Strife Lately - II

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- Sticking my head in the sand about my dissertation, need to slap myself and get a meeting sorted so I know what the hell im doing.

- Got a timed essay this week, started monday, due in monday next week. 1600 words, and its THE hardest question to understand ive ever recieved simply because I dont know what half the words mean. Having a meeting with the lecturer at 2 today to talk about it.

50p fine this morning for failing to hand in a book to the Uni library last night (Was a one day book). Freezed my ass off walking to Uni at 9am.

- Bumped into an ex in the refectory whilst getting coffee, that was awkward, all I could think about was how amazing she looked and how I hadnt showered this morning yet (sprang out of bed and got changed quick as I realised I hadnt handed the book back into the library), luckily I was wearing a beanie and big coat.

- Need to kick my ass and go out and job hunt as I only have lectures on a monday this semester.

- Gotta sort out myself at the helpdesk later to see if I can get these bursaries due at the end of the month for all students that enrolled for their 3rd year. ?300 into your account, yes please.
I thought i was in the clear for saving for Poland, then I find out I'm now paying a $120 computer repair bill :x
Wanted Bob, YOU'RE DEAD!


:LOL: Whoops.

And cheers to you Koola, hope everything goes well :)

Yeah, she's a nice girl. Met her workin at Rebel sport, there must be a company contract that only allows hot and fit chicks to work at that store. ****in' lovely legs...even better smile :)

I think I might have IBS.
I was referring to the operation in which your (girl)friend was changed into a girl.

I have no idea what DEATHMASTER is talking about though. But I laughed at his "oh no" thing.
I was referring to the doctor that did his girlfriend (har) is the same doctor you used....


I'm drinking a mix of pickle juice and ginger ale. It's surprisingly good, but it seems like I'll get rather ill if I drink too much.
1) World of Goo demo was awesome. Hope to get my Wii online up soon.
3) Cross Country is over tomorrow! YAY!
Hanging off a metal support thing between a double door entrance at school today like a stripper pole, showing my ass for a girl, put all my away from it, ripped it right out.

I'm strong for a sawn off little bastard. Good thing my fingers are like a screw driver too, school staff will never know. :p
It feels like i'm in high school again. Drama around every corner and there is nothing I can do about it.
Playing oasis songs and being very bored

I tried the Endwar demo, was sort of meh. Being limited to certain words and phrases sort of ruins the whole experience, and whenever it doesn't exactly understand what I said it screams into my ear "WE CAN'T DO THAT SIR" or immediately attacks.
Playing oasis songs and being very bored

I tried the Endwar demo, was sort of meh. Being limited to certain words and phrases sort of ruins the whole experience, and whenever it doesn't exactly understand what I said it screams into my ear "WE CAN'T DO THAT SIR" or immediately attacks.

You kidding me it's just like real life. If the American troops can't understand you they automatically attack :p
I developed an internal monologue long ago with Devastating Dave the Turntable Slave.

It could be why all I hear is techno/house music. That or my iPod.
The voice in my head seems to be the voice of Samuel Witwer. ****ing cracker ass Sith apprentice.

No one came to school today except for like 7 other people. Much fun was had stacking chairs in the gym.
Dave asks if there was a giant orgy in said gym.

I've been stuck on Fable 2 for the past 3 days and before that going to Howl-o-Scream on Sunday. In total i've acquired 13 hours of sleep within the past 82 hours. My mind is ****ed.
I was hoping Blockbuster would have Fable 2 and Fracture, but the ******s don't carry them yet. No Dave, there was no orgy (unless you count the chairs).
Cross country is over. I will never run more than 30 yards again..... until next year.
Found roommate this morning snuggling with my lady friend.

Don't know how to feel about this.
I actually played so much guitar today that my hand hurts when I move it.

I'll try not to do 3+ hours of barre chords on a 12 string from now on (brutal).

Good thing is, I went to ye ol electric and learned Witch Hunt (easy peasy) and Take a Friend both by Rush. Awesome.
I'm feeling really stressed about college at the moment. I keep thinking maybe I should switch to a different course (I'm doing childcare at the moment). I'm thinking about doing Media because a lot of people have told me I could be a journalist but I did Media last year as part of my SWL (Skills for Working Life) course and it wasn't great. I'm also getting paranoid that people in class have been saying things about me and all this stress is not helping my IBS.
I'd say recently things haven't been going to well for me. Thank God it's half-term now so I've got a week on my own and/or with my mates.
Raped the legal exam, except for multiple choice. WHAT THE **** ASK ABOUT ENGLISH LEGAL HISTORY **** YOU BOARD OF STUDIES D<
I... I just saw a letter from my Grandma to my dad on the counter in the kitchen, and it was a tiny little letter and I couldn't help but look at it.

It was very short, the bulk of it being, "Pray for god's will in election (can't prevent "End of the World")"

I... I don't know what to say. I'm disappointed in my grandma ;( That was an incredibly ridiculous comment.

I do feel bad for reading it, but I didn't realize what it was until I finished, as it was so short.
Where you work?

On a side note - I got a new avatar, probably the most absolute perfect girl in the world in terms of looks. Any guesses?
I wish I could work as a cashier at a corner store, seems like such an easy job, I work at a grocery store and even then the cashier job seems easy there (I'm not a cashier). I know target is more like a Wal-Mart or something, but still, atleast you'd have alot of easy time, it's pretty much busy 24/7 at my job.. It sucks.
YEAHH!! :D I just aced a Computer networks test.
This, plus my Object oriented programming should offset my poor marks in Control systems and VLSI.

I should have taken Computer Science instead of Electronics. :(
Everything's cool with lady friend. Have 0 feelings for her, but obviously threatens friendships.
I wish I could work as a cashier at a corner store, seems like such an easy job, I work at a grocery store and even then the cashier job seems easy there (I'm not a cashier). I know target is more like a Wal-Mart or something, but still, atleast you'd have alot of easy time, it's pretty much busy 24/7 at my job.. It sucks.

I don't work as a cashier :p

I work on the floor, moving stuff around, ect.
My grandfathers sick again, he just doesnt seem to be getting better...
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