Strife Lately - II

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I noticed a red patch at the back of my mouth 2 weeks ago and its still freaking there, and when you get anxiety, small things like that will drive you insane. But dentist checkup in a few weeks should resolve any issues I may have.

Other than that, the prospects for my band are better than ever now that we have found a stupidly talented bassist, making that the SEVENTH bassist we have had. But demo recording this weekend in L33ds, then three awsome gigs to lead up to christmas :D So if my band is going well, I am happy lol.
I just got rickrolled on TV.
Digital channel too/Not cable
I've had another rough week, and another one coming up...but the Tampa Bay Rays came through and ****ed the Red Sox!!! **** Yeeeeaaaahh!!!
World Series! :D

Shitting myself in fear and anticipation currently.
Just picture her naked. Actually, that might make you jump on and try to hump... Uh, imagine her doing aerobics. Now that i'm looking back at that last statement, **** all that and don't think about, become one with Nike and just do it.
Report cards were good. What the ****. :|

World Series! :D

Just picture her naked. Actually, that might make you jump on and try to hump... Uh, imagine her doing aerobics. Now that i'm looking back at that last statement, **** all that and don't think about, become one with Nike and just do it.
Indeed my good man. I've eased up about the girl though. I figure a friendly smile here and there can prove to be a good way of indirectly stating the obvious. Obviously.

Now time for you to make an honest woman of your girl. Or squirrel.

Working on that as we... type. I have to break my ex from my current lady friend. Which might take a while, but at least my ex made the first move.

It's like playing chess with real people.
My ex is trying to be best friends with the girl that i'm talking to. Basically she plans to make me look like a bad person because i'm talking to her best friend.

I probably should have said "pry apart" instead of "break". :/
Ah. The "I ****ing hate you so I'm going to talk shit behind your back because I'm a dickhat like that scrounger ******" type.

Good luck bro. You'll need it to face the Bitch Sister of Baldur.
Exactly. What's worse is that she's a manipulative little brat that makes everyone believe she's done no wrong. She sent me a message asking if we could be friends about 20 minutes ago and brilliance is still all over my keyboard from the message that I sent back.

I never knew it tasted like Cheetos.
You sent her stale Cheetos? Nice.

Looking over my report card, I got a mark for "excessive and unnecessary talking.
Bitch. Show the girl who you are and let your personality and actions speak for you, not that bitchcock's lies and slander.
I sorry. :)

That's what I was thinking. She asked if we could start hanging out, so I told her that hanging out with our mutual friends would be fine because the ex would most likely show the lady friend the message. If I said that I never wanted to see her ****ing face again, that would make me look like a bad person.
Dats mah boy.

Just received a new phone after my last one went through the spin cycle several times. Cannot make or receive calls unless they are "emergencies" according to the display.
On the new or old phone? If it's the new phone I'd throw it in the spin cycle for a couple of rounds...
Going to see Coldplay in concert tonight! :D

Got course work to do though...
**** them both. thats what I always do. That's all they really want.
Wanted Bob, YOU'RE DEAD!


Yeah, she's a nice girl. Met her workin at Rebel sport, there must be a company contract that only allows hot and fit chicks to work at that store. ****in' lovely legs...even better smile :)
I was referring to the operation in which your (girl)friend was changed into a girl.

I have no idea what DEATHMASTER is talking about though. But I laughed at his "oh no" thing.
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