Strife Lately 1+2

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I just found a piece of chicken skin in my chicken ramen. Yeah, natural foods ftw but do they really have to show it this way?
Would you rather the alternative?

Today is my last day of work.

I will be so poor soon ;(.


[edit] Oh god Stigmata..
My roommate just burst in dramatically and asked me if i wanted a piece of wienershnitzel in a horrible German accent.

That is EASILY the best and most appropriate use of the word "awesome" I will hear today.
2 hours of sleep yesterday makes me well rested. 7 hours of sleep today makes me tired as shit.
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You are an evil sob pi.

One of the reason i keep coming back.
i don't see the big thing with drinking not against them but it's not something i'd do usually because i'd just rather drink at my own pace and enjoy the party by talking/having sex with drunk broads.

The game fell apart so fast, we started adding all these stupid rules.. It was pretty much impossible NOT to get a shot.. We got to like square 30/100 on the snakes and ladders, then everyone just got distracted and just.. drank.


Pretty much the whole night. It was all documented, but the rest is private ;)

BTW that beer tasted like ass.
You got drunk on Bud Light? What I'd give to be able to become inebriated so cheaply. Curse my Irish blood...
You got drunk on Bud Light? What I'd give to be able to become inebriated so cheaply. Curse my Irish blood...

No, but the 26oz of vodka got me ****ed up (the big clear bottle... It was green apple.. That's what all the pop was for).

I'm also half Irish :) That counts for something, right?
You got drunk on Bud Light? What I'd give to be able to become inebriated so cheaply. Curse my Irish blood...

No, but the 26oz of vodka got me ****ed up (the big clear bottle... It was green apple.. That's what all the pop was for).

I'm also half Irish :) That counts for something, right?

Ok just drink until you forget what you were doing in the first place.
Poutine is a Canadian thing.

You better **** off right now.
He's talking about the blindness-inducing potato liquor, not your pile of fries.
Ok good.

Leave me and my pile of gravy and cheese covered fries ALONE.
It was an old man looking for a Richard Kelley (no Richards in our family), it was someone he fought with in Pearl Harbor..

He was looking for some asshole who he got into a bar brawl with that stole his wallet back on December 6th, 1941.

When I told my friend about it, I concluded it with "My dad called him back and said 'Yeah, this is Richard, how are you buddy?'"
"And then sent him a letter simply saying- 'PSYCH!!'"
A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti.
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