unless its like after midnight during the week, you just have to deal with noise. Well one day my friends and I were watching a movie at around 9 on a Wednesday and the movie was just reaching the climax and so was a bit louder than the rest of the movie. Well the guy from below comes up and pounds on the door and when my friend opened the door he immediately started screaming and actually tried to force his way into our apartment. We managed to keep him out, but around 30 minutes later a cop shows up responding to a noise complaint. Naturally we told him about the attempted unlawful entry and that we were just watching a movie, and so he went on his way. I would imagine he was pretty pissed having been brought out there in 10 degree weather for nothing, and we never got another complaint so he must have talked to our neighbors. Fun times though.
Shootin' off for the Northam Motorcycle Festival in a few minutes, gonna have a shower and start preppin' my kit.

Should be a good scoot, weathers not too bad in Perth today.
Brother woke me up again this morning at 5

If again tomorrow again curb stomping will ensue
Madagascar 2 was not as good as I expected, not bad though.

Computer still down, having to reboot, asking a friend to help tomorrow, yay.
I better hear some kind of news or my cane is going straight up your ass.
I don't know why, but I lol'd like a Mandarin whore. Will do Papa Fagnet.

Two more days. God damn sitting at home sucks, at least there's shit to do at school with assholes and ******s whores.
Thank god snow melted here. I can finally go back to work without having to wear 4 layers of cloth. Nordic winter :hmph:
damn the world. i was bought a pie, but when i bit it was so hot i burnt my tongue.
i hate it when this happens.
today has been a bussy day, and i haven't even gotten to work yet.
**** I lol'd.

Got a new music book yesterday (sheet music), all of Rush's Album 'Moving Pictures'. Guitar AND VOICE. It's so much fun playing the words on guitar, now I just need a talkbox!
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