Strife Lately - II

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I got my bottom set of wisdom teeth yanked yesterday.

Now I have a week's supply of vicodin to burn through, yay.
That was the best week of my life. I was in school when mine were yanked, so I went high as the moon all week.
I hate hospital waiting lists. So much.

If blowing up the hospital was a valid solution to my problem, I would go Joker on that mother****er in a second.
Maybe I'm wrong, but I swear that girl is flirting with me or something. Something I've failed to notice lately.
i remember when i had all four of my wisdom teeth yanked at once. Couldn't eat shit. I used my vicodin with glee.
Maybe I'm wrong, but I swear that girl is flirting with me or something. Something I've failed to notice lately.

Flirt back? Also, before you set off in the direction, flirting does not consist of calling her a ******, cracker, and/or any other derogatory term.

Off you go! Oh yeah, don't play the bongo on her tits. I've made this mistake once and will never do it again.
That one's in the air. They can't see that one coming so what you could do is play the arse, then run to the hills.
Got the last of my sponsorship contracts. Have to sit another MCRCWA test in January which means i gotta sit out this next season.

**** schoolies, I'm pretentious.

Seriously though gonna get a part-time job gonna learn to drive gonna work out what these 'girl' things are.
I still got another two exams to go. Software design on Tuesday. Should be interesting to say the least.
My friend says software is piss-easy. I mean, you guys don't even have to do a long-answer section.

Ancient is going to ****ing murder me tommorrow. Pray for my soul.
The biggest thing really is knowing how algorithms work. That's where all the big marks are in the test.
Nah, it's similar though. Too similar. That's why I didn't do it.
I was just playing Zombie Panic Source
It is IMPOSSIBLE to get ANY weapons or ammo from these ****ing hoggers!
I coulden't even get a ****ing MELEE weapon from these pricks!
This whole weekend is gonna be awesome. We're getting more Dexter today. Off for election day. Halloween with mis amigos.
Awesome! :) This time next week I'll be finished :D
It's a Friday night and it is halloween. Yet I have got the flu so Im not going out ;(
You know what's a fun way to start your day? Having a half hour argument with some idiot about Barack Obama not being the anti-christ.
Got my Whamola completely built besides the pickups, they'll be in tomorrow, then I'll have my very own custom built (by me) electric Whamola! YUS!

5 hours straight of building it took, not one bathroom break, water break, or food break. 5 hours of 100% work. It's awesome, can't wait to hear it through an amp.
some die-hard christian guy came up too me today and kept asking me too join this religion, I told him Hail Satan and walked off. he then condemned me too an eternity in hell
I have a medical question :eek:

I got an insect bite earlier this week and there was a swollen part that I accidentally nicked. It started spreading a couple of days ago and the doctor at my university prescribed antibiotic pills and cream, which are apparently for staph infection. I started using both last night, but it looks like it's gotten worse and spreading more. As in, I used to have 10 small bumps around the area but now I can't distinguish the bumps because they've all swelled together and now cover half my left knee. I think it's also started up on my right knee from touching my knees together, even though I don't have any open wounds on my right knee.

Has anyone had staph infection and know how long this is supposed to last? Is it normal for it to continue spreading?
Wait awhile, if it still continues after 3days from using the medication the first time, go see the doctor again.
Have to do a crapload of homework tomorrow. But then, TEAM FORTRESS 2
My band tried out for a thing at school. Went pretty rough, they gave us no time to check for tuning issues or hook up and pedals or anything, and then gave us wtf looks when it sounded strange. Assholes...

We were better than the majority of the people trying out, so we should get a spot
A post in the Strife thread is worth a thousand slit wrists.
Says the person that just posted in the thread. With nothing productive for it.

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