Strife Lately 1+2

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I ended up getting my drum set that I was going to be getting for Christmas early. So that's awesome. And it is awesome.
After looking up all of the injuries in Blitz: The League 2, I'm never setting foot outside again.
Today (well, technically yesterday now) was fukken amazing. Started with me snowboarding with a girl i like, all alone on the slopes (there were like 10 other guys in the entire ski resort). Then came home and ate delicious italian food, then played some games and jerked off to amazing porn. Then a girl came to my house and we chilled, then we went to the club i always hang out at and we met up with a few other girls. I was the only guy there(in our group), and after a few drinks we were all talking naughty things, i squezed out a few secrets about their sexuality from each and one of them. Got a bit physical. Enjoyed the best fukken music evar, then kissed them bye and walked home and what happens? A ****ing car drives through a water puddle splashing that shit ALL OVER ME. FFS THIS WAS THE ONE PERFECT DAY IN THIS GOD FORSAKEN WORLD FILLED WITH FILTH AND EVIL THAT MAKES ME WISH I WAS NEVER BORN, WHY U GOTTA **** IT UP LIKE THAT?!?!!

Anyway, got home, laughed my ass off at the internet, jerked off, went batshit to my music (the good batshit kind), and now im about to make a pizza and watch the best show ever created: South Park. Then i will jerk off once more and fall asleep like a prince whos dad was just assassinated.

Suck my dick
I was gonna tell you how today was really great, my best day ever in fact, and then Ravioli took a shit all over it.

Anyway, I can't keep her out of my mind lately, and I gotta wonder when I'll see her again.
Man, how many busses do you have to take to get there!?

This made me laugh IRL. Yeah but really, how do you spell it? Just got home from work. Almost got into a fight with a drunk guy who lost his jacket and blamed me.
I just don't understand what you're asking? Are you asking how to spell busy?

I love babysitting. I get paid to watch tv, play video games, and watch movies with chill kids.
I love babysitting. I get paid to watch tv, play video games, and watch movies with chill kids.

(yeah, you really deserve it this big)

It was hardly pedo at all, and I can't imagine any amount of pedo deserving that unholy image

Edit: oh lawl emp
My right front tooth just got ****ing destroyed for the third time. There is no way in **** I am going back to school.
"[Friend], let go of my ****ing hand."


/me jerks hand back

"Ow you busted my god damn lip you ass, y-wait what's this hard thOH MY ****ING GOD YOU BROKE MY TOOTH YOU ASSHOLE."
Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth. DO IT.
My right front tooth just got ****ing destroyed for the third time. There is no way in **** I am going back to school.

i feel your pain. a few years back i jumped headfirst into a half- empty swimming pool.
(i didnt know it was half-empty) and smashed my right front tooth. it was new years f***ing
day as well.
damn straight. now i got one of those stupid 'caps'. but i had to wait for two months
to get it fixed, so two f*cking months with no tooth. F*** you shitty african dentalcare.
Just got back from Northam from a Motorcycle Festival. Over 4000 bikes. Pics soon bitches

edit: Holy shit Willeh, that's enough of an excuse to lay the ****er out :p Chipped teeth due to a few scuffles myself mate
damn straight. now i got one of those stupid 'caps'. but i had to wait for two months
to get it fixed, so two f*cking months with no tooth. F*** you shitty african dentalcare.
Those caps aren't worth shit. They only last for so long before they begin to weaken over time.
Woah wait a shitting horse. I'm probably wrong, I just had this plasticy shit grafted and molded into a lower half to replace the broken part of my tooth. What's this cap stuff?
half of my front tooth came off. if you look at it from the front then cut diagonally / thats what iwas left with. they did some mold thing to mine too. and called it a cap. its plasticy too so might be the same
Well shit son. As long as you don't have some asshole ****ing with you or you don't bite with it you don't need to worry about it breaking after it weakens.

Also, I have a bad habit of smiling at people all the damn time for no reason, I need something to cover my mouth until it's fixed.
so in other words im f***ed sooner or later. *sigh* anyway i need to clean my pool
today, covered in damn slime, need to scrub that shit off.
I chipped my tooth a while back. Didn't even hit it or anything, I was just fiddling with it cause it felt weird and a piece popped out. Too much candeh, I guess. Dentist just filled it in with filling stuff...
Tired, so very very tired.

Been working 5 days a week with little sleep and little food. Dont know why I keep doing this to myself.

And to add, priest thought it might be fun to embarrass me during mass tonight. He was only playing but...the bastard. Isnt that...cute. Something

SO TIRED! Bed nao
And to add, priest thought it might be fun to embarrass me during mass tonight. He was only playing but...the bastard.
He did naughty things to you, didn't he?

Life is good today. Studied for about 12 hours for an exam and did surprisingly well.
Tired, so very very tired.

Been working 5 days a week with little sleep and little food. Dont know why I keep doing this to myself.

Me too. Except, I've had 2 days off in the past 2 weeks.

Work in an hour for 9 hours. ****.
I just spent a lot of money on cake for someone's birthday. I forgot how darn expensive cake is at restaurants. Crap.....

I guess it'll double as a Christmas present. I ain't got no moneys :eek:
Granddad died three days ago. Tough week. And an exam coming up that I haven't had proper time to study for on account of that.
Sorry to hear that dude. RIP man I never knew but was probably crotchety and awesome because he was a grandfather.
I had a dream I was trying to surf big waves but kept wiping out. But then I got a medium sized one that was toppling 3x as fast and I went about 50 mph across and people clapped.
I had a dream where I went to school and had a really boring and unmemorable day. I hate it when that happens.

The night before I dreamed there was some sort of water monster in a pool I was at, though.
I had a dream I was having my legs waxed. But instead of wax on the strips, they were using shaving cream.

It wasn't very effective.
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