Strife Lately 1+2

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My friend ronald has been baking some kind of like delicious cake/brownie thing this whole week. gonna get fat.
To further illustrate this whole thing this entire week for reasons beyond me he has taken 2 hours out of the night to prepare gigantic brownies which consist of brownie topped with marshmallows, M&Ms, Chocolate Syrup, and Chocolate Fudge. With chocolate chips inside the brownies.

Today he made them with peoples initials on them.
This 'cake' is a fabrication and alteration of the truth, good sirs.
I failed hard today. Called this girl and told her I liked her, didn't want to. Wanted to make a move when we hung out but that won't be for two weeks and this dbag may steal her. After I told her, her exact words were "Yeah, Matt sorta told me already...I'm gonna go make a sandwich, cya later."

The f***?
That looks like shes uncomfortable talking about it, which may unfortunately mean shes not into you dude :(
That's what you get for being 17.

No Adrik, it definitely means she's not into him.
Past relationships suck.
I also know why I ****ed up an entire year... by ****ing up all chances with the opposite sex by practically rejecting them for no logical reason.

Positive environment?

I do believe this thread is called "strife lately".

There is no room for positive environment when whiny kids feel like talking about how they got rejected by bitches who make sandwiches for themselves instead of men.
In typical ironic fashion, once the repairman got here the problem had resolved itself overnight. I now have internets.

I am once again free to spread e-hate without having to take a trip to the Alameda County library.
Awesome my woman got accepted into the same college as me. Now we'll both be pretentious art students and tell each other that our movies suck and the relationship will come crashing down in a GIGANTIC BALL OF FIRE.

College is gonna be awesome.
Awesome my woman got accepted into the same college as me. Now we'll both be pretentious art students and tell each other that our movies suck and the relationship will come crashing down in a GIGANTIC BALL OF FIRE.

College is gonna be awesome.
Oh sweet now I have a new goal in life.
I found my Colbert Christmas avatar, but I've grown attached to my Comedian avatar. OH GOD, CONFLICT.
I threatened to kill somebody and they thought I was serious, is this a bad?
In hindsight doing so while holding the bloody knife was probably a bad idea eh?
That was a bad. I keep a mental list of people who I can jokingly threaten to kill, and you should never add any one to the list unless you know them very well.
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