Strife Lately 1+2

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Well it's an important message, so good. In your head in your head.
I just ate corn flakes from a really dirty bowl. I had no idea it was dirty until I noticed some of last night's taco salad in it.

My new 21.5" monitor is in route to my house as of 7:46:52 EST this morning. I have to go to work in 30 minutes and I don't trust my brother to accept it without having the urge to open it.

/me skips work.
Well, I took a MASSIVE step today and told my mum I'm bi. She was surprised of course but accepting.
She didn't but if I told my dad he might kick me out! (He's very homophobic)
She didn't but if I told my dad he might kick me out! (He's very homophobic)

Just time it so that he walks in on you during coitus with another woman or man (whatever you are).

I assure you that the resulting embarrassment will 100% of the time work only 50% of the time in getting you out of hostile situations.
lol, what difference does it even make. It's not like you have sex with either gender.
Well, I took a MASSIVE step today and told my mum I'm bi. She was surprised of course but accepting.

My conversation with Ma about this one:

Me: "Hey Ma, I'm bi."

Ma: "Okay."

Me: "Sweet."

/continue eating.
I got Logitech X-530 5.1 speaker system for free today. Previous owner didn't need them anymore. :thumbs:
I have two cheesy gordita crunches and I'm playing a show later, **** yeah!
Dekstar and meself have just figured a way to beat the gay system so sexual acts do not make us gay. We are awesome.
I hate working on Thursdays. Its the only day I'm actually busy with homework and yet it seems to be the only day I ever get scheduled.
He rick rolled people in image dump i think.

Rick roll. It moves around your screen. And wont go away at first when you finnaly hit the x. You have been warned.
Why the hell has Krynn been banned?

Because he's an idiot and a dick.

Also a while ago I think the rule was made that asking why people were banned is a bannable offence.

Edit: Rizzo, come post that in chat, I dare you.
Why should that be a bannable offence? I dont really see a reason for it unless it further worsens the situation (like reposting Pitz's penis pictures or something like that).
I think I'm probably joking. But, for an example, one time Willie was banned, and two people made a thread asking why.
He rick rolled people in image dump i think.

Rick roll. It moves around your screen. And wont go away at first when you finnaly hit the x. You have been warned.

Haha. I clicked it. Then I wised up and just held down enter...but then I realized I held enter down for too long. Multiple tabs of the page then opened.
I just got home from a concert and my ex was there and holy mother of **** talk about a stare down.

Although the best part of the evening was when she came up to my friend ronald (The nicest person in the world) and said "Ronald, I dont like you anymore", and Ronald said "Alright thats COOOOOOOOL!". She walked away with the single greatest expression I've ever seen.
He rick rolled people in image dump i think.

Rick roll. It moves around your screen. And wont go away at first when you finnaly hit the x. You have been warned.

Somebody used to have that in their signature. Doesn't seem banworthy tbh.
**** 3 nights of parties in a row.. I'm kind of glad this is the last. It's fun, but ****.. 3 in a row!

We got this snakes and ladders game, except your guy is a shot glass. Should be much fun..

I'm the only one who wanted the shot glass chess set, only $10 but I had no money on me :( everyone around me hates chess, too.
**** 3 nights of parties in a row.. I'm kind of glad this is the last. It's fun, but ****.. 3 in a row!

We got this snakes and ladders game, except your guy is a shot glass. Should be much fun..

I'm the only one who wanted the shot glass chess set, only $10 but I had no money on me :( everyone around me hates chess, too.

i don't see the big thing with drinking not against them but it's not something i'd do usually because i'd just rather drink at my own pace and enjoy the party by talking/having sex with drunk broads.
It's the same old deal since 1916 i think it's in your head, in your head they're still fighting.
I just found a piece of chicken skin in my chicken ramen. Yeah, natural foods ftw but do they really have to show it this way?
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