Strife Lately - II

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Oh, crap.

Anyway, still studying. Exam in two days. Eep.
I'm going to bite the bullet and ask this girl out tomorrow. I find it depressing that I've been such a pussy about it.
I'm working on mine as well, I want to know how you do even though this is the first i've heard of it.

-Do I have a kid on the way? Let's hope not, he would be fvcked up.
You should have either stuck it in her pooter or came on her chest. I thought you knew better!

-I become eligible for a learner's permit tomorrow, will probably get it Saturday
**** me, you're 15?

I'm reading this book too but out of fun:
For some reason I thought this book was fake because of Andy Bernard that went to Cornell. D:
Anyway, still studying. Exam in two days. Eep.
G'luck mate! People seemed to do pretty well last year, either because they were more lenient in the marking or that year was freakishly smart.

Well, either way, they'll rape you this year.
They're resetting the English syllabus next year! It means they might spring some nasty bullshit on us in the exams now! ;_____;
Bah, English is/was useless. I had all my essays pre-prepared and only changed it ever so slightly to fit the question better.
Lol that's what I'm doing right now. Friggin' Telling the Truth essay.
Oh man I hated Telling the Truth. I loved Frontline, but man, my essay for it sucked ass. In fact, it was either in the trials or the actual exam, can't remember, but the question asked for a speech format and I was totally unprepared.

Well, whatever. G'luck man, when's your final exam?

Hard to believe the rest of your life will be decided in two weeks, eh?
Just finished another shift at work. My hands are cut up to buggery :(
Might be getting paid off because of the crunch. \o/

Oh, hang on /o\
Got my practice statistics exam tomorrow morning, haven't studied
I came to the realization today that my brain rarely works right. I am in effect frequently a complete idiot who lacks brain activity.
Uni's the best it's gonna get. It's all downhill after that.

Everyone says that... I'd agree that freshman year was great, but after that, it just gets to be a long horrible drag. Depending on what major you're in.
I came to the realization today that my brain rarely works right. I am in effect frequently a complete idiot who lacks brain activity.

That means that the Mad Cow Disease is working properly. I mean... uh.. Who wants gravy?
You know what you should do? Take her to a dinner and a movie. It may seem old fashion, but you really get to know her at dinner and if you played your cards right, you might get a smooch during the movie.

But you shouldn't limit your time seeing her to just at school. If you want to start dating her, make it a smooth transition from where you are now, to dating.

/2 cents
That's all I have in my wallet. I'm investing all my money into Willie, don't fail!
Whenever someone has an abortion debate, say this:
As a former fetus I don't support it, but shit happens.
Seen it on another forum and just loled.
Trying to write an essay that' a week late, but I'm battling huge writer's block. Luckily our board has abolished lates on assignments :thumbs:
Just got my liscence. Plus it's a 4 day weekend.

I have so many games I need to play!
HSC exams start tomorrow. Been trying to study all holidays. Actually I've studied more for these exams then I have before in any other exam. Hope they go well. After this I've finished School forever! :D
HSC exams start tomorrow. Been trying to study all holidays. Actually I've studied more for these exams then I have before in any other exam. Hope they go well. After this I've finished School forever! :arms:

(technically they started today but I'm guessing neither me or Musk do Business Studies)
Picking up Dead Space later after school. I'll be out 60 when Gears 2 comes around, unless the old games I have are worth something.
I feel like a hacker with my new computer. I just downloaded Winamp and Firefox at the same time.

**** yeah. Still don't know about the specs, but they are enough for me thou. So im satisfied.
I got a 120gig zune yesterday and im enjoying it a bunch so far.

Also, just downloaded the Album "Enjoy Eternal Bliss" By Yndi Halda, and I think its probably the most beautiful thing I've ever heard ever.
Life is bad for me
The bitch (a.k.a my mother) has me doing 2 weeks worth of shot in THREE DAYS
And then bitches at me because i'm behind!
Gah last time i even had a remotely personal thought was about 4 months ago

God someone kill me -_-
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