Strife Lately - II

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I'm going to see one of me fave bands now! Woohoo!

I'm buying a shirt, wearing it as soon as I get home, taking sexy pixx, then laughing at all of you for not going to the show with me.

Vegeta, meet me at the Grog Shop if you want to listen to awesome music. It's 2785 Euclid Heights Blvd. Cleveland, OH 44106.

I'm in a blue shirt and dark jeans.

Look for me.

You know my hair!

Debating on whether or not to go to 4chan for the first time ever.


It's a horrible place.

I wasted a year over there, I noticed how my mood rose exponentially after I spent a week away from the site. Nothing but trolls, pseudo intellectuals and Fight Club fanboys.

Only use it for porn.

Nothing else.
Blood actually tastes pretty good. A bit salty, but good.

Nigga please.


Girl is dating some asshole who has been the main cause of a bunch of shit that has gone down at school, which is the same reason she broke up with him before. Really now, what goes through their minds? Women...
I got a minor skin infection earlier that I was prescribed Mupirocin for. After using the ointment a few days, the infection spread to 20x10 cm on my left knee and 6x10 cm on my other one. I thought the infection was spreading.....

Turns out I just have an allergic reaction to Mupirocin. An itchy, stinging, swelling reaction. The reaction is probably worse than the infection ever would have gotten. The rash has stopped swelling but now looks like a bruise in that red splotchy stage that comes after the purple. Ughhhh. This week sucks. It doesn't even feel like a Monday. It feels like a horrible extended nightmare :eek:.

Interestingly though, my rash is now clearly defined in the shape of the gauze I applied over the ointment. So I guess if I ever want to make rashes in picture shapes on my skin I have the means to do that.
This chat is epic.

I don't have strife anymore.
Yeah, I guess there's not strife in my life either.

All my midterms are done for and done exceptionally well. Just need to wait for Thanksgiving so I can stuff myself with turkey. :3
All I have to say is..... Holy shit I love Brighten and Houston Calls.
Just had the Software Design and Development exam. Went more or less ok. Had some trouble with the last question but apart from that ok. One more exam left on Friday and that's Drama and then I'm finished :)
Oh my goodness, my insides.

My bowels are cramping up and I've been feeling bad lately.

With $32 an hour we will not tolerate bitching from you, mister :arms:

Edit: no wait, that was just for one day wasn't it?
So that's the end of school.
Spoilered to help avoid lame.
In a way it's really sad. I was looking around at all them people, and I realised that I'd probably never see them again. Even if I didn't much like them, they're still familiar, still there.
But I dunno, it'll be good to move on, and meet new and probably better people. I'll keep in contact with the people I care about though.
Ugh, whatever. This is a bit D:
Here was my application for a job last week. NOT kidding, either.

****, a wee FYI – I finish up at *** on the 20th of November due to the recent redundancies.

If you’re looking for someone with minimal qualifications but righteous CAD/Revit skills and an awesome stride, then I’m your man. Cars washed/tea made.


Surprisingly, not heard back!
So that's the end of school.
Spoilered to help avoid lame.
In a way it's really sad. I was looking around at all them people, and I realised that I'd probably never see them again. Even if I didn't much like them, they're still familiar, still there.
But I dunno, it'll be good to move on, and meet new and probably better people. I'll keep in contact with the people I care about though.
Ugh, whatever. This is a bit D:

Its always hard to leave school no matter what you think of the people there.

Its only once youve left that you realise how much youll miss these people simply because, like you said, you probably wont see them again. I miss a few of my teachers like mad sometimes in comparison to a few of my current lecturers.

My life right now?

Hmmm...6 day weekends for me making it so hard to actually become motivated to do ANY work or my dissertation. Its like focused work all day monday, then do ***k all tuesday through sunday. For ***k sake.
So that's the end of school.
Spoilered to help avoid lame.
In a way it's really sad. I was looking around at all them people, and I realised that I'd probably never see them again. Even if I didn't much like them, they're still familiar, still there.
But I dunno, it'll be good to move on, and meet new and probably better people. I'll keep in contact with the people I care about though.
Ugh, whatever. This is a bit D:
I think I'm one of the only people who was glad when I finished high school. Happy that most of the ****wits would disappear out of my view for a good while and I could get myself out into the world.
I think I'm one of the only people who was glad when I finished high school. Happy that most of the ****wits would disappear out of my view for a good while and I could get myself out into the world.

No I was very happy to leave as well. I'll keep in touch with friends really I'm just glad it's all over.
I had my first day back in college yesterday and managed to stick it out for the day. I only went in for an hour today then I came home early feeling shit.
Phobie, in case you're wondering, I decided to take your advice and stick with the course.
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