Strife Lately - II

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Kula Meenur

Dec 17, 2006
Reaction score
To continue on with Madagascar's orginal.

Originally Posted by Madagascar->
Life Lately!

...just felt like sharing. Tips? Advice?

Or just post about your own life if it is not boring.

What's been happening in your life lately?


- Split up with my girlfriend of four years, you fellas know that and have supported me through the worse stages for which i am incredibly indetted

- Re-contracted six of seven sponsers for the next racing season, buying a backup CBR soon

- Brother contacted by important bloke in ukraine with information about family

- Learning a new art form

- Aunties tourist VISA still in the works

Have at it!
:( :( I am sorry to hear about your old lady. I did not know that
I guess the fights you two were having didn't really resolve themselves then. Sorry to hear that, mate.

Now I may have a chance...

With Koola, I mean.
Let's elope *hops on the back of koola's bike and we ride away into the Australian sunset*
We'd roast marshmallows and ravage each other's assholes with our dicks.
His Ex-gf was an 80 year old she-male hooker which he found on E-bay imo.
D: You're not a girl?!

Not anymore.

and samuraikendick's post reminded me of a joke, which I think I stole from here- What's the best part about sex with eighty one year olds?

There's eighty of 'em WOOHOO

- Getting a lot of design work done for Half-Life 2: Wars
- Some upcoming improvements to in the works ;)
- Got busted by my university RAs for drinking underage in the dorms last night

PS: Stay on topic people! This thread is already spam-infested, even by HL2net standards. You've been warned.
Hey hey, there weren't any posts that weren't in reply to at least one other person's post, right? Is taht really off-topic?

So anyway, you wanna hear about my life? My friend just told me over MSN that the manager wanted me in early tomorrow, and to come at ten- when I usually come in at nine-thirty on mondays :/
I hope Silicon Knights studio burns down, and everyone that had a hand in making Too Human ****ing drops dead. This unholy abomination they call a game deserves to be cast into the deepest, darkest pits of hell, never to return.

That's my strife lately.
Hey hey, there weren't any posts that weren't in reply to at least one other person's post, right? Is taht really off-topic?

So anyway, you wanna hear about my life? My friend just told me over MSN that the manager wanted me in early tomorrow, and to come at ten- when I usually come in at nine-thirty on mondays :/

Time goes counter-clockwise on the west coast.
Oh that's right, and I forgot about daylight savings... what is it, spring forward, fall on your ass?
Hey hey, there weren't any posts that weren't in reply to at least one other person's post, right? Is taht really off-topic?

So anyway, you wanna hear about my life? My friend just told me over MSN that the manager wanted me in early tomorrow, and to come at ten- when I usually come in at nine-thirty on mondays :/

Is that a set up?

edit: oh rite soz mate :eek:
Eh, I guess I have to post how my life is going instead of random posts...

To start off with i'm still on my pain pills from my car accident, that have ceased to cover the pain anymore. This girl that I started talking to because of my accident and I want to date because she's amazing (1. because of her personality and 2. because she's amazing in bed. Or in the car.) has decided that she wants to not date because she's friends with my ex and the girl doesn't want my ex to spread vicious rumors about her at school and ruin her final year. So basically my life is in the shits right now and i'm trying to figure out a way to convince the girl to talk to my ex so we can date.
so thats the trend basically. we post in everything till we run out of things to say then when someone revives one we all jump on it.
I read OP, then this, then OP again. What old lady? Surely you don't mean his ex gf.

Nope, his old lady. He's keeps her in the garage. She was only 19.95 but she was a little dysfunctional for what he was looking for, I guess he returned her.
Should be fine. And then I can check out Disneyworld while I'm down there!
That and Universal Studios! Halloween Horror Nights is going on right now as a matter of fact.
Exams in three days. Stuying hard.
Exams soon.
Loving my girl.
School is shit.
I need too do some more working out.
I heard funny joke.

You know you're R. Kelly when you can't play guitar, but you've managed to break a G string while fingering A minor.

I lol'd profusely.
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