Strife Lately 1+2

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it's snowing bad outside...if i took the time I could easily shovel my driveway and get to work, but since im lazy, im going to make a lame excuse....ive already used im sick so i need another one...

halp me plz.

Because everyone else is quoting you.
it's snowing bad outside...if i took the time I could easily shovel my driveway and get to work, but since im lazy, im going to make a lame excuse....ive already used im sick so i need another one...

halp me plz.

Because everyone else is getting an infraction for quoting this.
it's snowing bad outside...if i took the time I could easily shovel my driveway and get to work, but since im lazy, im going to make a lame excuse....ive already used im sick so i need another one...

halp me plz.

Atleast I actually tried to halp him.
Atleast I actually tried to halp him.
Halp me... halp you. Halp me, halp you.

im going to say i had to go to school for something (i usually don't have class wednesdays) but the roads are really bad so i wont be able to make it in.

My shift is really crappy anyways only 2-6 lol
Where do you work?

part time at some really crappy plant warehouse. I pretty much do bitch work all day..empty the warehouse garbage...make boxes, unload trucks etc..

Because of school I only work 2 times a week so it's just pocket money.
Dude only 2-6? Just go work that shit.

Man, I work at a grocery store, I bag groceries and get carts outside (rain, snow, sun, whatever, I have to go out), and 4 hours doesn't seem like much, but when you're doing really shitty work, it feels like forever.

He's lucky though that he works just 2 days a week, I work 8 hours both Saturdays and Sundays, and I work 5 hours after school almost every day.. I feel lucky when I get a 4 hour shift tbh.
He is Comrade Sean duh.

^I only work four hours at a time, usually three.
Man, I work at a grocery store, I bag groceries and get carts outside (rain, snow, sun, whatever, I have to go out), and 4 hours doesn't seem like much, but when you're doing really shitty work, it feels like forever.

He's lucky though that he works just 2 days a week, I work 8 hours both Saturdays and Sundays, and I work 5 hours after school almost every day.. I feel lucky when I get a 4 hour shift tbh.

yea in the summer i used to work 8-10 hour shifts 4 times a week. Pretty decent shifts too, 12-8 or 10-8, so i can work during the day and still have free time at night which is when most of my friends go out anyway.

School just ruins everything , and now im poor lol
Recently this site I visit has been going up and down like an accordion and I feel compelled to try and be among the first posters when it returns to life.
Oh man, went out last night, there was this really hot chick, everyone was trying to get her all night.

So she just messaged me on msn wanting to go out again tonight.

yes. yes. yes.
I need breakfast.

Putting up the clothes right now. Goddamnit clothes dry yourselves why don't you.
It's like uncovering an ancient civilization, left untouched for like an hour or so. We're the brave few archaeologists gathering around the artifacts left behind and making guesses at what the strange markings on the walls mean.

well from what I've seen so far they weren't the brightest civilization.
Remember when I was Dog--, then Cave Canem, then Dog-- again.

That was koo.
Starting emails with "Gentlemen," is the most fulfilling experience obtainable through email
From now on I will always start my posts and mails with Gentlemen.


You're both wrong. I will eat 3 large bags of Skittles with no punishment from the Skittle Gods.

the time for action has come. Make ready the dogs of loose war. May God have mercy on our souls. Do your country proud, and ask not what your country can do for you. Feel her warmth envelop you. A tightening of the buttocks. Yes we can.

I pronounce your name Fair-oh lay spare-oh.

Is that right?
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