Strife Lately 1+2

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I've been workin on a cocktail called grounds for divorce! WUUUUUUUUAAOOOOOOOOUUUUUUAAOOOOOOH!

So I've had a cold for the past week where laughing, inhaling too quickly, or other common side-effects of breathing result in a terrible, disgusting, hacking cough that lasts for a minute or longer. And it gets worse every day. Life is great.
Just got off work after working 10 1/2 hours straight. I feel like one of the slow zombies off L4D.
My friend and I were riding bikes in a place we hadn't been to for a long time, and stumbled upon a bunch of industrial waste, vehicles, rebar, odd pieces of metal, heavy machinery, and a sketchy home that had been abandoned by the owner a few months before. Whee!

That thumbnail looks like a screenshot from some next gen game.
I had a dream where I went to school and had a really boring and unmemorable day. I hate it when that happens.

I always have crappy boring real-life dreams like that.

But last night I dreamt that I had a chicken that sung silly songs in a really deep voice. There were other weird parts to the dream too but I can't remember the rest...
It's shit when you have one of those long boring dreams about a normal school day, then wake up and realize you have to go to school..

Depending on the dream and it's intensity of boringness, I just stay home and say **** it.
My friend and I were riding bikes in a place we hadn't been to for a long time, and stumbled upon a bunch of industrial waste, vehicles, rebar, odd pieces of metal, heavy machinery, and a sketchy home that had been abandoned by the owner a few months before. Whee!

Parfect, use it to score in.
I've been eating Chips Ahoy! cookies all night. Holy bitch these are awesome.
Holy shit, those are so ****ing bitchawesome. Haven't had them since primary school, one of my friends always brought them for lunch and I'd skive some off him. Mum would never get me any cause they were too expensivo... ****ing only childs. :(
No, I've been nervous lots of times.
5:40 in the morning. In 2 hours, I will hop on the bus and go register for the GED.

I feel like vomiting.

I'm such a coward.

Oh and It's right adjacent to a chemical plant or something. I mean RIGHT adjacent.

If you hear in the news a chemical plant explosion taking out a nearby school north of Dallas, it was me.

Good luck. lol at crappy school placement. Except really not lol because those poor kids are gonna get cancer and crap :eek:

I woke up somewhere between 2 to 4 AM to start working on projects. It's a weird feeling when you decide to hold off on emailing your work to people so they won't see that you're awake working on crap at ridiculously abnormal times...
Crappy few days,

I got followed by some guys at the station last night. Freaked the living hell out of me/ This happens so often now, what is it about me that attracts these losers?

Also, it feels so weird now that the house is empty. There's just this unnatural silence now that scares me a little...
Crappy few days,

I got followed by some guys at the station last night. Freaked the living hell out of me/ This happens so often now, what is it about me that attracts these losers?

Also, it feels so weird now that the house is empty. There's just this unnatural silence now that scares me a little...

Hire a bodyguard to protect your celebrity.

But seriously, being followed by guys at night is an incredibly bad situation. Treat it as seriously as it is.
You know what was weird? When they spoke to me they were nice. You always know that when the houso guys are nice they're planning to do something to you.
Well, they're certainly not up to anything good, that's for sure.
Originally Posted by CptStern

I do solemly swear that i am up to no good.

Also, sitting my MCRCWA test again this wednesday. Gonna shit it in lol.

thwoom thwoom thwoom
lol thanks guys.

Just got back. Today was Registration.

Tomorrow is Math & Language Arts Writing/Essay
Wednesday is Science, Social Studies and Language Arts Reading.

God damn man... I should have ****ing worn long sleeves! It's like 45 degrees out and it's really windy so it feels like 35-40. Wouldn't be so bad if I was moving around, but I'm sitting doing nothing waiting for the bus each time 30 minutes. AGH! Was freezing my ass off out there... been too long in Texas and now I'm soft, unable to cope with colder weather like it was in Alaska.

I'm home now though... all nice and toasty warm, registered and ready to fail.

When I complete the tests, it'll take about 14-21 days before I get the scores back.
Enjoy getting sick or developing diabetes. lol
Enjoy your NON CHOCOLATE milk lol.

Holy shit, those are so ****ing bitchawesome. Haven't had them since primary school, one of my friends always brought them for lunch and I'd skive some off him. Mum would never get me any cause they were too expensivo... ****ing only childs. :(
Mailing you some now.

Anyway my mouth is ****ing numb, so now I'm unable to yell at anyone for the next hour. Tooth does not feel right being in my mouth. I miss my old one. Son of a bitch charged my mom like $165 just because he's an asshole (****ing fired her just so his daughter would have a job there? Blow me asshole). Relieved that I didn't have to go to school today, girl would have been armed with jokes for a month. The cute ones are always such assholes deep down. Oh yes. :naughty:
I'm starting to get another cold bu annoyingly, even if it gets worse, I can't take time off because college has management in at the moment inspecting the lessons. We don't know when it's gonna be, we just know it's gonna be some time this week. F*ck you, management!! :frown: :sniper:
I've decided I'm going to bed. I really don't feel well. And if I'm not well tomorrow then management can stuff it if eveyone isn't in. They're not gonna stop me from staying off.
My damn head aches right now. I still will kill non-functional painkillers.
Sold my first gig ticket today

eeeeeeeeeee! :cheese:
I'm gonna leave you guys for a while

Noticed after I got my tooth fixed that it's pure white while the rest of my teeth look staindish. I need you guy's suggestions on how to stain my teeth by tomorrow. It's going to be awkward walking into school, smiling and hearing "hey jackass you have one white tooth LOLOLOLOL NIGGA YOU CRAZY".
Now I can't sleep. I went to bed before like I said I was goint to and I sleep-dozed for a while. But then I woke up and because my cold is still really bad I can't get back to sleep. Oh well, I'll just hang out here fo a bit; might watch a DVD as well.
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