Strife Lately - II

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High School Certificate.

You take the HSC marks, shove them in the University Admissions Company/Commission/Whatever, and out pops your University Admissions Index, which tells you where you can go (based on your raw marks)
No work today. Guys messed up deliveries. Im gonna buy a new computer and then play gta for the rest of the day on my ps3. Awesome.
Eff you and your Melbourne shuffle.
I don't know what I'm going to do in the two minutes before Top Gear starts. I'll just hope that it comes on by the time I finish this post. But if it doesn't... well I just don't know.

edit: well what do you know, it did.
Today is gonna suck.

/me spends all day doing schoolwork
I managed to get through Freshers Week without catching the dreaded Freshers Flu but now I'm into the full work routine I manage to catch a freaking cold!

I feel like shit and tomorrow I have 8 hours of lectures from 9 till 6 ;( That's more hours than some people have in an entire week :frown:
I'm always so fxcking tired now a days

its all sleep, sleep, sleep!
I really don't know. Im gonna have to come back to you. But he showed me some test vids and shit and they looked good.

I think all and all, it should have cost me around 800 dollars.
I gave 250.

2500 kr that is, I don't know what the dollar is. Im just guessing.
I really don't know. Im gonna have to come back to you. But he showed me some test vids and shit and they looked good.

I think all and all, it should have cost me around 800 dollars.
I gave 250.

2500 kr that is, I don't know what the dollar is. Im just guessing.

SURPRISE! You just bought a microwave.
What is kr? Kredits? Kredentials? Krynns?

Where are you located?
Kronor. Crowns. Swedish currency.

We also accept Krynns.

Edit: I'll try to find out the specs tomorrow. Then you guys can tell me if I got screwed or not. Right now I gtg.
I wanted to plug in my new computer and try it out damn it! But working calls. I have to take all the shit I can while I can.
2500 kr is roughly $350. That's kind of cheap for a computer...
Well i said it was a bargin. Specs tomorrow. Tell me then if i should go back and kick his ****** ****.
The ******'s **** :p

Lol just re-introduced myselfto Steam after almost 4months of neglect.
Gah, finally Koola. Now accept my friendship. It's been sitting at the bottom of my friends tab, annoying me.
I just tore down a wall in my garage using falcon punches.
I think I might've gotten screwed out of a job because of a mailing system error that occurred four days ago. I only just found out right now. I'm so goddamned angry I can't see straight. My resume was perfect. My cover letter was perfect. But because whoops, combined my attachments were over 150kb, they didn't get delivered. And because I went out with my friends to celebrate a birthday over the weekend, I didn't end up checking it until just now. It's been like five days since the job listing. I think I might be ****ed. I can only hope that a selection wasn't made over the weekend.

Every day without a job I'm going mad. Unreasonably mad. It's literally hell what I've been putting up with the past three months; I just haven't talked about it on the forums 'cause I'd feel like I was Livejournaling or something. But I just have to vent now, because if I seriously lost this job because of a goddamned mailer daemon, I think a bit of my sanity might crack. Getting any job would get me out of my situation right now, but prospects aren't too high even if you have a degree and experience, that's just the way it is right now. But this job, I was perfect for it, and believe when I say that it's a job most people'd kill to do.

And now it might be out of reach. God ****ing damn it. Times like this I wish I was a praying man so I could pray, but I think if I was a praying man right now I'd just curse God instead.
Our thoughts are with you Darkie, you can do eet!

Hope your job situation goes ok. I doubt the company would've made a selection over the weekend... because people don't usually work on weekends?

I realized today that one of my old friends might actually have turned into a jerk. Usually I make excuses for people but I'm running out of plausible excuses. It's a shame; he used to be really nice. Oh well.
- Struggling with school because of lack of dedication and drive. Need serious help before life and job becomes stagnant piece of shit.
It's like life but with more pain and suffering.
That would be sprife.

This is life with more troubles and suffering.
I'm going to bite the bullet and ask this girl out tomorrow. I find it depressing that I've been such a pussy about it.

-Been working on my RX-7. I now have a list of what I need to do. Replace the turbo that is in there with a working one that already has a ported wastegate...stupid shitty turbo. Also isntalled my S-AFC and now have full control over my air/fuel mixture. Just gotta learn how to use it. Block off the OMP so I can stop leaking small amounts of oil! This is gonna be expensive and hair pulling outable.

-Do I have a kid on the way? Let's hope not, he would be fvcked up.
Getting a 12 string acoustic in a few days.. It's black.

**** yea, you fags.
-Science grade is going down the shitter, desperately trying to fix it

-I become eligible for a learner's permit tomorrow, will probably get it Saturday

-I lost my phone. Shit.

-Gotta take the PSATs tomorrow. Bleh.

-Concerning her: I should be able to see her in a few weeks. I hope she's there. I will not miss another chance
I named my robot costume Robert, he's sitting on the spare bed of my dorm room. He's some of the only human company I have left here.

I found out that it's just our vice president and myself left as far as leadership goes for this zoo activity. Oh well.

I have to read a book for a course about the challenges of death. I'm sick of thinking about dying and I think I'm the only one in that class that really is deep in thought over the material. :/

I'm reading this book too but out of fun:
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